Gorgeous typical!


Very Active Member
I was fortunate to have a Wyoming tag once again this year. In total I made 14 pre-season trips scouting new and old areas. The heat was brutal this summer! I turned up quite a few good/great bucks but no giants this year. Lots of pressure high and low! On the second evening of the rifle hunt, I turned up two great bucks. Both were new finds which always gets me excited. It was late in the evening and the spot was two miles as the crow flies. I knew one was a no brainer and I bailed off the mountain in hot pursuit but darkness won that evening and I choose not to push a deep shot I wasn’t comfort with.
First light found us waiting for fog to lift as we game planned the best way to re-locate and hunt the bucks from the night before. We didn’t account for the amount of people in the area and it turned the hunt that day into a yard sale of sorts! This buck and the target buck we’re playing hide and seek in the pocket below me after I inadvertently blew them out. They also picked up 4 other bucks making things very difficult to identify through the trees what was what. This buck was the only one holding on to his velvet and was likely the biggest factor to him getting a bullet due to the easy identification! After another yard sale of sorts and three, 375 yard off hand shots, I connected and realized my season had come to an end!
I was able to spend the opener with my dad who is 64, he did 6 miles that day!
I’d be ungrateful if I didn’t thank my hunting partners this year for all their help packing him out, you know who you are!


Let’s change your name to “Wyomingbucks”?
Always getting it done on great bucks-congrats on another stud!!!
im way more interested in your tag acquiring strategy then the bucks at this point. seems that's what you really have figured out. nice buck though
Excellent observation Farva
hey my hats off to you. you've figured out a way to get these tags every year. i was being 100% sincere that i find that more impressive then the buck. in this day and age that's by far the harder thing to do then find the buck in limited entry units. dont take that the wrong way, didn't take you for the sensitive type. it was a compliment
Correct, anybody who knows me will tell you how much I hate velvet. We glassed both bucks together and this one didn’t even get his picture taken. His buddy stole the lime light, that’s how much of a no brainer he was. I’d post video but my group still has a couple tags to fill.
Great buck Leica. Big congrats! And since I was in that neighborhood, I appreciate your success even more. We ran into one guy coming back down a trail and I asked him what it was like above us. He Said "Like a Metallica concert; loud crowded and crazy." That pretty much summed it up, too. Too crazy for this old guy.
Who cares how you get the tags. Great buck as usual. Always look forward to your trip recaps. Thanks for sharing.
Nice Job. Looks like a lot of fun. I’m jealous! Congrats on a giant. You alway get it done. Are you measuring him in that pic? Before you even start to process
Of course not. I just wanted to make sure he was going to fit in the freezer when I got home. That width can be a ***** sometimes.
Nice Job. Looks like a lot of fun. I’m jealous! Congrats on a giant. You alway get it done. Are you measuring him in that pic? Before you even start to process
I’ll go ahead and point something out as if it’s not apparent. You want to find fault in someone because they continually get tags and seem to be successful in ways you don’t like or are envious of.

Here’s what I have; honesty, the balls to tell it like it happened and the spine to post it on here. You don’t get that today. I hunt hard, I’m passionate, and I havnt lost an animal for a decade or more. If you want to sit there like the coolest guy in the room and try to poke holes in my story and twist the words to make you sound like the hero…….well, then I guess I can’t stop you. I hope you continually earn the coolest guy in the room title in your future posts and maybe you’ll be someone’s hero one day too!
congrats on another nice buck! so common for people to blast some aspect of your story they don't like, then they call YOU overly sensitive.
I’d gladly share my points with you buddy and many others on this site! Dedicated and hard working hunter for sure. Congrats again buddy!
We have all had instances where we had to make a quick decision and it’s not always the easiest. I’ve shot a few running animals and don’t ever regret it either.
I’ll go ahead and point something out as if it’s not apparent. You want to find fault in someone because they continually get tags and seem to be successful in ways you don’t like or are envious of.

Here’s what I have; honesty, the balls to tell it like it happened and the spine to post it on here. You don’t get that today. I hunt hard, I’m passionate, and I havnt lost an animal for a decade or more. If you want to sit there like the coolest guy in the room and try to poke holes in my story and twist the words to make you sound like the hero…….well, then I guess I can’t stop you. I hope you continually earn the coolest guy in the room title in your future posts and maybe you’ll be someone’s hero one day too!
Nobody knows what you’re talking about
For what it’s worth. There was a thread on here a while back “ best mule deer hunter on mm” or something thing like that. I threw your name in there because of how consistently you kill big bucks. Does that make us all better? I was being genuine when I said the ability to get these tags every year impresses me more then the deer, and I said nice buck. You’re the one that got really really sensitive about the tag comment. It wasn’t a dig.

The shot thing. Well, you put it out there. I just call it how I see it and think the standards on here are funny.

I’m good with the “ jealous” thing. Comments people I don’t know have no affect on me. Since last Thursday Ive killed a prong horn, a bear and a bull. Plus 4 coyote this morning. So I get out enough to not have to worry about living up to , again, total strangers in the internet.

One more time though. Nice buck
But you are worried about total strangers on the internet. Or you wouldn't have posted again. mtmuley
Umm… this…. This is how it works…

Think you may have taken a few too many of your blood pressure pills there gramps. You feeling a little light headed?
Certainly a giant typical.
Well done Lieca. Were you able to save the velvet?
Thanks! It’s in pretty rough shape, I threw it in the freezer after I caped it off to decide what I’ll do with it. In all honesty, this buck is just a classic example of a great typical, not a giant in any regard.
Thanks! It’s in pretty rough shape, I threw it in the freezer after I caped it off to decide what I’ll do with it. In all honesty, this buck is just a classic example of a great typical, not a giant in any regard.
Well he may not be a giant to you (given all your other monster muley's), but he's a giant to the rest of us giant killing wannabe's. ?
Is your group still out there? I'm impatiently waiting for the grip and grin of the target buck...
Target buck did not die to my knowledge, well at least not from our group. The last of our party tagged this morning. I’ll see what I can do about sharing some pictures if I can get permission.

Target buck video from 2 miles.


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I like the filler buck. Nice job. I’m on a road trip and can’t look at the target buck pics. Hopefully when I get home and use a real computer.
Again, congrats!

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