
Sorry guys. All we could muster on our 5 roadtrip was one win and a rainout. We saw Pablo running sprints a he looked real good
Barry was having a pitching workout and I told him to take his time. We are at the Denver airport getting ready to fly home. GoGiants Beat the Dodgers
Larry, We need you and the Giants back home here asap... otherwise we may soon find ourselves in last place! lol :)

Honestly, really cool trip that you and Pat got to go on. Too bad the weather was such a mess and our Boys in the field didn't do so well!

Joey, #s 1, 2 & 3 are spot on. But i believe the bullpen was just a hiccup. Can't go all season with every body in the pen having a sub 2.00 ERA. And both Posey and Huff are starting to hit. Posey was hitting .450 over his last 20 at bats (all singles) and Huff is starting to hit the ball well at least once a game.

Warm weather (LA) will help.

Ditto putting Nate the Great in the lineup everyday.

3 hrs to game time.
I agree with Sage's accessment of the team at this time. Rumors before DeRosa went down last night were to put Huff at third and bring Belt up to play first. I would rather see Tejada play third ( for defensive range purposes) and put Fontenot at short. Nate the Great needs to be in the lineup, he has earned a spot.
When I got back to work yesterday one of our salesmen who is a big Giant's fan said "welcome back....I'm glad you didn't go to LA too"....that hurts. Sad to see DeRosa go down last night, this might be it for him. It almost became a nightmare when Wilson had his issues on the mound, but found out this morning that it was only an ankle twist. And where were all the Dodger's fans last night, the place was empty.
Ditto larrbo. As DeRosa was walking to the dugout, I told the wife, "His career is over." And I don't want that to be so but the reality is he can't stay healthy.

Where's Torres been, or should I say why has Torres been on the bench?? He got dinged in Chicago, played one game in Colorado (stole a base) and didn't play last night. I could see him sitting with Kershaw on the mound but when Ford went in i expected Torres.

If Torres can't go I propose, Tajeda at 3rd, Fontonet at SS, Belt in left, Nate the great in RF and Ross in CF.

Agreed. We need Cody and Nate in the lineup regularly. Burrell gets more bench time. SORRY!
"SWEEP! But Brian Wilson owes Nate Schierholtz a steak dinner!" Whew!

Too bad it was just the Dogers! Oh, seems those Doger fan trolls that were laughing at us and our team are keeping pretty quiet these days! 11-14 at home, Ouch!!

Seems it ain't never easy!!

I can't live like this all year.......can I?

They're killin' me!

At least they're playing like every win counts. That's good to see.


larrbo, no more road trips for you.:)
LAST EDITED ON May-23-11 AT 02:37AM (MST)[p]This was posted by another on a Baseball blog-site that i visit after yesterday's walk off Win and cumulative sweep of the Oakland A's;

"There is a fifth dimension beyond that which is known to fans. It is a dimension as vast as space and as timeless as infinity. It is the middle ground between winning and losing, between cybermetrics and superstition, and it lies between the pit of a fan's inner fears and the summit of his cheers. This is a dimension of Giant imagination. It is an area which we call... the Walk off Zone."

Pretty good eh? I thought so.

How's about them Giants!!


RACK, did YOU just ask that question? Really??????:)

Pretty good Joey. Nothing like a little Giant's magic.

lol, I just went through the MLB sections of both ESPN and FOX sports and not one word of our sweep of the A's. So n so is coming back after being hurt, Boston did this, LA is in trouble, Philly did that,... Nothing of our extra inning win or of the Giants sweep...nothing.

Why does this surprise me. I mean, it's not like we are playing poorly. The Giants have the third best record in Baseball and gaining. That's after getting off to a very poor start, playing better teams, mostly away from home. Our Pitching is outstanding, i dunno, i could go on and on but, not one peep.

I shouldn't let it bother me that we get no ink or perceived respect in/from the sporting journals. In fact i won't. Soon as i'm done with this, i'm headed down to the corner store where i'll grab a big ol cupa Joe and hang around to see who wants to talk about them Giants. They love me there...;-)

How bout them Giant's. The trip was great except for the weather, surprised I didn't come back with a cold. We got in to Chicago on Thursday afternoon and it was 82 degrees. Went to Ditka's Steakhouse that night and had the 32oz. dry aged prime ribsteak called the "Tomahawk"....yum. On Friday morning we took a walk and it was sunny and 75 degrees at 9:30, so I went back to the room and put on shorts for the game....big mistake. When we got to Wrigley the temp. had dropped to low 50's, the fog came in and the wind was blowing at 25 MPH...and that was the best weather we had in Chicago for baseball. We had dinner at Harry Carey's Friday night, had the veal chop and it was very very good. The weather really got punky on Saturday, we walked out to Navy Pier and the wind was howling out there. We got a Chicago deep dish pizza for lunch since it was a night game, I can't tell you how good this pizza was and the price was really cheap compared to Kali pizza joints. If you saw the game that night it never stopped raining and it was coming in sideways because of the wind. We tuffed it out until the mid 6th inning, we knew that they would have to stop the game at that point. Sunday brought high hopes until we learned that the game had been canceled, bummer our best seats of the roadtrip down the drain. We had dinner at Shaw's Crabhouse that night, another excellent meal. Fresh oyster's on the half shell, Sushi, and King Crab Legs.
On Monday morning we flew to Denver and checking to the hotel. We left for the ballpark early to eat at a favorite in that area...Rodizio Grill at Brazilian BBQ. They have about 25 different meat that they cook on a rotissiery, then they come around to the tables and carve it off for you....also a very good salad bar. We love Coor's field, have been to several series played there. We caught two batting practice balls on Monday and Ryan Vogelsong signed them for us to give to our two grandsons. Did I mention we lost the game. On Tuesday we made our way over to Bass Pro in north Denver, this is a must when in Denver. Went to the day game....yeah, yeah, yeah lost again. After the game went to airport and were home that night. So I come back and now I see I am banned from ever going to another Giants game this year. It was a ton of fun and the baseball has been really good now that we are home. Go Giant's.
Bummer. Early word on Buster Posey this morning is that he has a broken leg and possible ACL tear, if so he will miss the rest of the season. They are bringing up Stewart from Fresno to backup Whiteside and Brandon Belt. Other Rumors are that Huff may try and play third with Fontenot out and they may call Bengie who is a free agent and has not played this year. Wow, how fast things can change.
Here is the story posted on Comcast Sports Bayarea this morning.

The word that spread through the Giants' clubhouse late Wednesday night was that catcher Buster Posey, injured in a 12th-inning collision at home plate, suffered a broken bone in his left ankle and likely tore ligaments in his left knee, a source close to the situation told on Thursday morning.
"It's way serious," said the source, who said x-rays taken at the park revealed the fracture but the information on the knee ligaments couldn't be confirmed without an MRI exam, which is scheduled for Thursday.

Multiple attempts to confirm the extent of Posey's injuries went unanswered early Thursday.

If, indeed, Posey's injuries are as serious as indicated, it's not a stretch to suggest he could miss the remainder of the season -- particularly if the knee ligament is his ACL and requires surgery.

The Giants are expected to make some kind of announcement regarding Posey's roster status -- he's headed for the disabled list, no doubt -- by mid-morning. Chris Stewart, a longtime minor-league backstop who impressed defensively at big-league camp this spring, is said to be on his way to San Francisco, where Eli Whiteside is expected to start behind the plate Thursday for the finale of a three-game series against the Marlins.

Posey, the reigning NL Rookie of the Year, has never before been on the DL.

Read more: Source: Posey injuries 'way' serious; bone broken
Tune to SportsNet Central at 6, 10:30 and midnight on Comcast SportsNet Bay Area for more on this story
Thanks Larry, I'm just sick over seeing what happened to Buster last night.As a former catcher myself at fairly high levels, i've taken some pretty good shots and have dished out, probably even more.

As a Sophomore, i was our High School's starting Catcher. i watched this big ol dude stroke a really deep line drive, no fences, to right field that looked to be a 100 ft over/passed our right fielder. This guy wasn't very fast but did i mention he was huge? Anyway, we sent out a guy into deep right field as our cut-off man and he threw to another cut-off guy out from the infield who threw to me at the plate. I got the ball as this guy is rounding third so i walked up the line to tag him as he should have stopped with the stand-up triple. He never slowed down and i couldn't figure out why, duh!

Here he comes and just at the last second, he lowered his shoulder and smashed through me and my feeble little extended arm tag. The collision, all on his part, picked me up off my feet and knocked me completely back over onto the other side of the dish, at least 10 feet and i was no little guy, where someplace during my flight, the ball came out of my glove. The guy was called safe, my pride was hurt, and i learned a valuable lesson.

Should the rules of the game be changed a little to protect the catcher, maybe the second baseman too, i don't know. I have mixed feelings on the subject myself. I hate what the NFL has done to protect the QB and helmet to helmet hits. To me it was part of the game. When you got your shots, you took them. Still, Buster's injury was just terrible to see and it really didn't need to happen!

This just sucks!!

Here is the latest from the Giants website. It sounds like there is a slim ray of hope.

SAN FRANCISCO -- Catcher Buster Posey has torn ligaments in his left ankle which probably will require surgery, along with a broken bone in his lower left leg, the Giants announced Thursday.

Yet the club resisted declaring that Posey will be sidelined for the entire season. Giants medical personnel wants to finish consulting specialists for additional opinions on Posey's condition until outlining a recovery timetable for the National League's reigning Rookie of the Year.

Giants head athletic trainer Dave Groeschner admitted that the three torn ligaments in Posey's ankle constitute a "severe" injury. Groeschner also acknowledged that Posey's ankle "most likely" will require surgery and he "could be [sidelined] awhile."

Groeschner was less concerned about Posey's fractured fibula, noting that it should heal normally. Posey, said Groeschner, underwent MRIs on his knee, ankle and lower leg to give Giants doctors a thorough look at the afflicted area. Groeschner said that Posey's knee is fine.

Border line cheap shot, IMO. Buster was on the infield side of the plate, and he wasn't blocking the plate. That's hardball I guess.

Now we have to find a way to suck it up and score some runs for our pitching staff. Bochy will figure it out.

Did you see where Barry Bonds stepped up? He is going to pay for Brian Stowe's two kids college education. Pretty classy thing to do. I love the Giants!

Couple things.

Making that play at home is a two step process. It's obvious that you gotta catch the ball and tag the guy, yet to do this play right, takes a ton of concentration and i don't know that Posey has been trained, told, or learned yet how to go about making that play. In any case, it was a train wreck.

Part one. The throw. If you don't get the ball, you can't make the tag. Simple, yes, but oh so important. In practice, Posey could cleanly catch that same throw from right field 98 out of 100 times yet he clearly flubbed the catch. A guy has to know the runner is coming but concentrate, zone ouit the runner, really give a hard go at catching that ball.

Once the ball is caught, then it's quick automatic aggression toward the runner that includes a tag. You make sure that you have the ball, THEN you turn into a linebacker. Two separate steps entirely but can be done in the blink of an eye. It looked to me that Posey had the time to do this, and would have, if he had had a lot of experience at the position, these kind of plays, from a early age.

Before you guys start in on me here, Posey has played a lot of different positions, (SS, pitcher, 1st base, outfield) and i don't believe that he has the experience behind the plate that a normal catcher, played only that position from pee wee league on up, in Jr Collage has.

The way i saw it, Posey didn't catch the near perfect throw,(1) and then he didn't become aggressive enough with the base runner(2). Not saying it's his fault, just that that's not how a catcher goes about making that play. I've noticed a lot of other things about Posey behind the plate as well, think we all have, and most are outstanding yet a couple are not so good. The best way not to get hurt is aggression to the other guy. Maybe the Giants should, hate to say it, look to put Posey someplace else other than count on the league changing the rules of the game.

I feel the same way and hoping they don't take anything away from the game,just use a bigger framed catcher.
You're right again Joey. Well analized.

It's bad enough to get hurt, but to get hurt without the ball and no chance to get the guy......ouch.

Since the Posey injury this thread has died. BUT the Giants haven't!!!!! Nice little offensive burst this week. Back in first today!!!!! I don't know if it's the warm weather or the law of averages. I think the giants are still the class of the NL West. I have noticed that Whittey doesn't call as good a game as Buster. Hoping that will change....SOON!!!

Sage, i was taught to get as low as possible but still on your feet, (Posey was on his knees) at first contact, explode up. Can't break an ankle if your on top of them. You might get blasted back but you'll roll, get thrown, whatever, backwards but your ankles won't get hurt. I attribute this to Posey coming up as an infielder and converting to catcher in the last couple of years.

My story. While playing winter ball, the opposing catcher was on second. Basehit to left field gap. Shortstop cuts off throw and relays to me. Throw is high. As I extend this big SOB hit me and I cartwheel back 2 times. Later same game, almost identical play. Big SOB on second, hit more directly to left fielder. Throw to shortstop. this time he has more time and the throw is low on the third base side of home. I catch, squatted low. He hits me, his shoulder slides over mine. as he starts to go over me, I explode up. He summersults over me. Minimal contact on my part but he lands hard. His pride is probably hurt more than he is. We have a couple of words. Not that it matters but I held on to the ball both times.

No way a guy running full out can get as low as someone stationary. His momentum will take him over you every time. you just need to get the ball in time.
Yes slayer, catching the ball first, then immediately putting yourself into position to be the aggressor certainly can't be done from the knees like Posey was. I'm hoping that, like me, he learned his lesson. The other possibility is that he'll just not ever be very good at those kinds of plays at the plate. Some aren't.

This last series in St. Louie was a pleasant surprise. It showed the heart this team has, especially the ability to come back after giving up an early lead. Crawford looks to be a stud player out there at short, i'm liking what i see from this guy. Huff Daddy finally broke out of his season long slump! That's possibly the best news in a long time. 3 dingers in one game, 4 in two, that is dialed in and i only hope that his bat continues to stay hot. Also, much looking forward to getting Pablo back sometime during this home stand.

I'm still concerned some with our bullpen. Yes, they have some great arms out there but several of the guys have been working thru glitches in their mechanics that have cost us runs that we have not been used to giving up. Giants baseball has been all about our starting pitchers holding the opponents to a couple runs. We can't afford for out pen to be giving up a couple themselves to go along with our stellar starters.

Have you guys noticed that on the occasions when other teams get out to a good lead, we can and do score just as many or more to catch up? Seems to me that we'd be scoring 6-8 runs a game if the other teams were scoring 5-7. Contrary to professional opinions, we do have the ability to put runs on the board on this team. Sometimes though, it takes the other teams to bring that ability out!

Joey, I sure have noticed it. It seems if our starter is pitching well, our offense is standing around admiring it instead of trying to put some runs up. If our starter struggles it seems to wake up the offense.

There sure is a lot of good talent on every team. Winning isn't easy, that's for sure. It boils down to the little things.

I feel bad for Buster. He's a finesse player and I'm sure he wasn't expecting to get blind sided like that. Cousins had a clear path to the plate without going through our catcher. Now that it was pointed out, I also realize the catcher has to protect himself at all times. If Buster makes it back, I bet he won't make that mistake again. He should have had better coaching, especially from Bochy, a former catcher himself. Water under the bridge.

Huff Daddy and Nasty Nate, looking much better!

Last nights game was fun to watch, at last some offense. If you think about it we are in a better position than this time last year. I think the team will come together and jell and be in the playoff's. Ross, Huff and Sanchez are starting to hit the ball....then get the Panda back and I think we will be OK.
Hey guys, what do we do with Zito in a few weeks when he is ready to come back? He is starting for San Jose tonight. I say put him in the bullpen to save him if we have an injury to the starting rotation.
Good question Larry. If he's proved himself to be healthy and ready for work, give him a big shoulder bag and he can sell Panda hats, finger pointers, or cotton candy during the games. ;-)

Seriously, he's still about as good or better a 5th starter as is out there right now. If his contract weren't so high, other teams would like to have him i'm sure. I don't think though, that he's as good or better than any of our starting 5 right now. If any of out starters do get hurt though, as you're saying, he'd be handy to step in and carry us 5-6 innings a game. Yeah, put him in the pen, he adds even more depth to this team.

Nice to see us take 5 out of 7 from St Louie and Colo! Keep up the good work men!!

My new Giants policy: Don't bother watching until the 7th inning.:)

LOL Joey!

Zito had a rehab start in Stockton last night. He pitched 6.2 innings, gave up two hits and one earned run. He struck out 6 and walked 0. He finally found an ump who could be bought.:)

Interesting game this Sunday evening. The SF Giants had every reason to get beat down bad by the Cincinnati Reds. They just recently lost yet another of their very best players and our pitcher could hardly find the strike zone. This was a ESPN televised Game and they showcased possibly the very worst game announcers to ever broadcast a game. To Hear them, they thought the Giants too, had no chance and playing the game was just a formality with the outcome a heavily predicted foregone conclusion.

Somebody needed to tell the Giants! :)

Series like this one, just 2-2, make me proud to be a Giants fan! Thanks guys, go get em!!

DITTO Joey, This team had every excuse they could possibly need to lay down and lick themselves down there. BUT instead, they have grit. Seems the tougher it is, the better they play. Numerous examples already given.

Tonight the PANDA is back????? I expect some rust but like Bochy said, "It'll be nice to have him in the clubhouse. He keeps everyone loose." And his hitting will come around soon.

Go Giants!!!!!!!
I'm about ready to get a new batting coach. Don't know if it would help but.........we look pathetic.

Very nice to see Timmy get back on track with great control of all his pitches and 12K's today.

I have my thoughts on how the Giants are approaching their "At Bat's" and it's more than that but i can only wonder why these guys, pro's, can not be more disciplined at the plate.

The good news, This team still has ton's of upside! Not bad situation for a team currently sitting in first place in their division.

Well how's about them Giants? First off they go and lose 5 games straight, hurt me it did, then they bounce back and win 5 in a row including sweeping them Cleveland Indians. Couple things;

Panda was taken out of the game for his quad being strained. I hope that's all it is, we can hardly afford to have him back on the DL.

That young SS Crawford has impressed me with his play in the field but they're talking cutting back his hours. I seen the boy make good contact here before he got to slumping bad. Too bad for him but i believe his play was good enough to keep the brass from spending huge contract money on another fellow we won't be needing as Crawford looks to be our future.

Huff is batting over 300 for June! Better late than never as they say.

Zito is back! Don't be too surprised to see him pitch several quality starts in a row starting Tues....if they don't allow him to go past the 5th or 6th inning. That's it for him, cut the cord, pull the guy, he self destructs in the 7th if he gets that far.

I think giving Sanchez a rest, 15 day DL, right now is a good thing. The guy throws nasty stuff but both Bochy and i have just had all we can stand with his walks. Hopefully this rest will either do him some good or even better, get us a reliable big RBI guy. I'm not objectionable to trading him if we get good in return.

Question, Do we need, i'm saying "need" to acquire a better Catcher and/or Shortstop to stay competitive and make a run at a repeat? Lots of people think so, i'm not so sure that we do.

It was really nice to see Mad Bum come back and pitch so well yesterday. As to your comment Joey if we need another bat...we now have 2 of our best bats out of the lineup for the season-Posey and Sanchez. With the trade deadline being in a month from now I would like to see the Giant's pickup a shortstop for the final run. As I watch Tejada play I don't see much left in the tank, and I haven't heard Kruk praise him for being really good in the clubhouse like Burrell was last year. Jose Reyes would be a great add and I think give the lineup a real spark, the big question is what do we have to give up to rent him for 80 games. Another concern is we have seen Johnny Sanchez go down with a tired arm, will there be more tired arms later after we had the long season last year? We need to find a few more runs somewhere.
OK Larry, You convinced me! Lets get the guy, even if for just the one half season! As you say, he could be huge!

Did Affield(sp) look Bad Azz yesterday or what? :)

When Belt gets back, it will add a little more offense. Jose would be a boost as well, but what ever happens, we do need another stick in the batting order!
The Giants scored 13 runs......not for the week, as usual, but in ONE game! vs Cubs. Wow!

Bumgarner......"come back player of the year" just a 6 day span.:)

Zito tonight vs Cubs. Hold your breath!

I read about the Dodgers in the Bible today. I opened it up and it said "Chapter 11":)

I just don't know how much more of this "Giants Baseball" that i can take! :)

Bum sure looked good, he looks even better for the Giants future.

Zito tonight, i look for another quality start from him but, again, don't expect much from him past the 5th or 6th inning...especially on the short rest he's being asked to perform. This might present a problem for our recently heavily worked bull pen... hope not!

Joey said "I just don't know how much more of this "Giants Baseball" that i can take!:)"

It does seem that they are getting more creative in how they torture us!:)

Like you always say Joey, we got em right where we want em.

>Wilson looked really good in the
>dugout with that baseball bat.

We may have to use him as a pinch hitter.:)

I see that the Gatoraid Cooler in the Giant's dugout has bandaids all over it tonight. Nice touch.
Yeah, Wilson said, "what's the big deal, at least i squared it up! :) Some Fans of other team are hollering, "roid rage"

I hustled through my work day to get home with the Giants already ahead 6-0 and a rain delay... Play ball!!

Who is this new pitcher we got.....Zito? I'm impressed.

I know I ragged on him the last couple years as hard as anyone. He sure is giving our team a lift!

You are right Eel. They pulled another good player up from the minor leagues....I really like this new kid Zito.
YD, me too. Last time I looked we had the poorest offense in the major leagues. I think that is one reason our injuries haven't hurt us so bad this year. If we lose an every day player, not that big of a deal. How hard is it to replace a .230 hitter?:)

LAST EDITED ON Jul-09-11 AT 04:32AM (MST)[p]Anybody else notice that our outfield has been cheating in too far and lots of balls are being hit over their heads? I wish they'd knock it off! Yes, with Cody and Torres, and Holtz out there, they have decent speed but seems these guys are getting burnt, turning their backs to the infield and still not catching up to the ones hit over their heads. They might give up a few more singles by playing a bit more back but give up fewer doubles and triples. It'd be nice to be young and cocky again.

I called it, Zito is doing well. I don't say he'll pitch this well all season, doubt that he will, yet he may earn his check for awhile and we have Sanchez waiting if and when he's needed. Great situation to be in but i have to think at least one of our 6 starters will be traded for some needed offense.

If Brian S. pulls off half the upgrades that he did last season, we'll be fine!

I feel for Aubry Huff! Dude can't get it going yet nobody is trying harder. Too bad we don't have a young guy ready to come up and step in... :)

Hall didn't work out IMO, good riddance!

This Holtz kid, he's no kid but i like to think of him as one, is on Fire. Nice swing this guy has! He's hitting near .280 now after a good while down around .225, that took some doing and letting that low inside slider go for a ball instead of a "no chance" swing n miss, hasn't hurt. Stay hot!

Lastly, i got to eat some crow here. Last year i felt that Panda wasn't smart enough, "you can't teach stupid" to be on my team. Well, it turns out that he's coming around. Twice now, i've seen him make a great catch of hot shots down the line and he got up to not throw the guy out, possibly throw it away, at first, but to just tag third base for the force. To do that as he did, twice now recently, he had to be thinking ahead before the play. Yes, they are all supposed to be doing that but Panda wasn't at all last season. His head was not in the game most of the time and he made a TON of stupid plays. This year, not so bad. He's playing well and from what i can see, keeping his head in the game where i felt from last year, he may have had the desire but not the ability, that he was just not capable of doing so! Crow, wrapped in bacon, dill, and ginger root deep fried w/ lots or garlic please! My vote for Most Improved Player: Pablo Panda Sandoval

Happy for Schierholtz!!!!!! Like you said, he's taking that ankle biting slider and hitting everything else. And the Pnda is doing well. Between the two of them and Crawford in the clutch, we've been getting by.

Our bullpen has been letting us down. Are they overworked, or am I just spoiled and expect them to hold on to a tie or 1 run lead EVERYTIME?????

Hoping we'll come out of the Allstar break on fire. That's when we made our move last year.

I keep thinking maybe trade Sanchez for a bat. But a bat where??? Not at 1B, Belt is our firstbaseman of the future. Not @ 2B, Sanchez will be back. Not @ SS, Crawford is sweet in the field and has tons of upside at the plate. Can't replace the Panda @ 3B. Catcher??? Nice to rent a Victor Martinez for 3 months but Buster will be back. Outfield?? Maybe cause I can do without Burrell, Rowand or Ross. Scheirholtz is a keeper IMO. Torrez? He's so frustrating when he swings at ball 4, and when he doesn't attempt to steal in a true steal situation. And he always steals late in the count. Need him to go on the 1st pitch or 2 so he's in scoring position when/if the hit comes. I talked myself into it, let Torrres go. Sanchez and Torrez for a true center fielder with pop. OBTW, Where's Torez' 18 homeruns this year??
Good points slayer!

If i remember right, Torres got picked off twice in two games a few weeks ago. The last one, he was leading off first base, the other second. Anyway, ever since then, he hasn't been worth a crap stealing bases when up until then, he was a terror. I think he is subconsciously afraid to get a great jump or big lead off the base, doesn't want to get picked off again. Torres is a mental case anyway but when he plays well, he plays really well. That said i could live with trading him for the right player deal.

As far as where to put a good-great bat if one was obtainable...anyplace, except maybe 3rd base or right field. I mean, it probably will only be for half a season. Any of those guys not quite doing it would understand having to sit for awhile for the good of the team, they'd have to!

My OBTW, when was the last game when both Torrez and Shierhlotz dropped fly balls that were in their gloves? Both were very well hit balls but... just sayin.


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