Hello Everyone



Hello Everyone,

I took a long absence from the site for the last two years. My old username was sancarloshunter. When I found out that my account was deactivated I went with another username; something new. I am in the Army and was gone for training for the last year and was not able to get on a computer to use the site. Currently I am in Iraq and should be getting out of here in a month. I got here in April/May 2009. I am looking forward to getting back to the US in time for deer and elk season. I had to move away from the great state of AZ and I am stationed at Fort Drum, NY. I guess I will give these Eastern White-tails a try. Just wanted to introduce myself and I look forward to sharing stories and getting advice from you pros. Thanks for having me. Take care.

Welcome back to the site - and thanks for serving!!


My hunting spot is so secret, not even the elk have found it yet.
LAST EDITED ON Mar-30-10 AT 12:11PM (MST)[p]Welcome back Walt. A HUGE thanks to you and all the other guys and gals serving there and around the world. God bless and be safe.


Thank you for your service!

Welcome home!

Come back to Arizona, and live a good life.

Steve Cheuvront
Welcome back to MM Walt, and here's a salute for doing what you do! ;-)

Can't help much with eastern Whitetails (could out here in Idaho) but want to express my appreciation for the job you're doing!

Within the shadows, go quietly.
Welcome back to the site, nice to here from our fellow hunters
serving in the armed services thanks for keeping us safe.

Thank you for your service and sacrifices!

"If God didn't want us to eat animals, then why did He make them out of meat?"
~Ted Nugent
Wecome back Walt. From one Army brother to another THANK YOU VERY MUCH FOR YOUR SERVICE! Tell all our brothers and sisters over there how much we all appriciate what you & they have sacrificed for us all. Now get your A$$ back to AZ and hunt some real deer. GODSPEED.

"Vegetarians are cool. All I eat are vegetarians - except for the occasional mountain lion steak."
-Ted Nugent-
sancarloshunter, I wondered how you were doing. Great to hear you're well. I remember your hunt with your father and your girlfriend (wife?) right before you went over seas.

Thanks for checking in, you know you're always welcome around here. Stay safe and hurry home!

can you please smuggle back an M249 SAW? I would love to take you on an elk hunt with it! LOL!
It's good you can spend some time on the computer! You gotta be going nuts over there. We all appreciate what you guys and girls are doing over there for us. Whether you hear it enough or not....we owe what we've got to guys like you! I hope you're able to come home soon.

Welcome back Walt! You are welcome at my campfire anytime! Thanks for your service.

Proverbs 21:19 (why I hunt!)
PS. could my santa in camoflauge please smuggle me back a ge mini gun too???? You'd be a swell guy if you could pull that one off. Look forward to chatting with you once your safe and sound back over here where you belong.
Walt, AZhunter23235,

Hey guy!! I'd like to personally thank you for your service to our Country!!! Too bad that you weren't able to accumulate points for the various States while you serving for all our freedoms.

I'm hoping that one day, those young hunters with a history of putting in for the draws, will at least be given a free point for each year served, in their own state if not of all of the States that they had been putting in for, before they were called to duty. Would seem only fair and righteous to me...

Thank You!!
Welcome back. Hope your tour goes smoothly and you are back hunting those whitetails soon!

We did get married. We got married a month after my Commission in December of 2008. We are currently expecting our first son as well. Yeah the first year of marriage was a blur mainly because I spent the year away. I was Ft. Sill from Feb-April. Then I was at Ft. Lee from April-June. Reported to Drum in July and two months after getting the family settled here I am in Iraq. Kind of sucks.

I went one last hunt with the old man before we headed East. It was a pretty emotional hunt. The wife didn't come and it was just me and my dad. We talked about our old time of the hunting and how he was not going to hunt until I came back. I told to keep on hunting. But here are some pics from the hunt with my dad.






I had drew AZ Unit 9 again for the second year straight. It was pretty cool. My dad and I had scouted the unit pretty well during the summer and early fall. By the time the season had started we had seen a lot of deer and knew where to go. We had hunted hard the first two days and had seen a lot of deer but really no bucks. The weather was warm and the deer were really not moving that much so it made the hunting hard. There were also more people in the area we had hunted the year before and it made hunting a little harder. Alos we had seen what the drought had done over the summer as many of the tanks were dry where we had seen lots of sign the previous season. This is not the case this last winter. But anyways, I had told me dad that there were too many "road hunters" and we needed to get on an old logging spur. I explained to him that I bet those deer are just over there. So we went down an old logging spur and parked the truck about 5 miles from the main road. We started walking.

We were walking slow as the area was thick with sage and juniper. We began to see sign immeadiately about a half mile off of the spur. We walked through two draws before we came to third one that had some sparse openeings. I stopped to drink some water while dad glassed under the trees with the binos. He called me over to him and asked me what was standing next to a big juniper about 300 yards out. I looked ans sure enough it was a lone spike. We were not going get him but we just stayed there and watched him. The deer had noticed us but my guess could not figure us out. The wind was in our favor and we were wearing camo. My dad the woodland brand and I was wearing the Realtree Sage Camo. So we sat there and watched him.

Soon the deer began heading up to us. We got behind some cover. The deer was moving slowly. I had whispered to my dad and asked him if he wanted to pull the trigger since this would be our last hunt for a while and he has not pulled the trigger in a while. I saw the look in his eye and he grabbed the rifle and went behind a stump while I moved back to giant Yellow Pine. Soon the deer came coming up through the draw. He noticed me and I just sat there. Not moving. Again it seemed like he was trying to figure out I was. Soon the deer was I woudl ahve to say about 30 yards away. I looked at my dad and he was taking aim. He went to pull the trigger and CLICK! I had forgotten to put a round in the chamber prior to leaving the truck. The deer did not move. He was fixed on me. My dad was able to pull the bolt back on the .270 and place a good shot in the chest. The deer didnt run more than 15 yards before going down.

After we were done field dressing it we looked at each other and laughed because of the CLICK! He hugged me and said thanks for letting him shoot. He then told to grab the deer and start packing.

Overall it was a good hunt. I didnt get the biggest thing on the mountain but one "last" hunt before leaving was a great feeling.

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