Help with son's rifle/scope


Active Member
LAST EDITED ON Sep-20-09 AT 07:47PM (MST)[p]Took my son out with his Rem 700 in .270 which i bought last year at Cabela's as a combo with a 3-9 variable Pine Ridge scope. When we put a few rounds through it last year, I realized the scope was really loose. Today, shooting the bulk HSM ammo from Cabela's in 130 grain, I sighted it in at 28 yards driving tacks, so it would have a 250 yard zero. Then I set a target at 150 yards where it should have been shooting about 3 inches high, but it was shooting about 6 inches high. So I went to 225 yards where it should have been only about 1 inch high. It was shooting about 7 inches high. This doesn't make sense. Any ideas???
I was a marksmanship instructor for a number of years in the Marine Corps and this has me baffled.
Thanks ahead of time.
LAST EDITED ON Sep-20-09 AT 08:15PM (MST)[p]It sounds like something is still loose. Bulk ammo is usually crap for accuracy.
LAST EDITED ON Sep-20-09 AT 08:45PM (MST)[p]Thanks Shummy, I was thinking the same thing possibly about the ammo. The same ammo actually shoots more accurately than Remington soft point out of my rifle, but is probably not very accurate out of my son's. I just re-aligned and tightened the scope before going out.

One thing that surprised me is that at 100 yards the impact moved 3 inches with 5 clicks instead of the 1 1/4 that it should have when i decided to go to 100 and try that.
Scopes have let me down more than anything else.

Do not trust the scope. If you have another proven scope you can put on, try that.
my dad had a pine ridge on his savage 270 that he bought as a combo and it was dead on one shot then the next was off we ended up puttin paper around the scope rings and put on a new scope and it was fine after that

LAST EDITED ON Sep-20-09 AT 11:30PM (MST)[p]Tighten everything down and boresight, then try sighting in again.Then if that doesn't work then get a new Bushnell.
I've heard good and bad things about Cabelas scopes. I'd suggest getting a new scope. Nikon and Leupold are always a good choice and have a line that fits in most anyones budget.
It is a Cabelas, take it back and get something else, maybe a Nikon, Luepold, etc.....If you are going to shoot a 'bang stick' then optics are teh most important part!
>AT 08:45?PM (MST)

>Thanks Shummy, I was thinking the
>same thing possibly about the
>ammo. The same ammo actually
>shoots more accurately than Remington
>soft point out of my
>rifle, but is probably not
>very accurate out of my
>son's. I just re-aligned and
>tightened the scope before going
>One thing that surprised me is
>that at 100 yards the
>impact moved 3 inches with
>5 clicks instead of the
>1 1/4 that it should
>have when i decided to
>go to 100 and try

make sure its 1/4 in for eah click some cheap scopes use 1/2" adjustments. just funny how its almost double what u thought should be.

7mm wsm 600yrd. and closer checkmate
Thanks all,

I had an idea it might be the scope because of the way the bullet impact moved with the adjustments. I'd never heard of this brand. I shoot Luepold's on all of my rifles. So I will test it out with the Luepold from one of my other rifles.
One our friends got a slug gun with a scope package from cabelas, he has spent more money on shells trying to get a good group then buying a decent scope. Does anyone shoot iron sites anymore just curious when i started hunting i didnt get to use a scope until i proved i could hit something without and then my dad let me use one the guns with a scope on it


has anyone seen my kittie
>One our friends got a slug
>gun with a scope package
>from cabelas, he has spent
>more money on shells trying
>to get a good group
>then buying a decent scope.
> Does anyone shoot iron
>sites anymore just curious when
>i started hunting i didnt
>get to use a scope
>until i proved i could
>hit something without and then
>my dad let me use
>one the guns with a
>scope on it

>has anyone seen my kittie

HuntNFever, I did just that myself growing up. I do the same with my kids. They all got iron site 22's and had to practice over and over and went rabbit hunting with them. They all are very good shots.
Did you use Locktite on the ring screws? Since the scope was loose I'm assuming not. I've learned the hard way that if your bore gets copper fouled your accuracy will go out the window and do just what you've described. It could also be the scope as some others have added.
i shoot the HSM bulk andi get 1" groups out of my .30-06. out to 500yrds too. accuracy with that ammo is no fluke. sounds like an issue i had a leupold scope i had. my advice replace it.
HFX, it has been a while. I must say the moose sausage was delicious. I'm close to drawing a Vernon deer tag. Maybe I will draw in '10 and we can do some more hunting.

I'm not an expert but everytime that I have had a similar problem it was always the scope. The scope seems to always be the variable because while the rifle seems to remain constant. I would guess that your problems will be solved if you swap out the scope. Let us know how it turns out.
HillBilly I hope you get that tag. I may not be here to go on the hunt with you. I will be headed back to California in August for my last two years in the Marines. I will do some scouting for you over the summer though. I am going to be putting in for that tag again as a non-res next year. Maybe we will both get lucky. But I better go to Vegas if I get that lucky with only 2 points. Say hello to family.

FireMedic, I didn't mount the scope, Cabela's did. As far as fowling goes, it's nonexistant due to only 50-60 rounds having been fired through it and being cleaned well.

I thank all of you for your advice. I was thinking scope as well. When I remounted it, I cinched everything down good, but couldn't get a group smaller than 2.5 inches at 100 yards. The difference in impact at 150 and 225 yards made NO sense. As a competition shooter from the past and marksmanship instructor I knew it wasn't me.

My 300 WinMag shoots minute of angle groups with the HSM, but I'm not sure what my sons .270 will do with it since every rifle is different and some often like different ammo. I couldn't get those groups with Remington ammo in my 300.

I will let you all know what happens after this weekend with a Leupold on it.
Whats funny about 1 inch group at 500 yards, a friend of our family took our 243 put one his scopes using hand loaded bullets has a group under an inch at 500...also has 36 inches of drop at 500 yards. You heading to the stumps or pend for those last 2 years?


has anyone seen my kittie

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