Grizzlies Drowning Themselves

We had the same thing here in Colo on a section of concrete canal. A black bear drowned a couple years ago and lots of deer and elk. They actually constructed a couple canal bridge crossings to prevent such a pile of dead critters before the canal ended in a tunnel.
Ya- AZ has tons of canals. They put up fences and crossing points on most of the ones I've come across. Sometimes they go underground.
"Retired federal ecologist and bear advocate Chuck Neal of Cody told Cowboy State Daily that he doesn’t like the grizzlies’ range being limited to only the high country.

“I disagree with that, but that’s the official thinking,” he said. “They’re trying to discourage the bears from coming out of the mountain lands.”

Well, DUH!

WTF is wrong with this guy? He needs to see a psychiatrist, or better yet an exorcist.

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