Giants, final push!!!!!

The Giants Win the Pennant, The Giants Win the Pennant, The Giants Win the Pennant!!!

How Nice is That? Yea Baby, more Baseball. Bring Them On!

Too bad that we won't be able to hit Detroit's 4 starting pitchers. Then there is their two Dynamo power hitters Cabrera and Fielder that can't be stopped. They say that we don't have much of a chance against a team like that...

Screw em what "they" say!! :) They ain't played the Giants yet!!

Go Giants!!


"It's all about knowing what your firearms practical limitations are and combining that with your own personal limitations!"
Congratulations to our GIANT'S. National League Champs, baby!

The Cardinals are still in shock. 1 run in 3 games.

I bet Detroit has that "deer caught in the headlights" look. lol

Who ARE those guys?

What the Giant's put on the field is unbeatable, IMO.

What Eel said.


Go Giants!!


"It's all about knowing what your firearms practical limitations are and combining that with your own personal limitations!"
I have my orange shirt on, the TV is on watching the pregame on Comcast Sports Network and dinner in the oven. Go Giant's.
Verlander, "the best pitcher on the planet" according to ESPN. He got a taste of Planet Bochy tonight.

LMAO!! Again, NOBODY gave us a chance to win tonight, NOBODY!

I just can't help but Laugh at these supposedly expert baseball annalists!

When are they going to learn. How many times do the Giants have to prove them wrong again and again before one comes out and says that the Giants are probably going to do what it takes to win!

I hope that we continue to give them a chance to learn the error of their past ways!! :)

Go Giants!!


"It's all about knowing what your firearms practical limitations are and combining that with your own personal limitations!"
Let's hope MadBum has got his stuff back tonight. The Tigers don't do well against lefty's so this rotation worked out well for us. Go Giant's
How nice?!?!

Giants up 2 games to -0-


"It's all about knowing what your firearms practical limitations are and combining that with your own personal limitations!"
like I said.....
"2010 World champion's...
2012 World Champion's,Posey League MVP,Series MVP Pablo's 5 home run's and outstanding "D" and antic's on field!"
happy hunting guys..
and go GIANTS!!!
Nick, Good luck Buddy!! Hope you get a TOAD!! lol Then again, any Elk in the freezer would be nice.

Detroit's pitcher tonight, Annabell Sanchez, has been tough on the Giants when he has pitched against them for the Marlins. Nasty stuff. Still though, Detroit has to hit our Pitching which has been no easy task for them so far and i see no reason for that trend to not continue. As far as us hitting Sanchez this go round, larrbo told me that anybody should better be able to hit a guy with a first name like "Annabell". :)

BTW, took a ride with Larrbo this morning thru some of the ranch that he has a late season PLM tag for. We saw some decent bucks and he passed on one what would be my second biggest Kali buck ever. He's looking for one another notch above that buck and i don't blame him. I wouldn't blame to shoot that nice buck we saw either. Pretty good way to start the day!!

Go Giants!!


"It's all about knowing what your firearms practical limitations are and combining that with your own personal limitations!"
Today is a good day. I am sitting here watching the Giant's in game 3 of the world series and they are ahead at this point. Went out with Sage this morning to look for some deer. It was fun to see a few good bucks I didn't want to get too triger happy because I have 5 more weeks that I can hunt this ranch. Go Giant's.
How Nice!! :)

Mixed emotions about tomorrow's game. A sweep would be way cool but was kinda looking forward to seeing the zoo of costumed fans that show up at ATT Park on Holloween Night. lol

Tomorrow evening or any one of the next 4 possible games, one more win. We NEED that ONE MORE WIN!! Go gettem guys!!

Go Giants!!


"It's all about knowing what your firearms practical limitations are and combining that with your own personal limitations!"
I was thinking the same thing Joey. I'll miss the crazy fans if we win this on the road. Detroit fans don't seem to get into their team so much.

Giant's are the champions.

Eel's second half thread on the Giant's took us home to the trophy. Now the season is over I only have one thing to say......less that 4 months until pitchers and catchers report for spring training. See you in Scottsdale. Go Giant's.
LIKE I SAID.......
see ya at the parade!!!
time to start the duck season off right with 3 bucks in the freezier...Giants winning it all and am getting married!
this next year is going to be the best!!
story book big!!
Congrats Giants!

As i said many times in this thread, We have the better "TEAM"!!

Go Giants!!


"It's all about knowing what your firearms practical limitations are and combining that with your own personal limitations!"
I can't remember when I've seen a team with such great chemistry! It showed on the field, in the dugout and in the clubhouse.
World Champions!!!!!
It's been a heck of a ride guys! Thanks for all your contributions this year.

No more games to play because we reached the top with no place higher to go.

I need to say one thing before we close for the season. I was down on Brandon Crawford for most of the season. I voiced it at least once. I still feel that he was just one or two errors away from getting booted off the team. Obviously Bochy saw something I didn't and stuck with him. I'm sure glad he did, as I think he has a bright future in the majors and played a significant role in the succes of our team this season. Bochy once again amazed me!

Right on as usual Eel, great stuff and Thanks a ton for, along with Larrbo, Being my major Giants Buddy this year!!

Pablo! Where do i start? I suppose that you can remember back when in both, maybe even 3, these past years, i've been calling for a trade of the Kung Fu Panda. One of my best friends doesn't agree with me and that's ok. It's nice to get input and opinion though i don't usually base all of my opinions on what others think. I said above that if Pablo gets hot, he can just about carry the team by himself and i guess game one of the WS pretty much backed that up.

Still though, i have mixed feeling about the guy. In short, i've long wished we could trade the guy for some great young talent. Something about the guy i don't like and i may be the only Giants fan in the world that feels that way. So, we got him. His bat would be hard to replace and he's on contract for another couple years. I guess he can stay. His value is never going to be higher though and If traded for a couple #1 type, can't miss, big leagues young guys in the mold of Cain or Posey, wouldn't hurt my feelings if we lost him.

So. who's going to the Parade Tomorrow? Eel? You Going? Nick?

My Pumpkin


Relax Giants! Hella Fine Job!!


"It's all about knowing what your firearms practical limitations are and combining that with your own personal limitations!"
Joey, I'm not going to the parade but I will be well represented. My daughter and a couple of her girlfriends are driving over from Modesto area. They plan on arriving about daylight tomorrow to get a good vantage position.

My daughter is a huge Giants fan. From mid September until the final WS game she called almost every day to hash out the days game.

If it was up to her she would have Angel Pagan's baby. I keep reminding her that he's already married and so is she. lol

If they put the WS trophy on tour again this year, I will definatly get my photo taken with it again.

Nice Pumpkin, way nice!

Eel, how cool is that? Gave me the shivers!! Thanks for posting that up!!

I guess all that is left to find out is if or not Posey gets the NL MVP. I can't see them not giving it to him!

That, and then who we will retain or resign for next season. Guys like B Wilson, Pagon, Melkey, Scootero, Blanco, and Pense are all looking for a spot on the team if the price is right. I would like them all back but Brian Sabean might not be willing to pay as much as other teams would. I think Pagon in particular is going to be very much in demand, his stock has risen considerably. We'll see!


"It's all about knowing what your firearms practical limitations are and combining that with your own personal limitations!"
the parade(was a great party)was cool although I WISH PLAYERS WERE ALL IN CARS(when players were in cable cars you could not see them all)...went on the train alot of drinking(when it stopped in the city and doors opened hundreds of empty beer cans fell out when doors opened and you get high from all the smoke in the crowd...."nice freebie".
not sure how many players weere even in the parade did not see them all that was for sure! it was "FUN".
a nice letter from Giants pres...

Dear World Champion Giants Fan,

After the final out of our World Series Championship in Detroit, I watched our players toss their gloves in the air and howl and leap onto each other and hug and wipe away tears. I have been watching and rooting for the Giants almost since birth. I have never seen a team like this one. They were utterly selfless and utterly devoted to each other. They never stopped battling, clawing their way back from the brink of elimination six times in the postseason. Every game was a Frank Capra movie - inspiring heroics, unlikely twists, hard-fought redemption.

As I watched manager Bruce Bochy and his staff spill onto the field, I imagined what was happening in San Francisco. All of us who traveled to Detroit - including every player and coach - knew Coit Tower, the Ferry Building and City Hall were awash in orange light. We knew that fans had filled every inch of Civic Center Plaza to watch Game 4. We knew that throughout the Bay Area, living rooms and pubs were packed with people wearing Panda and Baby Giraffe hats, fake beards and "Vogelstrong" bracelets.

We also knew that no matter how talented the players or how ingenious the manager, no team can win a World Series Championship - much less two in three years - without a little magic.

Our magic is you.

I wish you could hear how our players talk about you, not just with each other but also with players on other teams. Brandon Belt says base runners on first base tell him they've never heard a park as loud as AT&T. Hunter Pence says that Giants fans are "the ultimate motivator.'' Matt Cain calls you their 10th player.

So believe me when I tell you this: Our players carried all of you with them onto the field at Comerica Park. And they were unbeatable.

Like 2010, this World Series Championship was truly a shared victory. So it was humbling during the parade last Wednesday to see fans holding signs saying "Thank You!'' The gratitude is ours. We don't win without you. You filled AT&T Park every game. You supported the players and coaches through the highs and lows. You flooded onto Market Street and into Civic Center Plaza in a celebration that felt like the world's biggest family reunion.

We came away from that unforgettable afternoon even more inspired and energized - and immediately got working on 2013.

Critical to any championship team is the general manager, and in Brian Sabean we have one of the most accomplished in the business. He and his staff continue to be the modern model for baseball operations departments, combining cutting-edge analytics with deeply experienced and stable leadership. With two World Series Championships in three years, Brian solidified his reputation for drafting and developing young talent, finding undervalued players who become critical contributors and constructing a deep and versatile roster.

He has the perfect partner in Bruce Bochy, now universally acknowledged as a master strategist who, having won eight of the nine Giants World Series games he has managed, is surely on his way to a spot in Cooperstown. The 2012 World Series starting lineup had just one position player - Buster Posey - in common with the 2010 World Series starting lineup, underscoring Sabean's ability to identify players who fit the Giants' approach to winning - strong pitching, outstanding defense and timely hitting - and Bochy's ability to meld them into a cohesive unit.

We move into 2013 with great excitement and optimism. The pitching staff - both starters and relievers - continues to be the strength of the team. Matt Cain, the anchor of the staff, keeps getting better, pitching a one-hitter on the home opener, a perfect game on June 13 and earning the win as the starting pitcher in the All-Star Game. He is signed through 2017, ensuring leadership and stability for a long time to come. We have all the starters signed for 2013: Barry Zito, Ryan Vogelsong, Madison Bumgarner and Tim Lincecum. Most of our stellar bullpen will be back, too.

Homegrown players Brandon Crawford and Brandon Belt emerged as solid starters, joining Pablo Sandoval and Buster Posey as core position players who give the Giants a strong foundation into the future. After missing a year to a devastating injury, Buster reclaimed his spot among the elite players in baseball and as the heart and soul of the Giants. He was nothing short of remarkable this season, leading all of baseball with his .336 batting average, leading all National League players with a single-season record of 7,621,370 votes in the All-Star balloting, hit a grand slam in the decisive Game 5 against the Cincinnati Reds to clinch the NLDS, won the Hank Aaron Award as the best offensive player in the National League and was the NL Comeback Player of the Year. He is a finalist for the NL's Most Valuable Player, which will be announced tomorrow, November 15.

Despite two stints on the disabled list this season, Pablo showed his star power by hitting three home runs in his first three at-bats of the World Series, batted .500 during the four-game sweep and earning the Series' Most Valuable Player Award.

In all, we are now accustomed to high expectations and rest assured, the day after we returned from Detroit with the World Series trophy, we were back at work analyzing ways to make the 2013 team even better.

On behalf of Brian, Bruce, the players and everyone at the San Francisco Giants, thank you for your tireless support. Thank you for taking us into your lives like family. Thank you for making us better.

We look forward to seeing you at FanFest in February!

Laurence M. Baer
President and Chief Executive Officer
San Francisco Giants
Good read goat. Thanks for that.

I can't predict how long it will last, but right now, the combination of the owners, the players, the coaches, and the fans adds up to more than just a baseball team. It all adds up something more closely related to a movement. I hope we can keep it going for a while, it's pretty special.


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