Here we go again...

Wow! not 100% sure what went on,...but that cop would be in some serious trouble if the patient coded,..also he best hope these guys don't get the call if he is in need of care.
While I usually will side with the officer in most cases, this was uncalled for, what a jackass.

I know that ambulances have to obey all traffic laws and all but this guy could have followed him to the hospital and gave him a ticket there. Espeacially since they had a patient in the ambulance.

Jake H. MM Member since 1999.
I think if that was my wife in the ambulance I would be spending the night in jail...


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sombody should have poped that cop up side the head. I hope he gets fired

As for trafic laws evey ambalance I see must break the law because they run red lights, speed, and drive on the wrong side of the road.

Archery is a year round commitment!!
Yep, that cop should be suspended or fired! He is completely out of line. What an idiot!

I know there are lots of good officers and they have a tough job to do but idiots like this one make lots of people have a bad attitude towards the law.
Here is the link to a cell phone video of the same event.

That cop is a complete putz! The officer that came as back-up looked to be doing his job well and got the ambulence back on the road. Fire the first officer.
Why did the ambulance driver stop? I would have just kept on driving to the hospital.

Idiot cop. That's all I have to say about that.

Proverbs 21:19 (why I hunt!)
Failure to yeild to an emergency vehicle. I thought an ambulance was an emergency vehicle. I see a big lawsuit settlement on this one.
Cops like that should be fired. I heard a story of a state cop who was known be a prick to say the least maybe a power trip more like. He pulled over a couple guys in the middle of bfe and he was up to his old ways and he got the crap stomped out of him which he had it coming. The are good and bad cops everywhere most are polite just a few who are not.
I'm just finishing emt B and i sure as heack wouldn't put up with that BS from any doughnut chassers!!!!! THAT PARAMEDIC CAN BE CHARGED WITH ABANDONMENT IF HE LEAVES A PATIENT THAT COP WILL SOON FIND OUT ABOUT HIPAA! HE WILL GET WHAT HES GOT COMMING
I hate to say it, but, a lot of bullies gravitate towards Law Enforcement.
Unfortunately, the prescreening cannot catch them all.

I hope that was his last day on the job, and he never gets another nickel from the taxpayers.
If HIPAA says he can't abandon the patient could you please explain to me why he jumped out of the ambulance and refused to get back in? Like I said, the whole thing was pretty silly by all involved.

1911, He jumped out because, as he stated, he was in charge of the unit. That officer needs to be beat the S*** out of. How would he have felt if that were his relative in the ambulance?? As far as why he pulled the ambulance over, come on now. Failure to yield to an emergency vehicle?!!! Obviously he was not doing anything important. That's why people hate police officers, right there. Whatever city, state, or county employed that officer is gonna be losing a large chunk of money. I guarantee you that.
That cop is very lucky that the "crowd" didn't jump in and take care of business. Seemed like he was on the wrong side of town....if you know what I mean.

That cop was a jacka$$ and should be fired and sued!!! I understand that people make mistakes but he kept up with it. I usually agree with the cops but this was way past out of line.

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