First Nevada Buck


Very Active Member
Just after sunup Friday morning we caught a glimpse of a white faced buck duck into some sparse cedar trees about 2 miles away. After watching closley for over an hour we knew he had to be bedded in there somewhere. We moved to a different location that would allow us to possibly find him laying down. It didn't take long and we had him located on the shaded side of a big cedar. We could only see his right side but that was all it took for Jaden to say "lets go get him".

We devised a quick game plan that would leave my dad watching through the spotter while my son Jaden, who had the tag, and I would work our way to an adjacent ridge to hopefully get a shot at the bedded buck. 30 minutes later we were getting close to the spot we thought we could get a shot when my dad got us on the radio and said the buck was up and feeding and it wouldn't be long before he fed over another ridge. We hustled to the top but he was already out of sight. i knew the canyon he dropped into was thick with trees and he would be tough to find him but with only a few days to hunt we decided to be aggressive. We made our way to the next ridge and sat and glassed for over an hour but couldn't turn him up. By now it had been over 3 hours since we first spotted him and it was getting hot. Instead of making the long hike back to my dad I had him drive around the back side to pick us up on a road that was a little closer and would give us a chance to look over some new country. We started down the ridge when we heard some crashing just below us and 75 yards away out pops the buck and he looked big. I hissed to Jaden SHOOT....SHOOT! I never let my boys pack a rifle with a bullet in the chamber so as smooth as he could he chambered a round and free standing raised the rifle and dropped the buck in his tracks. We couldn't believe it. The buck was bedded within 75-80 yards the whole time. We made our way to the buck and celebrated with high fives and hugs. It was great to spend time with my dad and my son on the mountain and to make memories that will last forever.




What a great buck!! What unit were you guys hunting? Congrats to your son...


Cancer doesn't discriminate...don't take your good health for granted because it can be gone in a heartbeat. Please go back and read the last line. This time really understand what it says.
>What a great buck!! What unit
>were you guys hunting? Congrats
>to your son...
>Cancer doesn't discriminate...don't take your good
>health for granted because it
>can be gone in a
>heartbeat. Please go back and
>read the last line. This
>time really understand what it

Man, what a toad! Great story, nothing better than 3 generations spending quality time on the mountain generating memories that will last forever. Congrats!

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