Gov sheep tag update

>LMFAO. Really? Nearly 500 post on
>this ridiculous subject. This is
>why Trump is our president
>Here is the answer. Fire the
>Gawd damned GOvt worker who
>like many other Gov't workers
>think they know the difference
>between "sickem" and "come back."
>What a waste of time reading
>this blowhard crap.

Bingo YBO!!
This post is like watching the riots on TV against Trump......worthless waste of time.
Accept it for what it is, right or wrong, and get over it!

zealot [zel-uh t]
1. a person who shows zeal.
2. an excessively zealous person; fanatic.

3.(initial capital letter) a member of a radical, warlike, ardently patriotic group of Jews in Judea, particularly prominent from a.d. 69 to 81, advocating the violent overthrow of Roman rule and vigorously resisting the efforts of the Romans and their supporters to heathenize the Jews.

narcissist [nahr-suh-sist]
1. a person who is overly self-involved, and often vain and selfish.
2. Psychoanalysis. a person who suffers from narcissism, deriving erotic gratification from admiration of his or her own physical or mental attributes.

Fair enough
this altitude sickness is annoying
dont know how fat-ass elk-ass tollerates it
you boys need relax
its just a ram
and nevada will send utah another one
It's just a ram? Was it worth violating the law and starting this crap storm for any old ram?

" Was it worth violating the law and starting this crap storm for any old ram?"

Some people consider all rams equal Hawkeye. Not everyone bases everything they do on horn size like you.
"OFFICER, it was just an elk. I know it was in the wrong unit, and wrong time of the season, and I didnt have a legal tag for it, but it was JUST AND ELK".

If thats the attitude, then why the Hell did you hunt the "JUST A RAM"????

That has to be the most idiotic comment I have ever read from you Texas boys!

Really? "ITS JUST A RAM"?

So you bought a tag in the name of "CONSERVATION" and its "JUST A RAM"??? I honestly hope you have a better comment and thought than that!!!

A new kind of STUPID!
So what is it Robiland? Is it the kid in Kansas that his parents starved beat and fed to the pigs? Is it the missing college student they still haven't found? Is it the drug addict you drive by each day on the street corner? How about the three year old that two cops cooked to death in the back of their squad car? Maybe its the 17 homicides and 400 shootings that occurred on the streets of Chicago in one weekend? Maybe its more important than the little girl a dad made sleep outside on a porch all not in the cold?

All those intentional evils didn't even last 48 hours as a news story. None of them were ever discussed here. BUT ONE PERSON KILLS A SHEEP, AFTER MISINFORMATION BY YOUR AUTHORITIES IS DISTRIBUTED TO THEM, AND YOU SPEND TWO MONTHS TALKING ABOUT IT???????

Its people with screwed up priorities like you, and others here, that keep trying to make this a major story and Kim Kardashian on TV.
>So what is it Robiland?
>Is it the kid in
>Kansas that his parents starved
>beat and fed to the
>pigs? Is it the
>missing college student they still
>haven't found? Is it
>the drug addict you drive
>by each day on the
>street corner? How about
>the three year old that
>two cops cooked to death
>in the back of their
>squad car? Maybe its
>the 17 homicides and 400
>shootings that occurred on the
>streets of Chicago in one
>weekend? Maybe its more
>important than the little girl
>a dad made sleep outside
>on a porch all not
>in the cold?
>All those intentional evils didn't even
>last 48 hours as a
>news story. None of
>them were ever discussed here.
>Its people with screwed up priorities
>like you, and others here,
>that keep trying to make
>this a major story and
>Kim Kardashian on TV.

OK, Trippy, LOOK, this is a hunting web page!!! Hence the name,

This is not CNN, where your buddies work.
This is not 60 minutes.
This is not E TV that you seem to watch.
This is not an anti cop page, that you seem to follow.
This is not MSNBC that you watch all night long after sniffing glue.
This is not Channel 2 news from Chicago.
I dont EVER RECALL any one mention the Kardasians EXCEPT YOU!
Maybe if you knew some of us more than just on the HUNTING WEB PAGE, you might know that many of us do follow that kind of stuff, and do keep fighting with the libtards about whats going on in the world. But we have our OWN LIBTARD here that we get to fight with about whats right and wrong, black and white. Not all of us are like you and support Bernie or Hillary. Not all of us are on the streets protesting like you right now that Trump is not my president.

But this is a hunting site, and we will fight for whats right, even if "ITS JUST A RAM"!!!
Hey pig boy,
this is a hunting forum we talk hunting here, that's why all those news stories you mentioned were not discussed. I'm sure there's some current event forums out there that you could go to and discuss those topics because they seem to mean so much to you. Yea I didn't think you would, hypocrite.

Oh btw, the little girl wasn't left out all night. Quit lying trying to make a point. You F'n drama queen.
"Fight for what's right"?????????


At least Hossblur will admit that he wants to "hurt" a woman. You just whine and moan for days on end about an innocent mistake. The death of the sheep doesn't change a single aspect of your life. It in no way shape or form effects your income or your asset portfolio. It doesn't change the lives of a single person on here. If someone bent your fender you wouldn't cry this long. SO FOR ALL LOGICAL PURPOSES, YES, TO YOU IT IS JUST A SHEEP.

SO what do you want?
I'm going to go out on a limb here and say that I do not believe HuntinTexas is in any way related to Ms. Waldrip. He's just a troll. A poser stirring the pot.

I have met several so-called Governor's tag holders and for the most part they have had way more class than HT shows. I want to believe that is true here.
I would also like to comment seperately about the "just a ram" comment. Yes, I guess it was just a ram. A ram someone was willing to pay $95,000 and go into a closed unit to kill. I think that sets it apart from most of the other "just a ram"s.

Yes, Nevada will send more sheep albeit desert sheep. And that's because some of us care more about ensuring the future of the species than we do the size of the horns or the ego boost or status an outfitter or hunter derives from killing one.
SO what do you want NVB?

DO you just like loud noisy crying? Cry me a little handful.

DO you just like hurting women like your boy Hossblur?

Time to be honest about your intentions with all this dirt you are spewing.
>SO what do you want NVB?
>DO you just like loud noisy
>crying? Cry me a
>little handful.
>DO you just like hurting women
>like your boy Hossblur?
>Time to be honest about your
>intentions with all this dirt
>you are spewing.

1. The hunter should be cited whether man or woman, nice or not. A law was violated. Dont throw that BS at me about hurting a woman. Lady Justice is blindfolded for a reason.

2. There should be an evaluation of whether or not the guide regulations have provisions for if/when a guide assists in commission of a game violation. There may even be statutes that apply specifically to the guide.
2.a. if the are such provisions then there are probably also penalties. If so the guide should cited and penalized according to those provisions.
2.b. if there are no such provisions then they should be created and applied in future.
2.c. if there are no statutes that apply to the guide and hold them accountable then they should be created. They certainly have a reaponsibility to their hunter to make sure all laws are followed.

3. IF the regulation is ambiguous in any way then it needs to be cleaned up.

4. The employee who gave the go ahead (if that even really happened) should be dealt with however UDWR employee rules state. That may mean nothing is done or it may mean a reprimand. That employee should either know the regs if they are in law enforcement or should have referred it to law enforcement rather than giving the go ahead.

5. There needs to be some good come from this. If the hunter and/or guide is cited then some sort of community (hunting community) gain should happen. Whether it be monetary, service, or whatever.

Thise are my opinions. They are neither right nor wrong so dont even go there. They are opinions.
"1. The hunter should be cited whether man or woman, nice or not. A law was violated. Dont throw that BS at me about hurting a woman. Lady Justice is blindfolded for a reason."

Blind lady justice already spoke. No charges. Tough crap. Get over it. Done

"2. There should be an evaluation of whether or not the guide regulations have provisions for if/when a guide assists in commission of a game violation. There may even be statutes that apply specifically to the guide.
2.a. if the are such provisions then there are probably also penalties. If so the guide should cited and penalized according to those provisions.
2.b. if there are no such provisions then they should be created and applied in future.
2.c. if there are no statutes that apply to the guide and hold them accountable then they should be created. They certainly have a reaponsibility to their hunter to make sure all laws are followed."

Awesome. Sounds like you have some homework to do. Not one single one of your #2 goals can be accomplished by character assassination on a computer forum. Quit crying. You have a direction now. I suggest you get your butt in gear and act.

"3. IF the regulation is ambiguous in any way then it needs to be cleaned up."

Once again. Great plan. Yet again this can't be accomplished by being an internet cry baby. Go talk to the DWR.

"4. The employee who gave the go ahead (if that even really happened) should be dealt with however UDWR employee rules state. That may mean nothing is done or it may mean a reprimand. That employee should either know the regs if they are in law enforcement or should have referred it to law enforcement rather than giving the go ahead."

How do you know this hasn't happened. If that's important go find the truth then start trying to make a change if needed.

"5. There needs to be some good come from this. If the hunter and/or guide is cited then some sort of community (hunting community) gain should happen. Whether it be monetary, service, or whatever."

Some good??? You mean like $95,000 going to your state. I guess that isn't some good????? Don't get greedy. FACT, nothing that occurred here cost your state a single red cent more than was already planned to be. You're state issued these tags with full expectation of a dead sheep. That's what happened. No body's books went in the red on this.

We have all repeatedly answered your ridiculous questions. When are you going to answer the most basic and obvious of all questions - who asked you to remove you original "Blaam" post that included the unauthorized photo of the Ms. Waldrip and the illegally taken ram?

You haven't answered anything Hawkeye and you know it. You said you want people to be held accountable. Looks like everybody already got held accountable. No conviction. Too bad. You're just talking in circles. Plus you never even provided any proof that the sportsman tag holder ever even knew this sheep existed. I guess facts don't matter though.

So what do you want? Don't be vague. Make a stand and put your nuts out there. NVB wants things that have either been resolved or he needs to find a different approach but at least he finally laid his hand on the table. Hossblur wants to hurt a woman. Again at least he is being honest. Now its your turn. WHAT DO YOU WANT?

I feel like I am on the internet with the Trump protesters. All of them are pi55ed but none of them have a plan and the things they want are not logical.
>"1. The hunter should be cited
>whether man or woman, nice
>or not. A law was
>violated. Dont throw that BS
>at me about hurting a
>woman. Lady Justice is blindfolded
>for a reason."
>Blind lady justice already spoke.
>No charges. Tough crap.
> Get over it.

It is MY OPINION that Lady Justice was peeking out from under her blindfold and check her wallet when that decision was made. I don't have to get over it. It's my opinion and OJ is still guilty regardless of his acquittal.

>"2. There should be an evaluation
>of whether or not the
>guide regulations have provisions for
>if/when a guide assists in
>commission of a game violation.
>There may even be statutes
>that apply specifically to the
>2.a. if the are such provisions
>then there are probably also
>penalties. If so the guide
>should cited and penalized according
>to those provisions.
>2.b. if there are no such
>provisions then they should be
>created and applied in future.
>2.c. if there are no statutes
>that apply to the guide
>and hold them accountable then
>they should be created. They
>certainly have a reaponsibility to
>their hunter to make sure
>all laws are followed."
>Awesome. Sounds like you have
>some homework to do.
>Not one single one of
>your #2 goals can be
>accomplished by character assassination on
>a computer forum. Quit
>crying. You have a
>direction now. I suggest
>you get your butt in
>gear and act.

I don't agree that nothing can be accomplished by this discussion on an internet forum. I firmly believe the noise generated here is being heard elsewhere. Whether or not it is listened to we will have to wait and see.

>"3. IF the regulation is ambiguous
>in any way then it
>needs to be cleaned up."
>Once again. Great plan.
>Yet again this can't be
>accomplished by being an internet
>cry baby. Go talk
>to the DWR.

Please my #2 response

>"4. The employee who gave the
>go ahead (if that even
>really happened) should be dealt
>with however UDWR employee rules
>state. That may mean nothing
>is done or it may
>mean a reprimand. That employee
>should either know the regs
>if they are in law
>enforcement or should have referred
>it to law enforcement rather
>than giving the go ahead."
>How do you know this hasn't
>happened. If that's important
>go find the truth then
>start trying to make a
>change if needed.

I don't know. You asked what I wanted. That's what I want. It either has been done or it needs to be.

>"5. There needs to be some
>good come from this. If
>the hunter and/or guide is
>cited then some sort of
>community (hunting community) gain should
>happen. Whether it be monetary,
>service, or whatever."
>Some good??? You mean like
>$95,000 going to your state.
> I guess that isn't
>some good????? Don't get
>greedy. FACT, nothing that
>occurred here cost your state
>a single red cent more
>than was already planned to
>be. You're state issued
>these tags with full expectation
>of a dead sheep.
>That's what happened. No
>body's books went in
>the red on this.

Ok, the $95,000 was spent whether they broke a law or not. Since they broke a law killing that particular sheep the original $95K doesn't apply. Again, MY OPINION. But the real cost could be that NOBODY gets to hunt the Nebo in some future year. If UDWR feels the area can only sustain one ram being harvested but both tags shoot there then it is POSSIBLE that a biologist will feel the unit needs to be closed in a future year. If that is the case, it did cost something in terms of opportunity. So yes, the "books" could go in the red. For an animal with limited population potential in the early years of establishment, even tho a mature ram and therefore hunting opportunity existed, the taking of 2 rams one year could affect a future year hunt. It could result in an over harvest Believe me on this. It has happened in the past.

Lastly, what part of my screen name makes you think I live in Utah?
Take off your glue mask, wash your hands, put on your glasses, and go re-read the 500+ posts thread. I have answered your question multiple times. The fact that you don't like the answer, does not change that reality. Now step up and answer one of the many questions that have been asked of you.

But we all know you won't answer a relevant question because you are an impotent, childish troll. Some things are so predictable.


You are dodging. But that's really all I expect from you.


"It is MY OPINION that Lady Justice was peeking out from under her blindfold and check her wallet when that decision was made. I don't have to get over it. It's my opinion and OJ is still guilty regardless of his acquittal."

Nobody cares. You ain't going to reverse the prosecutors decision. Your opinion is nothing but sour grapes. Everybody understands that.

"I don't agree that nothing can be accomplished by this discussion on an internet forum. I firmly believe the noise generated here is being heard elsewhere. Whether or not it is listened to we will have to wait and see."

I didn't say nothing can be accomplished, just your goals. The regulatory positions you speak of don't care about internet crying. They are not first time moms dealing with a screaming kid in the grocery store. They develop law and policy based around logic. Not emotional belligerence.

"But the real cost could be that NOBODY gets to hunt the Nebo in some future year. If UDWR feels the area can only sustain one ram being harvested but both tags shoot there then it is POSSIBLE that a biologist will feel the unit needs to be closed in a future year."

COULD AND POSSIBLE??????? Are you kidding me? You think people should be punished over "could" and "possible"???? We aren't talking about public safety. We are talking about ecologic balance. You don't punish people over what it could be or the possibilities. It could be possible the Nebo couldn't sustain itself after one ram. If herd assessments are done next year on Rattlesnake and they decide there shouldn't be a ram taken there next year should the state come back and fine the previous year's tag holders?????? You are grasping.

I hope you can see running people's names into the mud on the internet doesn't achieve your goals.
>this altitude sickness is annoying
>dont know how fat-ass elk-ass tollerates
>you boys need relax
>its just a ram
>and nevada will send utah another

Fat Ass Huh?


I Ain't Skinny!


You were Still on Flat Ground!(((CowBoy Up CupCake!)))

Just a Ram = Just another 100K I take it?

[font color="blue"]She put a Big F.U. in My Future,Ya She's got a
way with Words[/font]
LAST EDITED ON Nov-17-16 AT 00:22AM (MST)[p]
>COULD AND POSSIBLE??????? Are you
>kidding me? You think
>people should be punished over
>"could" and "possible"???? We
>aren't talking about public safety.
> We are talking about
>ecologic balance. You don't
>punish people over what it
>could be or the possibilities.
> It could be possible
>the Nebo couldn't sustain itself
>after one ram. If
>herd assessments are done next
>year on Rattlesnake and they
>decide there shouldn't be a
>ram taken there next year
>should the state come back
>and fine the previous year's
>tag holders??????

THIS hunter was not in anyway a tagholder for that unit.

I didnt say the state should come back and fine anybody. I said what the real cost could be. Cost does not necessarily equate to dollars. And in this case that cost is not recoverable. That makes it an even worse crime in my opinion.
So if it is not recoverable why do you in your number 5 goal request they be cited for a hunting community gain. Seems rather conflicted.
Who says that I did?

You are trying to hijack the thread again, NVB. Stay on target. Fact, the question you ask will never get you to any one of your five goals.
Bessy, you are not fat. You just have an athletic build.

If the altitude was bothering our buddy HuntinTexas, perhaps he can hire a team of guides and sherpas to pack him up and down the mountain. They will even carry his gun for him for the right price.

>Who says that I did?
>You are trying to hijack the
>thread again, NVB. Stay
>on target. Fact, the
>question you ask will never
>get you to any one
>of your five goals.

Tri I know you asked for it to be removed so at least quit playing the "who says I did" line.
>How do you "know" that dirtytough?

Because I asked who asked for the thread to be deleted. I was told it was Tristate.
>You asked who dirtytough?

Does it matter? You wont believe him anyways. You have on your Bernie goggles, so no need for proof. You will probably ask for paper trace to see the proof. Then you still wont believe him. Then you will spin it again anyway you want.
Yes it matters. You want to make accusations you better actually know what you are talking about.

Not knowing what you are talking about has gotten this conversation this far though, so why quit now.

Just like none of yall know if the DWR employee did call the central office or an LEO for the info. Just like yall don't know what was advertised when the tag was sold. Just like yall don't know what was sent in the letter with the tag. Just like yall don't know if the sportsman tag holder was on the Nebo. Just like yall don't know whether the sportsman tag holder ever knew this ram existed. Just like yall don't know if it scores well enough for B&C.

But none of the things yall don't know ever slows down the lynch mob and makes them think.
>Yes it matters. You want
>to make accusations you better
>actually know what you are
>talking about.
>Not knowing what you are talking
>about has gotten this conversation
>this far though, so why
>quit now.

LOL, did you just read what you wrote?

As on old comedian used to say, "and here's your sign!"
>You asked who dirtytough?

Why does it matter? You and I both know you asked to get it removed. If you don't have the balls to admit it that's fine. After I found out you asked to have it removed and said I know you did, you are playing stupid little games. It shows the kind of person you are.

I asked you a question. Who asked you to remove your thread? You answer that and I'll tell you how I know you asked to have your own thread removed.
>What guidelines set by the licensing
>board did WLH break?

OK I will answer this one-

I went with a Guide once in my life so far. We were looking at Bucks for a few minutes and when I finally got my rifle up after sizing one as being big he said it was not in the CWMU. I was irritated that he hadn't told me it was before I got trigger ready. If he hadoesn't let me shoot it we both would be in trouble. It's part of the Guides job. Period!!!
>Yes it matters. You want
>to make accusations you better
>actually know what you are
>talking about.
>Not knowing what you are talking
>about has gotten this conversation
>this far though, so why
>quit now.
>Just like none of yall know
>if the DWR employee did
>call the central office or
>an LEO for the info.
> Just like yall don't
>know what was advertised when
>the tag was sold.
>Just like yall don't know
>what was sent in the
>letter with the tag.
>Just like yall don't know
>if the sportsman tag holder
>was on the Nebo.
>Just like yall don't know
>whether the sportsman tag holder
>ever knew this ram existed.
> Just like yall don't
>know if it scores well
>enough for B&C.
>But none of the things yall
>don't know ever slows down
>the lynch mob and makes
>them think.

I know. I talked to the biologist. I know his name. Glad to tell you, i wont do it publically. Feel free tri and pm me, ill tell you. I know whst wlh did, i know who he talked to. I also know its not his first time fishing. If you want the name of the officer that told me that, pm me. Tri, i know, i also know you possibly know, although you got wlh spin, but you know where and when he called.

As for you trying to bait me with the woman hurting, im an equal oppurtunist, lawlessness is lawlessness, male or female.

So continue on man, but i do my homework, funny thing is, so did you, we know the same info, our sources are different, but we both know what happened. Its also clear you took down the pic, and, if wlh was my friend, id do the same, still hilarious that his biggest defender, was also the guy who dug the hole to start with.

"The only thing that stops a bad guy with a gun is a good guy with a gun"
Guys can sit on here and argue all they want, the obvious truth is that the only real harm that was done to Ms. Waldrip (except by whomever told her to shoot a sheep outside of a valid unit) was by Tristate when he posted her picture without authorization. The tag holder is responsible for the tag, but that doesn't mean consent is granted for pictures to be posted online. Posting them was clearly wrong.

If I had done that, I'd be embarrassed and ashamed of myself.

However, if he did request they were removed after being contacted by an involved party, that would be an admission of guilt on his part, hence my guess on the refusal to answer that question except by unrelated attacks and drivel.

The fact that Tristate's initial argument was that nobody could prove a ram was even dead and then he posted the evidence himself and now constantly mentions "a great guide" or "a great hunter" while accusing others of "hurting women" certainly falls to a level MM has never seen before.
There's an aweful lot of awesome logic there Grizzly.

Who says I didn't have authorization to post the pic?

"However, if he did request they were removed after being contacted by an involved party, that would be an admission of guilt on his part,"

I love this one myself.

"while accusing others of "hurting women" certainly falls to a level MM has never seen before."

HE SAID HE WANT TO HURT HER. His words. Go back and read.

You say all this while at the very same time there is a thread on these forums where people have threatened property damage and butt kickings against each other.

Time to come back to reality grizzly.

Now you want to talk about real truth and logic. I have watched the same 5 haters talk about what they "know" and not a single one of them provide a name or proof or anything of the sort that could support their gossip. THAT IS A FACT. Internet gossip isn't truth.
So that pm we exchanged a few weeks back where i told you the biologists name, and who told me sbout wlh fishing for info, your gonna ignore huh? Fyi, you werent tje only one i told, in fact, most of those that have hung on in here i told. We know. We also know you know. Your right, i said i wanted to hurt her, she pulled the trigger. Not a sex thing, just a trigger puller thing. So you know, hawkeye has known who and what the whole time, we are all just letting you spin.

"The only thing that stops a bad guy with a gun is a good guy with a gun"
You never sent me a pm with the biologist's name. You don't know near as much as you think.

I don't know if I can handle the spin. It is overwhelming knowing five internet zealots are making me their puppet. I am a defenseless victim of their omniscience. The weight of their intelligence is crushing.

Dude do you realize you actually tell lies to yourself?

How else would you like to hurt a woman?

What was it that made you want to hurt a woman? Do they shame you? Laugh at you? Go way back and try to remember. Not made up memories like a biolgist's name, but a real painful memory.
I didn't read through all the posts but I was always told ignorance is no excuse. It is your responsibility to know where and when your hunts are. Someone is getting lucky as hell they aren't getting in trouble.

This isn't a case of ignorance. It is a case of the DWR actually providing misinformation to hunters.
Tri, are your buddies at WLH still taking your phone calls? Or did you burn that bridge with your Blaaam post? Assuming that they will still talk to you, call them and ask them if they ran into the sportsman tag holder on Nebo. Ask them if the sportsman tag holder told them they were not supposed to be hunting that unit? Most of us know more than you think. You could learn some facts too if you were willing to do a little work. But facts and truth never were your strength.

You want me to do the labor of what I asked you for and you couldn't provide. Why don't you admit you don't know. You are so desperate you are begging me for help.

By the way had a conversation with my buddy Wade today. He really is a class act. Wish there were more folks like him in the world.

Hawkeye your entire world is propped up on gossip and hatred. Substance eludes you.
>Great ram.
>There is one thing wrong with
>that rifle.
>It ain't got a left hand
>bolt. :D

You a lefty, Tri?

Lefties are more prone to psychosis, heavy drinking, tend to be angrier, and more likely to be embarrassed by their actions. Hmmm.

Come on HuntinTexas, show us some different pics. If you're for real you should have some that aren't already out there on the internet.
You get to see the short Clip NVB?:D

[font color="blue"]She put a Big F.U. in My Future,Ya She's got a
way with Words[/font]
The real question is would the sportsman tag holder be let off the same way? Absolutely not. The hunter and the outfitter should be cited for the incident. It is their responsibility just like every other hunter to know the laws. The law is posted for them to read. Word of mouth from someone is doesn't mean they are correct and you are allowed to shoot an animal illegally. They definitely got away with one here.
>The real question is would the
>sportsman tag holder be let
>off the same way? Absolutely

Totally illogical question with an assumed and destructive answer. Stay away from envy and class warfare.
That is a beautiful ram but it was killed in a closed unit. Next time either do your own homework to know and understand the rules or hire a guide that knows and follows the rules.

Do you hear yourself? Who do you think you are? You actually think people give a flip about the orders you hand out. What in your self-righteous ego makes you think you give orders to any of us?
>That is a beautiful ram but
>it was killed in a
>closed unit. Next time I suggest you either
>do your own homework to
>know and understand the rules
>or hire a guide that
>knows and follows the rules.

That make you feel better Tri?

Am I supposed to click on something after I click on you link? Are you selling for jibjab now?

We have a ram shot on a closed unit and we have a fool telling everyone no laws were broken. And in every other post he wants to throw out the word "logical". Ignorance at its finest....
>We have a ram shot on
>a closed unit and we
>have a fool telling everyone
>no laws were broken.

Care to quote me on that? What is perfectly logical is when zealots with an agenda become liars.

You are a childish troll and your comments confirm that over and over again. We ignore most of your posts as immature drivel but some of us have engaged you on this subject because it keeps this problem at the top of this forum. Nothing that you or HuntinTexas have posted can change the reality of the fact that this ram was taken illegally in a closed unit.

Just send tri a pm with names and evidence. Same one i sent him a while ago. Interestingly enough, about the time that pic vanished. So he can play dumb, or just be a troll, but, he cant pretend this is just fantasy any longer.

As for hunting texas, i prefer the body building shots of the Mrs., especially the purple bikini. I am sure u would like to fight, but at 4800 ft, you might stroke out

"The only thing that stops a bad guy with a gun is a good guy with a gun"

you are a gossiping hen.

This was a great hunt done by great hunters and a great company.

You don't realize this forum isn't reality and the garbage you type holds no bearing over the honest day to day goings on of people that actually make a difference and decisions for wildlife.


Do you actually believe the lies you type?
Feel free to counter with evidence or facts. You and wade talk all the time, tell us his side. What happened according to him? Im open minded, educate me

"The only thing that stops a bad guy with a gun is a good guy with a gun"
Yes. A great hunter and a great guide service killed a trophy ram in a closed unit. Then to make things even better, WL felt the need to badmouth all of the knucklehead sportsmen who merely buy a $25 deer tag and then had the audacity to criticize true conservationists. Yes, this was a great hunt all around! Thanks for sharing!

You still don't get it Hossblur. I have never claimed to have the facts of this case. My only argument is that YOU DON'T EITHER.
He claims what the newspaper wrote "couldn't be further from the truth". But of course that statement doesn't match your agenda so you ignore it.

By the way lets talk about the Newspaper article. Your buddy Hossblur, who says he wants to hurt a woman, just confessed that he solicited the writer of the newspaper to do the article? You actually think that article has any credibility now that a person who has specifically engaged in character assassination of a known businessman, and confessed to wanting to hurt the woman involved, set up the article?
LAST EDITED ON Nov-21-16 AT 01:16PM (MST)[p]What was the rules in the law book? Was the season open or not? The proclamation is just a cliff notes and any realistic outfitter or hunter would have dug deep into the laws well except Wade Lemon I guess. That is how every other industry handles issues with possible legal ramifications.
Pig boy, why did you remove your original thread?

Answer the question Boy.
Why are you such a coward to answer a simple question?
Just because its cliff notes doesn't mean that it holds no weight as evidence. It is an official document provided by the state.

Why do you dig deep into the laws when the "cliff notes" covers it? When you go hunt another state do you investigate all of the wildlife law in that state? Do you know all wildlife law in your state? I bet you don't. Should the only people allowed to hunt be attorneys? How about when you take a kid hunting. He better understand thousands of pages of law. At the very least you should understand %100 of all of it since you are taking him. Be realistic SpyderB. You want the authorities to have a little understanding and proper judgement. It might be your kid on these forums one day that everyone wants to slash his tires, run him out of a job, burn his house down, etc....

The prosecutor sure thought it was important AND HE IS A PROFESSIONAL.
I don't really have a comment on this. Just wanted to be a part of the LONGEST THREAD EVER.

Sure glad I didn't read every post...

Character assassination? WLH's own statements to the reporter did more to harm his business and character than anything posted on this website. But we know, WLH's quotes were taken out of context and he never really badmouthed every-day sportsmen while holding his clients up as great conservationists. That evil reporter from the Tribune was obviously looking to engage in character assassination and to take down a great business. Got it.

Closing in on 6 bells. May even see a grand on this one.

I have had a run in with WL before. He is a snake in the grass and will resort to any means necessary to fill a tag for his clients.
You mean the reporter solicited BY HOSSBLUR to attack Wade Lemon???? Go ask Hossblur. I have it in his PM to me that he set it up.


Honestly, I have a brother that works for a major US newspaper. If I sent him over to interview you and write a story about you would you trust that it was objective and balanced?

Do I agree with everything written by a reporter? No. However, most reporters are very careful with their facts and especially when they are quoting somebody. Despite your accusations to the contrary, the Tribune reporter was quite defferential to WLH and laid most of the blame on the DWR, some of which was well deserved. In fact, the only thing in the article that was particulary harmful to WLH were WL's own comments. If the reporter was really on a witch hunt to take down WLH then he could have wrote a far more damaging article.

The biggest problem for WLH is that WL decided to open his mouth and attack average sportsmen and then regretted doing so after the article was published and those same sportsmen began commenting on his FB page. Sorry but I don't see the vast conspiracy to take down your friend and his business. WLH screwed up, blamed the DWR for his actions, and then blamed the reporter for WL's own statements. Do you see a pattern?

Yes I see a pattern. You believe whatever garbage furthers your agenda. Wade specifically stated that what was quoted in the article "couldn't be further from the truth". But yet you ignore his statement and accept the article as scripture into your hate torah.

Now you are choosing to overlook the confession that the writer was solicited by Hossblur.

The article no longer has credibility but you can't accept it. You are willing to chain your credibility, or lack there of, to it?
Tri, I agree completely that the press often takes partial quotes out of context and misconstrues their meaning. Below is the paragraph where WL was quoted. Perhaps, with your eloquent writing style, you could help me come up with a context where this statement is not offensive to every hunter. I'm having trouble imagining the sentences or words immediately before or after that would create a good context.

"These knuckleheads ought to be ashamed for spit-balling these people. Those guys who buy a $25 deer tag don't do squat" for habitat conservation, he said.
LAST EDITED ON Nov-21-16 AT 04:25PM (MST)[p]If he actually said any of that I'll play.

"These knuckleheads ought to be ashamed for spit-balling these people. Those guys who buy a $25 deer tag don't do squat for PETA"

See its that easy.

Again the reporter was solicited by a person on these forums who has done nothing but character assassination in an attempt to achieve his ultimate goal of hurting a woman.

The credibility of the article is toast.


you need to look long and hard at who you are standing with.
The fact that a concerned sportsmen may have asked the reporter to look into a trophy ram that was shot on a closed unit by the one and only governor's tag holder and a well known outfitter does not in any way undermine the credibility of the article or the reporter. Not to mention, the reporter did not quote hossblur in his article. Rather, the reporter did his own research, contacted the DWR and Wade Lemon and quoted them directly in the article. As I said before, I thought the reporter let WLH and the hunter off fairly easy. There is nothing in the article that is particularly damaging to WLH other than WL's own comments, which according to you and WL are way off base from how he really feels.


You sound like a street vendor trying to sell people pig crap and tell them its pork.

Hossblur, the concerned sportsman??????? No. Hossblur the misogynist with an agenda laid out before you right on these forums.

That's fine if your opinion is the article went to easy on them. I really don't think you would be happy unless the involved parties were made to look like baby sacrificing devil worshipers. See that's what happens when you align yourself with someone like Hossblur. Your credibility just looks a little less shiny each day.


Do you like hurting women too? Birds of a feather maybe?
>"These knuckleheads ought to be ashamed
>for spit-balling these people. Those
>guys who buy a $25
>deer tag don't do squat
>for PETA"
>See its that easy.

Nice try. I bet thats exactly what he said. What about the knucklehead sentence. Try again.
It fun occupying space in tri head, i must haunt his dreams.

Tri, for the record. I contacted 3papers, trib, d news, standard.

I contacted get gephardt. 4dwr offices. Boone and crocket. Texas hunting forum. Wlh facebook page. THE LIFE hunting show. A handful of guys in this forum.
All of which I contacted. I was contacted by a handful who sought me out.

None of those things killes a sheep. None of them did so on a closed unit. None of them were too arrogent to simpky say, "no comment".

Like i told you in the pms we exchanged, YOU posting the pic was a godsend. Until then it was Monty Burns making his first posts, looking like a guy with an ax to grind, then poof, you made his claim legit.

Then, you single handedly helped keep this alive, which created enough publicity that the reporter acted on it. So did an outdoor radio show, which was able to get answers from dwr boss.

You helped create enough pressure that wlh actually figured he needed to try and spin it, giving us his classic "knucklehead" line. Which, i still dont get what context that is a positive in, but i digress.

Tri, this shizz wont happen again. The remedy will be in the proc. Every guide in the state now knows, so ignorance wont wash. Tri, we call that effective change, and we couldnt have done it without you. Thanks.

"The only thing that stops a bad guy with a gun is a good guy with a gun"
Why try again. I doubt that's what was said but you asked and it proves YOU DON'T KNOW!

Your fake argument is dusted.

The article has no credibility. You just can't admit it.


Slow down and look very hard at who is standing with you. Watch out. That isn't a threat it is help.
None of those people confessed their goal was to hurt a woman.

By the way I told you from the get go, none of this would ever happen again so quit thinking you accomplished anything.
Gosh Tri, I apprecoate you looking out for me.

So if that wasn't what was said then I would imagine WL is filing a defamation suit against the SL Trib to get them to print a retraction. Just remember, these days every reporter I've seen always has a little recorder they stick in your face.

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