

Active Member
Sorry to hear about your broken neck. Hope everything else is well.

On another note, I wonder how many others get hurt right before hunts. I can think of 4 just on our forums, most of which are doing low risk (as to say) activities that they have done many times before without incident.

I hope you all recover. I can't wait to see you all on the hill again.
LAST EDITED ON Sep-07-15 AT 09:44AM (MST)[p]]

OK, I see where founder has a fracture of his C-7 vertebrae from an accident on a trampoline . See his post on "hunt adventure". Wow, bad timing! Heal fast!


venor, ergo sum (I hunt, therefore I am)
What? For real? Whats the story?



The family talked me into going to the trampoline park in Layton on Saturday after I got home from hunting. "Family time"
It was fun, we were all having a good time, until I decided to attempt a double front flip. My 18 year old son can do it, so I thought I'd try it. I was pretty sure I couldn't get around twice, and I knew better, but I tried it and only made it 1 1/2 times, landed on my head.
I knew instantly I hurt something. Went to the emergency and they found C7 was broke. It's what they call a stable break, meaning it doesn't threaten my spinal cord. I am EXTREMELY lucky.
So, it appears that I'm done hunting for a bit. I'm going to call the doc tomorrow and see if shooting a rifle could case more problems. I think I'm fine to hike and carry small amount of weight, just not sure about shooting a rifle. I'd hate for the recoil to do more damage.

So that's that. I need to accept my age.

Brian Latturner
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Dang Brian that really sucks! Hope you heal well and fast. It gets tough to 'accept your age', especially when the mind is still young at heart. I have to remind myself all the time, and it really is a sobering reality. Best of luck to you!
Get well soon Brian, were about the same age and I try to keep my feet on the ground if possible.
Brian you were darn lucky it was a stable type break. Get well and I am sure the doctor will say no shooting of hard recoiling rifles until that break mends. There is always pistol shooting to take up the slack time. Just get well and do not over do it for now.

Whew.. Thats a close call bud. Glad you didn't do anything worse. Best of luck with the hunts. By the way, I made a triple front 1 time, and never tried it again. haha Double backs were cake. I loved tramps more than hunting back when I was 18



Again. Sorry for the misfortune! And to all others that have had accidents. Heal fast and I can't wait to see you again.

P.S. Founder if you wamy some of those bucks killed, let me know
I have had hunts postponed because of poorly timed accidents....however I still hunt as much as possible after will hunt deer season I did have to use a crutch as a rifle rest during deer season.... Good luck hth
Incidents like yours are sometimes a wake up call for us all. We never know when things can take a turn for the worse in the health department. I am very happy to hear you are on the mend. We are all pulling for you to make a full recovery!
Sorry to hear of your accident Founder. Get well, back an at them soon as you can!


"It's all about knowing what your firearms practical limitations are and combining that with your own personal limitations!"
That sucks, be sure and let it heal properly. I spent opening day last year on the operating table for 8 hours while my back was operated on. I can't wait to get after it this year.
I feel your pain.

Four years back I blew the tendon that hooks my
Biceps to my elbow. 2 weeks before the bow hunt.
Doc said I was too old and it would just pop again
So he sent me home to get on with life. A couple days
Before the hunt I was back to pulling 60lbs.

This year walking from tent to fire the knee went.
Still in a brace.

Why can't this $hit happen in March?!?!

"The State of Utah has not given BGF anything.
They have invested in BGF to protect their
Birdman 4/15/15
That's a major bummer and sad to hear. I hope you get back in the field soon.

Just a few weeks ago my oldest daughter lacerated her knee on a trampoline while we were in Africa. It was a long way to a hospital to get it put back right and I was pretty nervous. But they did a great job for hardly any money and she is almost back to normal.

Feeling like a kid again can be a dangerous recipe.


That sux, hope you heal up quickly! Glad it wasn't worse, I tried the same thing when I was 21, landed on my neck, blacked out and went still for awhile. Never went to doc, though (bad idea) neck hurt for 7 years! I refuse to let my kids go on trampolines now!
Bad stuff can happen with them so fast!


"Hunting is where you prove yourself"
>The family talked me into going
>to the trampoline park in
>Layton on Saturday after I
>got home from hunting. "Family
>It was fun, we were all
>having a good time, until
>I decided to attempt a
>double front flip. My 18
>year old son can do
>it, so I thought I'd
>try it. I was pretty
>sure I couldn't get around
>twice, and I knew better,
>but I tried it and
>only made it 1 1/2
>times, landed on my head.

>So that's that. I need to
>accept my age.

I decided a while ago that it's not a good idea anymore for me to put my butt over my head.
May be bad timing but for sure your "EXTREMELY" lucky. My older brother at 17 years old in 1969 wasn't that lucky. He became a quadriplegic.

Hope you heal quickly and get back in the field doing what you love.
Good luck!!
Glad it wasn't anything worse. Take your time and heal right. You will thank yourself when its all healed correctly... Don't push it to get a hunt in this year as a solid heal will ensure many future hunts.

:) Get better man.

"Therefore, wo be unto him that is at ease in Zion!" 2 Ne. 28: 24
Best of luck, Brian. Get well soon. Hope you are hunting again soon.

And I would NOT get my advice from a doctor. From what I can see the best place to get medical advice is in the Campfire section of MM. There are people there that know more and don't charge a penny!
Oh My Brian! That's Horrible! So sorry to hear that. Just like I said at the gas station, if you need a buddy to haul a pack for you I am more than happy and willing to follow you!

If you need anything, hit me up!


And you thought running a web business was a pain in the neck!. Seriously, I hope you enjoy a full and speedy recovery. Some of us find that health and freedom of movement seem like more of a gift after recovery from a bad owie.
Thanks for all the well wishes guys. I got word this morning that the Neurosurgeon thinks hunting and shooting shouldn't do anymore damage, so I'm going for it. I know it sounds foolish, and maybe it is. I sure hope I don't mess myself up anymore.

I'm in lots of pain, but that's going to be the same here at home or on the mountain. I have a couple hunting partners going with, so they'll help some, and we'll have a couple horses from Yellowstone Horse Rentals to take our gear up, so I feel good that I'll be fine. Even shooting a rifle, I don't think it'll do anymore damage to the break. Hope I'm right.

Brian Latturner
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Your nuts man! I'm not you, I'm no doctor, I didn't hear what your doctor said, but you have an f'n BROKEN NECK! If you have to sit on the sidelines just one season to ensure you have many seasons to come, do it. Even if the risk is low, don't take the chance, for your kids, for your wife. I can't see any reason why it would be worth it.

It's not going to be the recoil that gets you, it'll be that fluke spill climbing to your glassing spot, or tipping the wheeler on its side, or a trip on your tent's guyline, or a mis-step on the tailgate of your pick up, get the idea.
I don't know how sticky you are founder, I'm not as sticky as I used to be, watch them horses. They see the boogeyman, bump a beehive etc etc and it's on. Be careful and good luck.
Founder, glad to hear you can join us for the hunt. We will do our best to take care of you and not shoot that big buck out from under you while you are nursing your injury! :)

Founder, I have read here in another Forum that you are still planning to rifle hunt this year with a recently diagnosed broken back.

I don't recall if you ever got back to us if you went ahead and bought one of those rifles in a cartridge that we suggested for the Wife, one in another chambering all together, or have held off buying for one reason or another.

I would suggest though, that you not hunt this year with your usual 7MM Rem Mag and heavy loads, it might be the straw that further broke the Founders back.

Instead, if you bought the Wife's rifle or need to buy one similar to those we suggested, i might suggest that you use a known mild recoiling rifle, like we suggested, and then have a top of the line kick pad and a good muzzle break installed on it to reduce recoil even further.

I don't think i need to tell you why some of us are concerned with your plans. 95% of the time, A smaller cartridge in a modest chambering with great kick pad and a good Muzzle Break, is all a guy needs to kill the biggest buck ever walked this earth and there's no sense in pushing it.


"It's all about knowing what your firearms practical limitations are and combining that with your own personal limitations!"
>Your nuts man! I'm not you,
>I'm no doctor, I didn't
>hear what your doctor said,
>but you have an f'n
>have to sit on the
>sidelines just one season to
>ensure you have many seasons
>to come, do it. Even
>if the risk is low,
>don't take the chance, for
>your kids, for your wife.
>I can't see any reason
>why it would be worth
>It's not going to be the
>recoil that gets you, it'll
>be that fluke spill climbing
>to your glassing spot, or
>tipping the wheeler on its
>side, or a trip on
>your tent's guyline, or a
>mis-step on the tailgate of
>your pick up, get
>the idea.

Easy ForkWest!

Somewhere there's a PISSCUTTER Buck waiting!

Go Ahead!

Make Me take it down!

Sometimes the timing makes it worse, but ANY accident is tough. Just be as safe as possible with your hunting. It's good to see that you're willing to rely on others instead of Stalone-ing it on your own. Good decision!
Take it easy with that specific injury. I had the exact same break on the same bone 16 years ago. Mine was incurred while racing (I mean crashing) motocross. It could have easily been worse. Life altering events sure happen fast. To this day I still have neck problems...ESPECIALLY WITH A PACK ON. Very, very frustrating.
I'm on the mountain now. Some pain, but still plugging along. Haven't found the one yet.

Brian Latturner
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Well you are no cream puff, Just don't hurt it worse.

"I have found if you go the extra mile it's Never crowded".
>[Font][Font color = "green"]Life member of
>the MM green signature club.[font/]

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