Good Day Fishing


Long Time Member
Few fish of a different of a different flavor.
Spent yesterday with Thomas and a friends daughter.
We went to a friends private pond.

Thomas tried to put on a show by catching this bucketmouth right away.
Don't matter the species, if it swims, he's all over it...


But it was this little lady that stole the show.
She went from being afraid to touch the fish...


To hamming it up with the best of them...


These pretty slabs provided lots of action...



What part of cute don't you understand?????


That was a good day....
Love it love it love it!!!!
Congrats on a great day.

Take a kid hunting. You will enjoy it more than they do!
Awesome pix, gotta love those times!!

She looks like she's got a great white shark in the first one.....a really mad one!!! Lol

Skull Krazy
"No Bones About It"
These kind of pics make me happier than some crazy Utard with a 400"bull!!! hehehe

It is all about taking the kids out and getting them into the things that we love. It is sooooooo refreshing to see kids out catching fish, rather than inside playing video games all the time!

Thanks for the great pics Harry!

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