HB 78 I'm All For It

What are you scared of vanilla?

If you let me know what your biggest household expence is I'm going to explain it to you will understand it. No need for games.

So what is your biggest household expense?
Trollstate, how about you use your own household expenses to teach all of your infinite wisdom to the rest of us?
He doesn't learn anything when it's me.

Why are you answering for Vanilla?

If you want to play Vanilla then answer the question.
There is no reason that 100% of the money raised off of any big game permit shouldn't go to the UDWR for projects that will increase the numbers of wildlife.
Not one red cent should go to any organization to be used for wages and benefits, Magazines, marketing, rent, utilities, Miscellaneous or for anything else.
So then everyone should just work for free? Maybe you should apply for that job
Thats the MDF a for you- they have lost their way and have a bunch of greedy Jack wagons who know nothing about western wildlife or conservation and they are all at six figures. Corporate MDF is a cancer to all the Amazon volunteers who don’t have a clue of what’s really going on! MDF volunteers are the most legit people you will ever meet! I would say members but they don’t really have any anymore. That’s why a membership is being forced on everyone to pay for if they attend a banquet- such a joke—/ not a good .org left in Utah anymore. All about the money, money, money- conservation has been lost!
No, they KNOW they are going to make that, because this is money they’re already making! I know you’re too dense to even try to understand this, so my replies aren’t even for you. They are for anyone else still reading that actually wants to understand what this bill does.

This bill is about the 90% of money on auction sales for conservation and expo permits that goes into an account to be used for approved wildlife and conservation projects. It includes gifts and donations made in the same areas. These funds are brought in every year already.

All this bill does is take the money that is ALREADY COMING IN every year and takes it from the general fund where it can be hard to decipher where the money specifically goes, and puts it into a dedicated fund where it is no longer just part of a big pot and can easily be reviewed to ensure the money is used for the purpose the law already requires it to be used.

The legislature has not allocated a single penny in this. They have not changed any rules accompanying the conservation or expo permit processes. They simply have dedicated a specific fund where the already existing programs and monies will be stored (IE-the fund) so that there is more transparency and accountability over those funds.

Again, I can see how a tristate wouldn’t want that, because he’s the single most dishonest person to ever grace this forum. But for the rest of us normal people, this is a good thing that doesn’t do anything but allow the legislature to make sure conservation groups and the DWR are following the laws that allow these respective groups to even exist. All this is in the bill, and it’s really pretty simple. All it takes is one reading it. (And then being honest.)
It won’t matter one bit! All the .orgs will give them bs numbers and spreadsheets showing exactly what they want to see and NOTHING will change. Wildlife does get help with this model but so do all the corporate slime balls as the volunteers do all the ass busting in the field for conservation. Not to mention the MANDATORY Dedicated hunters who are forced to work to get their tag as well.
Thats the MDF a for you- they have lost their way and have a bunch of greedy Jack wagons who know nothing about western wildlife or conservation and they are all at six figures. Corporate MDF is a cancer to all the Amazon volunteers who don’t have a clue of what’s really going on! MDF volunteers are the most legit people you will ever meet! I would say members but they don’t really have any anymore. That’s why a membership is being forced on everyone to pay for if they attend a banquet- such a joke—/ not a good .org left in Utah anymore. All about the money, money, money- conservation has been lost!
And you are who, and with what factual knowledge of what you are spewing??
It won’t matter one bit! All the .orgs will give them bs numbers and spreadsheets showing exactly what they want to see and NOTHING will change. Wildlife does get help with this model but so do all the corporate slime balls as the volunteers do all the ass busting in the field for conservation. Not to mention the MANDATORY Dedicated hunters who are forced to work to get their tag as well.

Oh something will change alright. The gubmint will pi55 away all the money and them some.
Quote from @ihunt4200 April 7th 2016-
Change your tune much??

"All I did was post a press release. There is no balloons. No parade.~ Does anyone here know what a Press release is?..... google it~ just info.........I just thought it was interesting to see a part of what everyone has been asking for. Its part of the action and transparency we all want.

Why is it that anyone who has a opinion that does not fit on the left side of this argument has ties or is on the payroll or benefits from the current system~

Guess what I do benefit because something is being done!! Someone is doing something trying to help. So what ~ at the expense of us~ the tags are stolen from us~ the public! Whatever thats all BS and all in theory. We don't own nothing~ State GOV owns everything~ including the bucks and bulls most of us will never hunt even if the small number of tags go back into the system.

Ok well lets put these tags back in the system. Now what? We are suppose to be happy because our odds just went to 5% instead of 3% on a LE tag. Ok great the Tags are now back in the system. Now what~ Who and How is anyone going to do anything to preserve our land, animals and habitat! CONSERVATION without money? Sell cookies? Door to Door... How? Judging by this press release, we just lost a million dollars. How do we preserve and grow our public resources now? the DWR. The RMEF (who does nothing for mule deer.....the SFW or Utah)

Guess what peoples~ i guess i just see thing differently, Im very optimistic and see the good in everything instead of the bad- Im willing to sacrifice a small percentage of draw odds to raise money for conservation in the hope my kids, and their kids can hunt. And if it takes selling tags to rich people. So what..... Im ok wit it~ Heres another press release~ THIS IS MY VIEW AND OPNION! All i want is someone to do something!

Just a press release people! showing something everyone has been asking for--- Do not get this confused with SFW. Have no idea of what they do or how they do it. When or why!

I hit hawk pretty hard and i apologize that was BS. I should have known that this press release would have turned into a tag/expo/transparency/BS/debate~ that was not my intent and i got pissed and lashed out. Did not think this through...... Im just sick of that debate~ There are plenty of threads to go voice your opinion on that, I just though this was cool to see but i guess some people are still pretty sore.

Really, I thought people would want to see something finally being done. Me..... Im ok with the Tags. Until someone comes up with a better option for getting Conservation Money by the millions and putting it back. Personally I do not care about Percentages. Just glad its happening!!

Ive got a job, kids a dam cat and a dog~ I love the mountains especially mule deer. I deer hunt, shed hunt, attend all the expos, buy product @KUIU_official, follow on social media. Hangout, drink, chew, spit. I jack ass around all the time and enjoy what i do have instead of worrying about what i don't have.... Im done say what you will................. don't care~ But......

Ive got a real world legitimate very important question for all you, haters, lovers, jack crack back hunters and debaters.

McGregor or Diaz??
Oh something will change alright. The gubmint will pi55 away all the money and them some.

Again, this post is not for tri, but for others: the gubmint was already getting this money, it was just going into the general fund instead of this dedicated fund that collects interest and is easily tracked.
Again, this post is not for tri, but for others: the gubmint was already getting this money, it was just going into the general fund instead of this dedicated fund that collects interest and is easily tracked.

Oh no. They are getting gifts, donations, and other "transfers".

Quit lying to these people Vanilla.

In fact why don't you tell these folks who you work for and why you are so eager to make sure the gubmint gets theirs. YOU KNOW. SOME OF THIS TRANSPARENCY YOU KEEP WHINING ABOUT.

Do you really think the government manages a "fund" for free?????
Quote from @ihunt4200 April 7th 2016-
Change your tune much??

"All I did was post a press release. There is no balloons. No parade.~ Does anyone here know what a Press release is?..... google it~ just info.........I just thought it was interesting to see a part of what everyone has been asking for. Its part of the action and transparency we all want.

Why is it that anyone who has a opinion that does not fit on the left side of this argument has ties or is on the payroll or benefits from the current system~

Guess what I do benefit because something is being done!! Someone is doing something trying to help. So what ~ at the expense of us~ the tags are stolen from us~ the public! Whatever thats all BS and all in theory. We don't own nothing~ State GOV owns everything~ including the bucks and bulls most of us will never hunt even if the small number of tags go back into the system.

Ok well lets put these tags back in the system. Now what? We are suppose to be happy because our odds just went to 5% instead of 3% on a LE tag. Ok great the Tags are now back in the system. Now what~ Who and How is anyone going to do anything to preserve our land, animals and habitat! CONSERVATION without money? Sell cookies? Door to Door... How? Judging by this press release, we just lost a million dollars. How do we preserve and grow our public resources now? the DWR. The RMEF (who does nothing for mule deer.....the SFW or Utah)

Guess what peoples~ i guess i just see thing differently, Im very optimistic and see the good in everything instead of the bad- Im willing to sacrifice a small percentage of draw odds to raise money for conservation in the hope my kids, and their kids can hunt. And if it takes selling tags to rich people. So what..... Im ok wit it~ Heres another press release~ THIS IS MY VIEW AND OPNION! All i want is someone to do something!

Just a press release people! showing something everyone has been asking for--- Do not get this confused with SFW. Have no idea of what they do or how they do it. When or why!

I hit hawk pretty hard and i apologize that was BS. I should have known that this press release would have turned into a tag/expo/transparency/BS/debate~ that was not my intent and i got pissed and lashed out. Did not think this through...... Im just sick of that debate~ There are plenty of threads to go voice your opinion on that, I just though this was cool to see but i guess some people are still pretty sore.

Really, I thought people would want to see something finally being done. Me..... Im ok with the Tags. Until someone comes up with a better option for getting Conservation Money by the millions and putting it back. Personally I do not care about Percentages. Just glad its happening!!

Ive got a job, kids a dam cat and a dog~ I love the mountains especially mule deer. I deer hunt, shed hunt, attend all the expos, buy product @KUIU_official, follow on social media. Hangout, drink, chew, spit. I jack ass around all the time and enjoy what i do have instead of worrying about what i don't have.... Im done say what you will................. don't care~ But......

Ive got a real world legitimate very important question for all you, haters, lovers, jack crack back hunters and debaters.

McGregor or Diaz??
Thanks slam
Quit lying to these people Vanilla.


Do you really think the government manages a "fund" for free?????

The bill addresses this very thing. Tell us what it says. It’s all out in the open, you just have to read it. Tell us tri, since you know so we’ll how this will go.

We’ll wait.

(PS- they are already getting those gifts, donations, etc. Just going to the conservation fund now instead of the general fund.)
The bill addresses this very thing. Tell us what it says. It’s all out in the open, you just have to read it. Tell us tri, since you know so we’ll how this will go.

We’ll wait.

(PS- they are already getting those gifts, donations, etc. Just going to the conservation fund now instead of the general fund.)

I notice you don't want to tell these people what your job and where you get your pay check.

You are dodging.

I guess you don't believe in transparency as much as you say, hypocrite.
I notice you don't want to tell these people what your job and where you get your pay check.

You are dodging.

I guess you don't believe in transparency as much as you say, hypocrite.

I'll play.

I'm self employed.

My biggest out go of money is my wife's SUV.

Feel free to edumicate
I'll play.

I'm self employed.

My biggest out go of money is my wife's SUV.

Feel free to edumicate
Not the same, Hossblur. I know your sweetheart painted himself into a corner but you aren't going to be able to bail him out.

Maybe you would like to tell people what Vanilla does for a living since you like talking about conflicts of interest of people on the wildlife board. Maybe you can talk about conflicts of interest when Vanilla tells us bigger gubmint is going to fix mule deer.
I'll play.

I'm self employed.

My biggest out go of money is my wife's SUV.

Feel free to edumicate
But while your at it what if the government passed a bill and said start sending them all your payments? Its going to go into a fund and we will make sure the car company gets their money.

How long do you think that system would function as it has when you were just making the payments direct to the bank or manufacturer?
It won’t matter one bit! All the .orgs will give them bs numbers and spreadsheets showing exactly what they want to see and NOTHING will change. Wildlife does get help with this model but so do all the corporate slime balls as the volunteers do all the ass busting in the field for conservation. Not to mention the MANDATORY Dedicated hunters who are forced to work to get their tag as well.

LMAO, dude nobody is making you be in the dedicated hunter program, feel free to jump off that ship at any time.
You’re squealing like a pig now, tristate. You sound like an idiot. You simply don’t get what this is about. Either that, or you are purposefully misstating what this fund is for.

So, you’re either 100% ignorant, or 100% dishonest. Either is a very real possibility for you, and it’s probably 100% of both.

My job has 0% to do with this fund or wildlife management at all. There is no conflict of interest for me. I’m not in the wildlife game in any way, shape or form outside of I like to hunt and fish for publicly owned critters. I do train wildlife conservation officers how to handle impaired driving cases while they’re out on patrol from time to time, though. Not sure that creates a conflict of interest on which government run fund the government puts government money in. Squeal some more though. It’s entertaining.
Just so everyone is clear, this money is ALREADY GOING to the government. Has been from the beginning of the expo/conservation permit programs. It just has been getting added to the general fund and commingled with everything else in there, which made it very difficult to track where the money was actually spent in the past. This removes it from the general fund and places it in a dedicated fund specifically for the conservation and expo permit programs. It also requires the DWR to report annually on the fund to the legislature. It will make the money spent on conservation from these programs VERY transparent. If only the conservation groups were following suit and being as transparent with their publicly generated funds. But I digress…
You’re squealing like a pig now, tristate. You sound like an idiot. You simply don’t get what this is about. Either that, or you are purposefully misstating what this fund is for.

So, you’re either 100% ignorant, or 100% dishonest. Either is a very real possibility for you, and it’s probably 100% of both.

My job has 0% to do with this fund or wildlife management at all. There is no conflict of interest for me. I’m not in the wildlife game in any way, shape or form outside of I like to hunt and fish for publicly owned critters. I do train wildlife conservation officers how to handle impaired driving cases while they’re out on patrol from time to time, though. Not sure that creates a conflict of interest on which government run fund the government puts government money in. Squeal some more though. It’s entertaining.

If it has nothing to do with this WHY ARE YOU SCARED TO TELL US WHO PAYS YOU?????

You are dodging the question, hypocrite.
Just so everyone is clear, this money is ALREADY GOING to the government. Has been from the beginning of the expo/conservation permit programs. It just has been getting added to the general fund and commingled with everything else in there, which made it very difficult to track where the money was actually spent in the past. This removes it from the general fund and places it in a dedicated fund specifically for the conservation and expo permit programs. It also requires the DWR to report annually on the fund to the legislature. It will make the money spent on conservation from these programs VERY transparent. If only the conservation groups were following suit and being as transparent with their publicly generated funds. But I digress…


Your "transparency" has a price. You can't say what that price is or anybody pushing this bill. "Funds" set up by the government have a price. You won't admit it but that price is a lot less money for deer. THAT IS THE TRUTH HERE.

Also by you own admittion this money will also be commingled with other money.

Lets just imagine for a second this "fund" only takes 1 more government employee to manage it. That one employee will cost almost as much as all the money the 200 tags bring to the fund.


Tell these people who pays you Hyponilla. Give them the transparency.

Your "transparency" has a price. You can't say what that price is or anybody pushing this bill. "Funds" set up by the government have a price. You won't admit it but that price is a lot less money for deer. THAT IS THE TRUTH HERE.

Also by you own admittion this money will also be commingled with other money.

Lets just imagine for a second this "fund" only takes 1 more government employee to manage it. That one employee will cost almost as much as all the money the 200 tags bring to the fund.


Tell these people who pays you Hyponilla. Give them the transparency.
What does the all caps do for you Tri? It does nothing for the rest of us. I bet you wish you were in all caps so you could be adult sized.

Your "transparency" has a price. You can't say what that price is or anybody pushing this bill. "Funds" set up by the government have a price. You won't admit it but that price is a lot less money for deer. THAT IS THE TRUTH HERE.

Also by you own admittion this money will also be commingled with other money.

Lets just imagine for a second this "fund" only takes 1 more government employee to manage it. That one employee will cost almost as much as all the money the 200 tags bring to the fund.


Tell these people who pays you Hyponilla. Give them the transparency.

Nothing you just said above is the truth, actually. Not even a little bit.

Also, I did not, in fact, admit there "will be" commingling. Quite the opposite. I told you of prior commingling with these already existing programs, and how this would stop that. Good try though. We'll get you a participation trophy for the effort.

The depth of either your incompetence on this issue, or your blatant lies is unnerving. You should go to a make believe dinner with 3 attorneys that don't exist and see if they can explain it better to you.
Nothing you just said above is the truth, actually. Not even a little bit.

Also, I did not, in fact, admit there "will be" commingling. Quite the opposite. I told you of prior commingling with these already existing programs, and how this would stop that. Good try though. We'll get you a participation trophy for the effort.

The depth of either your incompetence on this issue, or your blatant lies is unnerving. You should go to a make believe dinner with 3 attorneys that don't exist and see if they can explain it better to you.
Actually it's %100 the truth. And who are they going to believe? Somebody who doesn't hide behind a computer or a stranger who doesn't even have the balls to admit who pays him and what he does for a living.

Your "transparency" has a price. You can't say what that price is or anybody pushing this bill. "Funds" set up by the government have a price. You won't admit it but that price is a lot less money for deer. THAT IS THE TRUTH HERE.

Also by you own admittion this money will also be commingled with other money.

Lets just imagine for a second this "fund" only takes 1 more government employee to manage it. That one employee will cost almost as much as all the money the 200 tags bring to the fund.


Tell these people who pays you Hyponilla. Give them the transparency.

Wait. Wait a second.

Dude I'm with you now. If one government employee made a couple million to watch a fund, then obviously YOUR A MORON.
Wait. Wait a second.

Dude I'm with you now. If one government employee made a couple million to watch a fund, then obviously YOUR A MORON.
If you don't know the difference between what a government employee makes and what one costs then you are.........

Oh wait you obviously already were a moron.
You should probably worry about your bad taxidermy reviews rather than what anyone says here on the forum.
See you know my name boy. I don't hide from people. I AM TRANSPARENT. But you think somebody that hides behind a computer is who you should believe. BRILLIANT.

By the way I don't worry about some bull review on the internet. Just like I don't worry about you.
One thing for sure from trollstate, when it comes to doing something positive for mule deer or anything else....there will be %100 more said than done.

Ignore the troll he does nothing positive for wildlife in Utah.
One thing for sure from trollstate, when it comes to doing something positive for mule deer or anything else....there will be %100 more said than done.

Ignore the troll he does nothing positive for wildlife in Utah.

You back in the liquor cabinet tonight?
Maybe they are wondering why these “conservation” organizations haven’t been able to deliver on their promises even after being gifted $65 million in government welfare funds?

Only a crooked loser with something to hide would oppose the transparency brought to this issue that was a specific suggestion after an audit conducted on the funds. No other type of person would oppose this.
Maybe they are wondering why these “conservation” organizations haven’t been able to deliver on their promises even after being gifted $65 million in government welfare funds?

Only a crooked loser with something to hide would oppose the transparency brought to this issue that was a specific suggestion after an audit conducted on the funds. No other type of person would oppose this.

65 million over three decades spread across multiple organizations is a pathetic number.

Why don't you post up the entire budget of the DWR for one year.
Cause it’s public knowledge and if you wanted to know you could, smh
He won't post it because it makes yall look like the dumb distracted suckers you have become.

Post it up slick. Post up how much money over 3+ decades of millions, or even billions, of dollars the DWR burned through to put you in this situation you are in now.

Yeah, transparency, THAT'LL FIX IT.:rolleyes:
He won't post it because it makes yall look like the dumb distracted suckers you have become.

Post it up slick. Post up how much money over 3+ decades of millions, or even billions, of dollars the DWR burned through to put you in this situation you are in now.

Yeah, transparency, THAT'LL FIX IT.:rolleyes:
Says the high fenced hunter from down south who has become an advocate for poachers
What Bs make believe land are you living in?

Government agencies don't need buildings and they don't employ people and compensate them with wages???????

I got news for you a government building costs waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay more than a private sector building. And a government employee is waaaaaaaaay more expensive and waaaaaaaaaay less efficient than a private sector employee.
“A government employ is way less efficient.” Hmmmm, you don’t know too many government employees obviously.
Says the high fenced hunter from down south who has become an advocate for poachers

Look at you. Not even a prayer of you facing the facts. It's easier for you to try to paint a picture of me than it is to share the "TRANSPARENT" dollars you stood by and watched the DWR pi55 away.

Actually you don't.
Actually I was around thousands of them in my 30 year career. The ones I know were very hard workers, put in countless hours free, didn’t get paid for everything they did and protected you and your family while you slept at night. They did all this so you could have the right, and enjoy criticizing them. It’s ok, that’s just what they do…
Actually I was around thousands of them in my 30 year career. The ones I know were very hard workers, put in countless hours free, didn’t get paid for everything they did and protected you and your family while you slept at night. They did all this so you could have the right, and enjoy criticizing them. It’s ok, that’s just what they do…

So you have no idea how much more effective and efficient the private sector is. Thanks for proving my point.

Yeah, you don't sound bitter.
So you have no idea how much more effective and efficient the private sector is. Thanks for proving my point.

Yeah, you don't sound bitter.
Yeah your private sector Military and Homeland Security is much more efficient. It’s not what you don’t know that gets you in trouble, it’s what you know for certain that’s just not true.
Yeah your private sector Military and Homeland Security is much more efficient. It’s not what you don’t know that gets you in trouble, it’s what you know for certain that’s just not true.
Hey Bigfoot, Just answer a question.

If you absolutely have to get a package that your entire career is riding on it, if it doesn't get there on time you will loose your job, ARE YOU USING USPS? When was the last time they were even able to keep their lights on without shared tax dollars?

By the way the you do know BY LAW we can't have a private sector military which competes with the public sector? Speaking of what you know:rolleyes:
Hey Bigfoot, Just answer a question.

If you absolutely have to get a package that your entire career is riding on it, if it doesn't get there on time you will loose your job, ARE YOU USING USPS? When was the last time they were even able to keep their lights on without shared tax dollars?

By the way the you do know BY LAW we can't have a private sector military which competes with the public sector? Speaking of what you know:rolleyes:
I’ve just read some of your previous posts on this thread. It seems that you have issues with just about every poster on here. You seem bitter and jealous and obviously you’re always the smartest person in the room. I won’t waste anymore time with you. You’re entitled to your own opinions but not your own facts. I have never had an issue with the USPS. Maybe they target you due to your pleasantness :sneaky:. Anyways good luck on your hunts this year.
I’ve just read some of your previous posts on this thread. It seems that you have issues with just about every poster on here. You seem bitter and jealous and obviously you’re always the smartest person in the room. I won’t waste anymore time with you. You’re entitled to your own opinions but not your own facts. I have never had an issue with the USPS. Maybe they target you due to your pleasantness :sneaky:. Anyways good luck on your hunts this year.


You literally can't answer one simple question but you want to speak up for public sector efficiency??????? BUT YOU CAN'T EVEN ANSWER ONE SIMPLE QUESTION???????
He won't post it because it makes yall look like the dumb distracted suckers you have become.

Post it up slick. Post up how much money over 3+ decades of millions, or even billions, of dollars the DWR burned through to put you in this situation you are in now.

Yeah, transparency, THAT'LL FIX IT.:rolleyes:

So, to summarize.

No one, even MDF, and $fw opposed this. The audit, for those who can read, said it showed no bad actions. In fact, this fund was suggested, in part, to shut up critics like me.

But somehow, in your warped world, this is some great issue.

And now. You want to compare the budget, of the DWR, which is responsible for everything that walks, crawls, flies, or swims in Utah, to a handful of orgs, as if they are the same.

Last week. There was a meeting with the WB. The public got input. In fact they got input, and votes, 7 different times.

Can you tell me when the public gets to vote on a $fw proposal or project? How about RMEF? SCI?

It's quite a thing reading your opinions on management. Yes. If Utah was a high fence ranch where it could buy animals from other ranches, and cover the landscape with food plots, then your thoughts and "experience" would be correct.

But luckily, Utah isn't Texas. No one is. And we all thank God daily for that.
I tell you what slick. I want you to mark this thread and come back here in 5 years and tell me how much better the big game is in Utah.

You get the DWR you deserve and they have you completely convinced they aren't at fault for the wildlife they have total control over, but a couple of private orgs and a half million bucks are driving your wildlife into the ground.

I mean it. 5 years you get to tell me you told me so. It's all fixed. The gubmint has total transparency of this special "fund" so deer are fixed.
Why would anyone care where money goes if you already don't believe it will do wildlife any good???????

See you don't even believe in this crap. You are just happy other people get screwed
No dog in this one...but if it takes one more government employee it will take money from the fund (obviously).

Discounting the obvious, military, TSA etc. the government does no job more efficiently than private sector. So it may take 3 new government positions to keep track of this....

Here is the difference between what they make and what they cost. These are fiscal managers in Utah government.

Now this said, transparency is great and I think needed here.
Who is getting screwed here? Help me understand what has you upset. I am not aware of anyone getting scewed by this new state code. Who is getting screwed that I'm happy about?

Well there are some new gubmint employees that will like it.

Who pays your sallery again? Oh I forgot you won't tell these people.
Nice. I figured you'd pull a cop out answer like that. You've never been one to honestly discuss an issue. You should probably arrange another fake dinner that never happened with 3 attorneys that don't exist so they cannot explain this to you, but come on here and say they did.
Nice. I figured you'd pull a cop out answer like that. You've never been one to honestly discuss an issue. You should probably arrange another fake dinner that never happened with 3 attorneys that don't exist so they cannot explain this to you, but come on here and say they did.
Who pays your salary again? You're dodging again. I'm sure the people here would like why you are all for bigger government.
I tell you what slick. I want you to mark this thread and come back here in 5 years and tell me how much better the big game is in Utah.

You get the DWR you deserve and they have you completely convinced they aren't at fault for the wildlife they have total control over, but a couple of private orgs and a half million bucks are driving your wildlife into the ground.

I mean it. 5 years you get to tell me you told me so. It's all fixed. The gubmint has total transparency of this special "fund" so deer are fixed.

Can you highlight the line in the bill that says "because of this fund deer will rebound"

Well there are some new gubmint employees that will like it.

Who pays your sallery again? Oh I forgot you won't tell these people.

I pay my salary.

Better yet my customers do.

Same question Vanilla just asked you, care to answer.

Who is getting screwed?
No dog in this one...but if it takes one more government employee it will take money from the fund (obviously).

Discounting the obvious, military, TSA etc. the government does no job more efficiently than private sector. So it may take 3 new government positions to keep track of this....

Here is the difference between what they make and what they cost. These are fiscal managers in Utah government.
View attachment 71760
Now this said, transparency is great and I think needed here.

So we will just look past the 10% the orgs paid themselves out of the total, PRIOR to the fund?

Ever look at what directors for MDF, SCI,SWF,RMEF make?
I pay my salary.

Better yet my customers do.

Same question Vanilla just asked you, care to answer.

Who is getting screwed?
Go back and read. I answered that.

And I didn't ask who pays Hossblur. I asked the government employee that keeps dodging the question.
So we will just look past the 10% the orgs paid themselves out of the total, PRIOR to the fund?

Ever look at what directors for MDF, SCI,SWF,RMEF make?
Yep. And these tags aren't the only income generated by those people.

I thought there wasn't transparency, so how do we know what they make?

Maybe you should make this about Cecil or Dick Cheney.
I'm pretty sure that's my point. Thanks for proving it.

What is the point of wildlife fund that doesn't benefit wildlife?

So that's a no.

Meaning, not surprisingly, your stupid point, was stupid.
The fund, isn't to grow herds. It to be sure everyone is above board.

Which is why, 3 million Utah citizens, and all the orgs support it.

Despite a dude from Houstons objections
So that's a no.

Meaning, not surprisingly, your stupid point, was stupid.
The fund, isn't to grow herds. It to be sure everyone is above board.

Which is why, 3 million Utah citizens, and all the orgs support it.

Despite a dude from Houstons objections

So you took private money set up to help wildlife, changed it to gubmint money on the premise of transparency and the fear of co-mingling of funds. Then you were disappointed that the funds were co-mingled by the gubmint and not very transparent. So yall decided to make a "fund" which you claim is more transparent but is very co-mingled with other revenue and your words exactly "The fund, isn't to grow herds"!!!!!

You now admit yall literally cried to take control of money because you couldn't tell how much of it actually was being used on herds to put into something else YOU KNOW THEY ARE NOT GOING TO USE ON HERDS!

So you took private money set up to help wildlife, changed it to gubmint money on the premise of transparency and the fear of co-mingling of funds. Then you were disappointed that the funds were co-mingled by the gubmint and not very transparent. So yall decided to make a "fund" which you claim is more transparent but is very co-mingled with other revenue and your words exactly "The fund, isn't to grow herds"!!!!!

You now admit yall literally cried to take control of money because you couldn't tell how much of it actually was being used on herds to put into something else YOU KNOW THEY ARE NOT GOING TO USE ON HERDS!


*So you all had public tags taken and given to private groups*

There, fixed that first sentence for you.

Tell me oh wise troll.

Those pheasants that $fw stocks does that improve herds?

Does the phrag mowers?

See, as usual, the longer you hang in a thread, the less you show you know.

We keep you in this one much longer you'll be dropping BLAMMM pics.

Ive been BEGGING $fw to shut me up for nearly a decade.

Looks like Casey decided since they won't, he would. Either way, it's a good idea.

Now I know in Texas, you might need to break out 3 legal pads and a box of crayons to do the fancy mathing and all.

But I feel pretty confident we won't need multiple employees to set up a bank account.

But, if we do, it can come out of the 10% the orgs get paid for management expense.

Call your good friend Wade, I bet he even supports this bill.

I'll wait, while you think us up some more knowledge and all.
So we will just look past the 10% the orgs paid themselves out of the total, PRIOR to the fund?

Ever look at what directors for MDF, SCI,SWF,RMEF make?
Not at all and as I said I don't give half a sh!t about this. I simply found it interesting that some feel it won't cost a dime more for the Government to do. It likely will.

And the question was asked about the difference between what an employee makes and what they cost, so I posted that. Partially because a certain clown will keep asking the question and partially because some reading this may not know.

The other point I was trying to make is its almost never beneficial for the government to get involved in someone else's money.
Not at all and as I said I don't give half a sh!t about this. I simply found it interesting that some feel it won't cost a dime more for the Government to do. It likely will.

And the question was asked about the difference between what an employee makes and what they cost, so I posted that. Partially because a certain clown will keep asking the question and partially because some reading this may not know.

The other point I was trying to make is its almost never beneficial for the government to get involved in someone else's money.
Couldn’t find a poacher anywhere to defend huh?
Not at all and as I said I don't give half a sh!t about this. I simply found it interesting that some feel it won't cost a dime more for the Government to do. It likely will.

And the question was asked about the difference between what an employee makes and what they cost, so I posted that. Partially because a certain clown will keep asking the question and partially because some reading this may not know.

The other point I was trying to make is its almost never beneficial for the government to get involved in someone else's money.

I'd agree, if it was truly someone else's money. It not "their money".

Their money was the 10%. The "government" is already involved, the orgs don't get a blank check on how it's spend either.

I get trying to shut up Tri. No one has in a decade, except WLH, that BLAMMMM pic came down real fast
He’s a protected member? ?

Hes a "member" all right?

No, I just know founder goes brain numb after 400 posts with Tri saying the usual. And he's the babysitter.

I'd feel bad if Founder had to kick his dog tonight, and I don't want him to take up the firewater??
huntindad4, you’re actually a rational human being with a brain, so I’m happy to answer your questions.

Not at all and as I said I don't give half a sh!t about this. I simply found it interesting that some feel it won't cost a dime more for the Government to do. It likely will.

It actually won’t. The legislature did not apportion one penny of budget to this. The fiscal note on this bill was zero. That means it won’t take an extra employee. See below to explain why. It literally will not cost a penny more next year to have this fund in existence.

The other point I was trying to make is its almost never beneficial for the government to get involved in someone else's money.

This is not “someone else’s money.” All this money was already going into the DWR’s general fund. The reason it was hard to ascertain where it was spent is because the money just went into a big pot and was commingled with everything else in the general fund, whereas these are supposed to be dedicated funds for specific conservation projects. Now instead of going into a giant pot with lots of other accounts, it goes to its own line item budget where it can be easily tracked. The same person that apportioned it to line item 6 (arbitrary number…whatever general fund is) will now just apportion it to line item 13 (conservation fund). Easy as that, and now we know exactly what projects this money that was already dedicated for that purpose under law will be spent.

Things get really twisted and confusing when listening to complete idiot blow hards that don’t have a clue and definitely have something to hide. But honestly, this bill was a giant nothingburger outside of just making it easier to track money that already existed and was already going to the DWR. Don’t let the troll hobbit conflate the issue for you.
So you took private money set up to help wildlife, changed it to gubmint money on the premise of transparency and the fear of co-mingling of funds. Then you were disappointed that the funds were co-mingled by the gubmint and not very transparent. So yall decided to make a "fund" which you claim is more transparent but is very co-mingled with other revenue and your words exactly "The fund, isn't to grow herds"!!!!!

You now admit yall literally cried to take control of money because you couldn't tell how much of it actually was being used on herds to put into something else YOU KNOW THEY ARE NOT GOING TO USE ON HERDS!


Your boy finally admitted they hi-jacked the money and the fund isn't for saving the herds.

Who pays your salary?
So you took private money set up to help wildlife, changed it to gubmint money on the premise of transparency and the fear of co-mingling of funds.

Nope the legislature took public money that has always been public money from day 1 and put it in a different account than they had it in before.

You now admit yall literally cried to take control of money because you couldn't tell how much of it actually was being used on herds to put into something else YOU KNOW THEY ARE NOT GOING TO USE ON HERDS!

Nope. The specific reason this money exists today, existed from the beginning of the conservation tag program, and should exist in the future is for conservation projects. This bill will help make sure that remains the case.


Huh? ALL CAPS on something nobody is talking about?

None of these responses are for you, tri. You already know you’re wrong, but you’re a horrible human being and a sorry excuse for a “man” (if I can loosely use that term here). The responses are for any rationally minded person trying to learn what has happened so they can sort through your BS.
So you took private money set up to help wildlife, changed it to gubmint money on the premise of transparency and the fear of co-mingling of funds. Then you were disappointed that the funds were co-mingled by the gubmint and not very transparent. So yall decided to make a "fund" which you claim is more transparent but is very co-mingled with other revenue and your words exactly "The fund, isn't to grow herds"!!!!!

You now admit yall literally cried to take control of money because you couldn't tell how much of it actually was being used on herds to put into something else YOU KNOW THEY ARE NOT GOING TO USE ON HERDS!



Who are they going to believe? Ben Cromeens, the guy they know everything about and hides nothing or the person who hides behind a computer and won't tell people who he is or who pays him??????

YOUR BOY ADMITTED IT. Let me show you the quote again.

"The fund, isn't to grow herds."
I tell you what. Let's make a deal Vanilla. In 3 years if the DWR has created and hired any new employees that aren't biologists you have to post your name and your job. I'll even give you an out. If they created and hired new field biologists those won't count against you. If anyone gets a pay raise higher than %8 in the DWR same deal.

If in 3 years if the DWR hasn't created and filled new positions besides field biologists I will come on here and apologize for my stance on this thread.

That's a pretty good deal.
I tell you what. Let's make a deal Vanilla. In 3 years if the DWR has created and hired any new employees that aren't biologists you have to post your name and your job. I'll even give you an out. If they created and hired new field biologists those won't count against you. If anyone gets a pay raise higher than %8 in the DWR same deal.

If in 3 years if the DWR hasn't created and filled new positions besides field biologists I will come on here and apologize for my stance on this thread.

That's a pretty good deal.

Been a decade and you still ain't apologized to WLH for what you did to him?????

I'm confused. Your very pro $fw, and the expo.

But now your calling the out for taking auction money and not growing herds?

Here's a thought. Touch up your reading on HOW funds raised via tags auctioned, are used.

Call $fw, they can edumicate you.

But let's be clear. You either support auction tags and the groups(and what they do with the money), or you don't.

So which is it?
Been a decade and you still ain't apologized to WLH for what you did to him?????

I'm confused. Your very pro $fw, and the expo.

But now your calling the out for taking auction money and not growing herds?

Here's a thought. Touch up your reading on HOW funds raised via tags auctioned, are used.

Call $fw, they can edumicate you.

But let's be clear. You either support auction tags and the groups(and what they do with the money), or you don't.

So which is it?

"The fund, isn't for the herds."

Hossblur, 3/21/22
"The fund, isn't for the herds."

Hossblur, 3/21/22

That's not deflection. That's a catastrophe.

No. It's a fact.

How has someone so "knowing" not caught that $fw plants pheasants, bought phrag mowers, done several things that have nothing to do with herds

You do realize they auction off turkey tags to fill this fund, right?

Oh, sorry, I forget sometimes who I'm talking to.

Tri, turkeys have feathers, not fur and horns, and they don't run in herds.

Here I'll help you again.



Now, put that degree of your to work and see if you understand what "fish" and "wildlife" mean.

Did I talk slow enough?
No. It's a fact.

How has someone so "knowing" not caught that $fw plants pheasants, bought phrag mowers, done several things that have nothing to do with herds

You do realize they auction off turkey tags to fill this fund, right?

Oh, sorry, I forget sometimes who I'm talking to.

Tri, turkeys have feathers, not fur and horns, and they don't run in herds.

Here I'll help you again.



Now, put that degree of your to work and see if you understand what "fish" and "wildlife" mean.

Did I talk slow enough?

Now see that JB1975, THAT'S DEFLECTION.

Uh.......uh.......uh....... but SFW uh.......uh......

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