Hunting Bison with the Crow - Hunt Report


Very Active Member
LAST EDITED ON Jan-26-16 AT 06:34PM (MST)[p]I thought I'd share a hunting article I wrote about my last September hunt with the Crow Nation...PM me if you want more information in what I feel is the best kept secret for hunting bison bulls in the lower 48. My hunt was a few weeks after Phil Roberts from Duck Dynasty was there.

Hunting Bison with the Crow
by Brad Vargo

This hunt started as most of my hunts have started, by doing a lot of research. I was working on the preliminary information for a ?how to? lower 48 bison hunting article and I expanded my research to the various Indian Reservations that allow non-tribal members to hunt bison. I was really interested in the opportunities on the Ute Reservation, but unfortunately they have been closed to non-tribal hunters for the past several years. There were several other Indian Reservations that allowed hunting, but they were not recognized by Boone and Crockett Club as having free range herds. Though I have nothing personally against hunting non free range bison, I really wanted to hunt a free range herd. Ever since my unsuccessful 2008 Utah bison hunt on the Henry Mountains, I have always hoped of hunting bison again. One of the reservations that had intrigued me was the Crow Indian Reservation located in Montana.

Information about bison hunting on the Crow was extremely hard to find. All the phone numbers I could find were no longer in service as were several of the email addresses. I all but gave up hope of contacting the Crow when I received a phone call out of the blue several weeks later by a young hunting guide named Chaz Bends. He was forwarded my information by the director of Natural Resources, my only email that apparently made it through to someone. Chaz explained the process of hunting bison on the reservation and how they have hunts for cows, meat bulls, mature bulls, and trophy bulls. To my delight two weeks later, he secured permission for me to hunt a mature bull bison. My approval to hunt had to go through the head of Fish and Game and his superior, the director of the Buffalo Range. Chaz and I quickly setup a date a couple of weeks away in September and he provided me plenty of details about the reservation.

The reservation has approximately 2.3 million acres located within the Montana counties of Bighorn Yellowstone, and Treasure and is home to a free range bison herd of approximately 1,400 animals. Originally in the 1930s, bison were brought from Yellowstone National Park and the National Bison Range of Montana. The herd flourished to approximately 1,500 animals, but tested positive for brucellosis and the herd was eliminated between 1962 and 1966. Their second attempt involved reintroducing 400 animals from Theodore Roosevelt National Park in North Dakota in 1971. The herd has done well and flourished and has remained a brucellosis free herd. The bison on the Crow Reservation primarily occupy about 70,000 acres and are free to cross over into Wyoming. The winter range of the reservation can support around 900 animals and non-tribal hunting has been used the past couple of years as a means of controlling the population.

On the evening of September 11th after securing my bison tag from Tribal Fish and Game, Chaz and I headed to camp. It was a long 4 ? hour drive to camp and we arrived at the cabin late in the night. The next morning after a good breakfast we headed out at first light to glass for bison as I was extremely excited to start seeing some animals. Around mid-morning we located a large herd of several hundred animals 2 ? miles in the distance. So we would not spook the herd, Chaz and I decided to immediately start the stalk on foot. The herd was just off grazing below a large hill and we decided to drop down in a ravine, circle around them, and come in from behind them crawling up over the top of the hill. The stalk worked perfectly and Chaz quickly sized up the bulls and located a nice mature bull with an excellent mane, chaps, and good horns. I quickly looked through the spotting scope and knew that was the bull I came here to harvest. Chaz ranged the bull at 325 yards as I setup and waited for a clear shot. Eventually, the bull walked out of one of the main parts of the herd and presented a shot. I put the cross hairs low behind the front shoulder and touched off a shot with my custom Remington 7mm SAUM loaded with 175 grain partitions. The bull immediately reared onto his back hind legs, spun around in a complete circle and came down on all fours. I immediately touched off a second shot in the same place and the bull collapsed and never moved. Chaz and I went down to my 6 year old bull and I reflected not only how lucky I was to harvest this great animal, but also how privileged I felt to be able to hunt bison with the Crow.












LAST EDITED ON Jan-28-16 AT 10:20AM (MST)[p]LAST EDITED ON Jan-28-16 AT 10:19?AM (MST)

A few more scenery pics...




I keep hoping I draw a Wyoming Bull tag, but have been unable to for 11 years. I've often thought of looking at the Crow Reservation but hadn't heard much info on it.

Great bull 30Hart! Did they happen to give you a score on that elk?

LAST EDITED ON Jan-29-16 AT 11:28AM (MST)[p]I'm not sure on the score. That one might be a dead head they found, but I do know they've taken bulls up there that would be the new Montana State record. Montana won't recognize any of the elk taken because they don't have a season or issue tags or allow non-Tribal members to hunt. My guide takes about 12-15 elk a year, that's all his family eats for red meat.
If you wouldn't mind sending me a pm with price and contact info I'd appreciate it. I got the bison bug after my Henry Mountains cow tag a few years back. Now I really want a gorgeous old bull.
That sounds like a really cool hunt!

Can you please PM me contact info and pricing? I really want to get my dad on a bison hunt. I am sure we wouldn't be doing it this year, but I would love to get something figured out for 2017. He's 65 this year and has always dreamed of doing this hunt.

Thanks guys for the kind comments. My guide received 5 trophy bull permits this year so anyone wanting a real old big buffalo shoot me a PM as last year Doyle received all the trophy bull permits.
Out of curiosity, why don't you just post the contact info/details?
Why do people have to PM you to get it?
Unfortunately most guys aren't serious and I don't want to waste his time. So because he's a friend of mine, I'll prescreen who I send to him. That's why I posted it here for my Monster Muleys family. But you and I both know there are guys that just troll and provide no value in return. This is such a good opportunity right now and he only has limited slots this year so I thought I'd do this article and post it here to give back to the membership. There is no place in the US where one can buy an over the counter bison tag and go hunt free range for a bull. Especially considering they are Boone and Crockett eligible...that says enough...hope this clarifies.
Congratulations on fulfilling a dream hunt! Could I please get the contact and any other info also? Thanks
Would love the contact info and cost for a mature bull if you wouldn't mind sending a pm to me. Great post and review of your hunt. Thanks and Congrats
Could you send me some info on this? I would love to do it but I'm not sure if it's in the cards this year. Maybe but have to see how the rest of my hunt draws go.
What a great adventure. It has been difficult to get contact info for the free range Bison hunt on the Crow reservation. I would like to setup a hunt for my son and myself. Can you send me his contact info.
Hi 30Hart

Great story and well written. Thanks for sharing! Would you mind sending me contact details and information in a PM also?

Kind regards
Will you pm me the info? Do you know if they do cow hunts? I would love to get my 13 year old on a buffalo. Thanks in advance
LAST EDITED ON Nov-07-16 AT 03:36PM (MST)[p]PM sent...regular straight shoulder mount, head down a little low.
Here's an update since I've been getting some more comments on the hunt. Since my hunt, I worked with the local guide helping him establish his own part-time outfitter business on the reservation. In return, he'd asked me to book his hunts for him so I started Vargo Hunting Consultants. We offer bison, bear, and antelope hunts so head on over to the Hunts/Tags Classified section on the forum and check it out. Here are some of the bison hunts from 2016. I was even able to get Guy Eastman to come out for a hunt, enjoy!






Looks like you had an incredible experience! A free range trophy bison has been high on my list. Do you by chance have the contact info for this hunt? Thanks!!
Your a mover and shaker....I like it.... Love people that get after it here is a Bison piece I sculpted that soon will be in is called "Lord of the Plains" about 20 inches long and will sit on a tired base....accented with Buffalo head nickels and arrowheads ( modern chipped by an American Indian)'....a good slice of dough if you make a connection(s)...or exchanges for a hunt... always been fascinated by them...would love to hunt them...drop me a note...;)

LAST EDITED ON Dec-11-17 AT 09:44PM (MST)[p]Hi 30Hart,

I'm interested in the Crow Bison Hunt.... Does Chaz offer an archery option?

I'm based in Colorado, and have about 10 points for the Henry Mountains, but may never draw that tag.

Brad, this is the best buffalo hunt piece that I have read. Well done! I would appreciate the contact information for a trophy bull hunt with the Crow. I am 65 and have hunted every species in Colorado (my home) and have always dreamed of hunting a buffalo with a First Nations guide.
I do all the booking for the outfitter now just email me at [email protected] or call or text me at 8019277137. If you contact the outfitter all he will do is forward you to me...hope this helps. I appreciate all the positive responses for the post, but it was not my intention to keep this post going this long as I advertise in the hunt tags section here on the forum, thanks!!!!
Thanks 30Hart for the great article on your bison hunt; I just now found it. The country looks beautiful. Could you PM me contact and pricing info on this hunt? I've been applying in Wyoming for some time now with no luck, but this hunt sounds like a great alternative.

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