Hunt unit with 11 pts Wyoming Antelope


Active Member
I am looking for a unit to hunt with good potential And did not suffer a big loss last winter of animals ,I Lost my area I used to hunt in 103 Any advice appreciated
That's a really tall order, even with 11 points. I would look somewhere between Shoshoni and Casper. I only have 5 points going into 2024. I'm going to hold. Luckily, antelope multiply like rabbits and don't take very many years to grow up.
what do you think about Unit 75east of Shoshoni
I've seen seen great bucks on 75, but you have to pick through them to find one over 75 inches. Unfortunately, I don't know how badly that herd was impacted by the winter of all winters. You might be able to level up and go with 67. Good luck. 👍
That's a really tall order, even with 11 points. I would look somewhere between Shoshoni and Casper. I only have 5 points going into 2024. I'm going to hold. Luckily, antelope multiply like rabbits and don't take very many years to grow up.
Who told you pronghorn multiply like rabbits?

Check some population data and tag quotas from 15-30 years ago.

Apparently the pronghorn didn't get the memo, populations are dog chit compared to what they used to be.

Lots of units have been suffering declines for decades, crap fawn recruitment, etc.

I wouldn't get my hopes up for strong population upswings anytime soon.
I've seen seen great bucks on 75, but you have to pick through them to find one over 75 inches. Unfortunately, I don't know how badly that herd was impacted by the winter of all winters. You might be able to level up and go with 67. Good luck. 👍
I hunted 67 three years ago. Waited until after opening weekend and we were all alone out there. It was tons of fun. I don’t kill a monster but I did get a really nice buck. I don’t know what affect last winter had though.
While it's true antelope seem to mature at a younger age than most big game animals, they do not multiply like rabbits.
I'm with Buzz on this one. It will be a good many years before antelope numbers will reach where they were, even a few years ago.
While it's true antelope seem to mature at a younger age than most big game animals, they do not multiply like rabbits.
I'm with Buzz on this one. It will be a good many years before antelope numbers will reach where they were, even a few years ago.
You are correct - going to take some years to recover the numbers, even without the bad winters, droughts, etc., bad situation overall all over Wyoming for antelope recovery. Very sad situation. That’s why I’m out of the game on Wyoming antelope. Not throwing good $$ after bad $$. The NR fees increases really flipped my switches !!
Jerry Goid- Windsor, Colorado 😜😜
It's pretty sad to see a state like Wyo going from a pronghorn mecca to super slim pickings. The counties in South Central and Central Wyo that previously had fairly long county listings of B&C bucks entered every year are now down to only a few scattered B&C listings over the entire state. Yes there are fewer tags issued but there are only a fraction of the B&C bucks available.

With that said, if you are looking for B&C you better have lots of gas, time, and patience to find the extremely rare B&C bucks that list over the entire state. The years of drawing a tag and spending a few days passing up hundreds of bucks is pretty much history. I've been to a few lesser-known units the past couple years that don't seem to get as much exposure that still have healthy herds of mature bucks, but these are exceptions.

There currently are a fraction of the tags issued and the few B&C bucks that exist are likely harvested on opening weekend. Die-hard outfitters and hunters generally harvest the pick of each year's top tier bucks. The trend to wait longer into the season to hunt with little research and scouting can lead to a lot of frustration!

With all that said, browse conditions have improved the past few years and does are giving birth to healthier buck fawns that potentially can produce more massive horns. Fewer antelope on summer and winter ranges in some instances means a better chance for browse to recover from previous years of severe drought and browsing. This is great news for bucks down the road that reach 2 1/2+ years of age if the herds slowly but surely increase without any major die-offs.

Keep your fingers crossed that there aren't any severe winters, disease, predators, drought, etc that continue the downward trend in the antelope population in the renown B&C counties in Wyoming.

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