how much for gas ??



it hit a high of 3.94, this morning it was 3.59 that is what i like to see. hope the slide continues.
I just paid $4.05 in Lehi Ut tonight, got a whoppin 9 gallons for $40, which gave me 3/8 of a full tank!!:7

Filled up the tank yesterday at $4.04 for regular Union 76 here in town. If you get the pu washed it was $3.94 per gallon.

LAST EDITED ON Aug-13-08 AT 09:58PM (MST)[p]Been droppin 3 cents a day here, every night on the way home was less. Last night the guy at the counter told me his manager just screwed up and the price at the pump was 2.63 instead of 3.63. Damn five minutes and it woulda been nice on the wallet. it had been like that for 5 hours.

"America will never be destroyed from the outside. If we falter and lose our freedoms, it will be because we destroyed ourselves." -- Abraham Lincoln
I gave $3.99 for diesel in Az and I thought I was ripping them off this time. Pretty bad when you get excited about $4.00 diesel. Just glad its starting to come down.
Paid $3.59 in Vegas today. It was $3.81 across the street.

Utards are getting ripped off, 85 octane still over 4 bucks.
still hanging around 4.15.....and diesel is 4.59 up here in idaho


has anyone seen my kittie
$3.87 for regular unleaded in Orange County in Sunny Southern CA..
Such a deal.. eh? Pretty sad when you get excited about gas dipping below $4.00 a gallon
Missoula MT is at about 3.94 for regular unleaded. Was as high as about 4.07 but has not dropped any in the last two weeks.


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