Giant 262" AZ Strip Buck


No words even come to mind, my jaw is on the ground.
Looks Like Some Wide Open Country?

He's Been Eatin Some Goodies!

He's Got Antler Growth That Ain't Normal!

Nice Buck!
Looks Like Some Wide Open Country?

He's Been Eatin Some Goodies!

He's Got Antler Growth That Ain't Normal!

Nice Buck!

“Nice” buck? Nah…pisscutter!

Nothing Like We Used To See In The Olden Days. (How the crap do you have the patience to capitalize every word!?!?)

Can’t believe we are talking about a 260 inch deer as something special. Pfft!!! Pathetic.

Oh, by the way…this thing is GIANT! So cool to think about how many hunters this buck must have foiled in his days.
congratulations to the guides and hunter, that is a giant! Not to be the negative Nancy or take anything away from this but I have a hard time believing 262…. Maybe I need to see a pic with his head up or without maybe a wide angle lense. Just my opinion
Yep..chances are if they'd of waited till he was hard horned they wouldn't even have seen him again..that's why they have to kill them in the middle of summer..
With the kinda money these hunts are there is zero chance that bucks whereabouts were ever not 100% known at all times.they just would have had to follow him for longer. That starts to eat into profit
With the kinda money these hunts are there is zero chance that bucks whereabouts were ever not 100% known at all times.they just would have had to follow him for longer. That starts to eat into profit
Profit? Let’s be realistic, anyone buying a tag for that price isn’t worried about the extra cost of paying their guides extra to keeps tabs on them. They probably get more in tips than most people salary
All three are nice bucks but they're still fuzzy red and ugly (imo) and it looks like they still had some growing to do...
I feel like most of these rich guys who kill these deer, have 1 foot in the grave, and one on a banana peel, and this is their last way to hold up their middle finger before they go out… Lol

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