How Long Have You Visited MM

I started around late 2000...Its been great and I suppose I'll be around a bit longer..I enjoy the site/... I love littlefoots pictures and bocats crazy sayings!
LAST EDITED ON Feb-08-06 AT 09:57PM (MST)[p]Can't recall what I had for lunch but remember it was 2002 or so when I got hooked on MM.

late '98 I think...when the campfire was burning bright and farting was considered 'appropriate'....LOL
LAST EDITED ON Feb-09-06 AT 06:22AM (MST)[p] Stever,where the heck have you been???. It seems like it's been since 2000 that we heard from you last?. I hope everything is going well for you and the family. How about an update? You have been missed!

Hey Pred, with this group farting is considered an art form!!! and don't you forget it!
Kingie, he got married, remember? She's probably smart to keep him away from the likes of us.

Art form! Is that what is was?? If I remember right, you got your eyebrows burned off by Bura-butt and P-dub one night by an 'art form'.....
Probabally about six months, my good friend Doyle Moss turned me on to it.
Well I've been around since 99. Didn't start posting till 2000.Had to get in on the fun of stirring the pot when Cass and Strider were going hard at it. Used to have a lot of fun chatting with everybody in the chatroom too!!
Been here since the spring of 98. Got my first computor in feb 98. I sent Brian his fourth photo tour. Its still up.Rooster was a classic. "The tales of the fumes"( a story of a helocopter pilot , bad burritos and no where to land) posted by ghost may be the funniest story I ever read. Wish I would have printed that one. Does anybody remember a long thread about the escapades of a guy from Az hunting the Kaibab with his scary biker babe and her lover? classic.

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