Good Wife Guide - 1955



You think wives still do this, 54 years now??

Thanks for the instructional info, I just printed it out and posted on the fridge. If ya'll never hear from me again, you know what happened.

I am not so certain they did that in 1955 but you can bet your a$$ there are none around like that in 2008..
LAST EDITED ON Jan-18-09 AT 01:12PM (MST)[p]>I am not so certain they
>did that in 1955 but
>you can bet your a$$
>there are none around like
>that in 2008..

First off who wears the pants around your place.
Second if it isn't so toss them back there are lots more in the ocean to fish for.
Third there is a 15 lb rule that applies around our place. Gain over 15 lbs from your wedding wieght and it's the highway.

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