First African hunt


Active Member
So Dad and I are leaving this week for our 1st trio to Africa with Crusader Outfitters.

Couple questions.....

Im taking the 300 Win mag with 200 gr A Frames and 190 gr Berger VLDs. The VLDs won't see any action unless I run out of Aframes lol.

The other gun is a 338 win Mag with factory Federal Premium 210 gr Partitions. I also included 10 Winchester Black talon 230 gr Fail Safe. They shoot the same POI as my 210 gr Partitions.....anyone have any experience with this bullet?

The game on my menus is likely Kudu, Gemsbuck, Waterbuck, Wildebeest and possibly a warthog. We aren't going for target practice, we want to hunt tough critters.

Please share your experience with the above animals and if you would use a specific cartidge/bullet combo for any of the mentioned.
So Dad and I are leaving this week for our 1st trio to Africa with Crusader Outfitters.

Couple questions.....

Im taking the 300 Win mag with 200 gr A Frames and 190 gr Berger VLDs. The VLDs won't see any action unless I run out of Aframes lol.

The other gun is a 338 win Mag with factory Federal Premium 210 gr Partitions. I also included 10 Winchester Black talon 230 gr Fail Safe. They shoot the same POI as my 210 gr Partitions.....anyone have any experience with this bullet?

The game on my menus is likely Kudu, Gemsbuck, Waterbuck, Wildebeest and possibly a warthog. We aren't going for target practice, we want to hunt tough critters.

Please share your experience with the above animals and if you would use a specific cartidge/bullet combo for any of the mentioned.
I killed 12 critters in SA, including all you mentioned except a waterbuck. Used my .264 Win mag with 140 gr. factory SP points on all but a zebra, which I shot with my .300 WM. Hit them where it counts with any decent bullet & they'll die. ;)
Your 300 with A-frames will do the job. So will the 338 with NP (probably overkill to be honest). Just shoot where you are suppose to.

Crusader has a good reputation, you should have a fun hunt. Enjoy it!!
Sounds like you’re taking plenty of gun. Everything Ive killed over there has been with a muzzleloader. Kudu is probably the toughest on your list. Have fun!
I have killed all those animals with a 257 weatherby 100 grain ttsx. have also used 300 win mag with the same aframes or barnes 180 ttsx. Everything your taking will kill all the plains game you want to take.
Your 300 with A-frames will do the job. So will the 338 with NP (probably overkill to be honest). Just shoot where you are suppose to.

Crusader has a good reputation, you should have a fun hunt. Enjoy it!!

Crusader is a reputable outfitter. The 300 is 100% ok, the 338 is a overkill...
Sounds like you’re taking plenty of gun. Everything Ive killed over there has been with a muzzleloader. Kudu is probably the toughest on your list. Have fun!

Kudu is the toughest to stalk if you looking for a monster, yes, but expires quite easy if shot...your Blue Wildebeest will be tough to kill if shot placement is not spot on...
Your rifle choices are excellent as long as you shoot both well. You’d be fine with a .270 or .30-06, but your choices are great.

Your bullet choices are also very good, EXCEPT FOR THE VLD’s. You’ll find that nearly all African PH’s like tough bullets that penetrate deeply. 40 years ago, the Nosler Partition was considered the ‘go to’ bullet by many PH’s. Then, other great bullets like Swift A frames, Trophy Bonded Bearclaws and Barnes Triple Shock came along and there were more excellent choices. I know many African PH’s and to a man they all want clients to shoot tough bullets like I’ve mentioned. The ones I know disdain bullets like VLD’s. And when a trophy fee is paid whether or not an animal is recovered, you’d be wise shoot bullets like Swift & Nosler. Scirocco’s and Accubonds are also excellent, btw.

Despite having reputations as being very tough, African game all dies like anything else when shot properly with good bullets. You’re taking 2 of the best cartridge choices so just practice off shooting sticks and you should be fine.

I’ve enjoyed 7 African hunts over the years and have 3 more planned as of now. In all likelihood, my .338 will be on every one of those hunts as it’s such a capable and versatile cartridge. I’ve used it in five different African countries and find it excellent for everything it’s legal for (and I’d shoot buffalo with it too, if legal). My other rifle will be either my .264 or .270 when no buffalo are on the list; or my .416 when buffalo are a quarry.

There is nothing like a first safari. Enjoy every minute of it. Take tons of pictures. And start saving up, as you’ll be going back.

BTW, you’ll be there while the kudu are still in rut. No better time to kill a big bull. Good luck!
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Your rifle choices are excellent as long as you shoot both well. You’d be fine with a .270 or .30-06, but your choices are great.

Your bullet choices are also very good, EXCEPT FOR THE VLD’s. You’ll find that nearly all African PH’s like tough bullets that penetrate deeply. 40 years ago, the Nosler Partition was considered the ‘go to’ bullet by many PH’s. Then, other great bullets like Swift A frames, Trophy Bonded Bearclaws and Barnes Triple Shock came along and there were more excellent choices. I know many African PH’s and to a man they all want clients to shoot tough bullets like I’ve mentioned. The ones I know disdain bullets like VLD’s. And when a trophy fee is paid whether or not an animal is recovered, you’d be wise shoot bullets like Swift & Nosler. Scirocco’s and Accubonds are also excellent, btw.

Despite having reputations as being very tough, African game all dies like anything else when shot properly with good bullets. You’re taking 2 of the best cartridge choices so just practice off shooting sticks and you should be fine.

I’ve enjoyed 7 African hunts over the years and have 3 more planned as of now. In all likelihood, my .338 will be on every one of those hunts as it’s such a capable and versatile cartridge. I’ve used it in five different African countries and find it excellent for everything it’s legal for (and I’d shoot buffalo with it too, if legal). My other rifle will be either my .264 or .270 when no buffalo are on the list; or my .416 when buffalo are a quarry.

There is nothing like a first safari. Enjoy every minute of it. Take tons of pictures. And start saving up, as you’ll be going back.

BTW, you’ll be there while the kudu are still in rut. No better time to kill a big bull. Good luck!

Definately a general consensus that Bergers are not welcome in Africa. Maybe they are more designed for American game? I would have loved to have the time to tune my guns to Hammer bullets but only so many hours.

I was planning on using the 338 primarily but I shoot my 300 Win mag better than any other gun we own. The 338 ( pre 64 model 70 w/ fixed 4x scope) was brought for nostalgia purposes. I want to shoot something big just like O'Connor or Weatherby would have done back in the 50s.
LHedrick1, your rationale is solid. For what you’ll be hunting that .300 Winchester is as good a choice as exists. Now, since you want to use that great old Pre-64 .338, I have an unsolicited suggestion for you. Add either a Zebra or Eland, or better yet ADD BOTH, onto your hunt and use that .338 for either one or both. They’re both great animals and that .338 will be perfect for them. I can’t think of a better reason to add an animal or two to your desired bag.

You’re gonna love South Africa!
LHedrick1, your rationale is solid. For what you’ll be hunting that .300 Winchester is as good a choice as exists. Now, since you want to use that great old Pre-64 .338, I have an unsolicited suggestion for you. Add either a Zebra or Eland, or better yet ADD BOTH, onto your hunt and use that .338 for either one or both. They’re both great animals and that .338 will be perfect for them. I can’t think of a better reason to add an animal or two to your desired bag.

You’re gonna love South Africa!

No jail horses for this guy lol

Eland is a possibility
Welp were sitting at ATL Airport and just got emails that the South African government is no longer accepting Covid Vax cards as proof of vaccination. Should be interesting........
No joke.....everyone I know that's vaccinated (myself included) got the dang kung flu. Some not bad, others not good. Pretty rough 3 days for me around Christmas time 2021
Exactly! I love how this Joke biden administration has all contracted the virus and yet they still spout the garbage of how effective the vaccine is! You just can’t make this stuff up.
let me know how it went.
So far so good. We have 6 days left.
He was a heavy bugger. What a riot. I thought it was a once in a lifetime hunt and I've come to the conclusion I need to just sell some guns to pay for the next hunt.
Sell a lot so I can go with you my friend! ?
You’ve got a lifetime of memories right there I bet.
what are regulations now with covid. had a trip to both Africa and New Zealand planned in the future but covid has made a mess of everything.
for Sa you need a pcr test or if you have been vaccinated you need that card and the qr code to get in. Most are still wanting a test to get in.
what are regulations now with covid. had a trip to both Africa and New Zealand planned in the future but covid has made a mess of everything.
So what I would do is get a covid test 24 hours before you leave and get the app with the QR code. We couldn't figure out what app they were talking about and SA no longer accepts a paper vaccination certificate. It really wasn't too big a deal to get a test in Joburg but I highly recommend you hire a company to meet you when you get off the plane and take you through everything. It's very confusing and we woulda been screwed if we were on our own. We went through Joburg Airport like Henry and Karen went through the restaurant in "Good Fellas". RIP Ray Liotta. ?

Also, you need a Covid Test when you leave Joburg to come back to the states and must be done BEFORE you check your bags.

Also make copy of your firearm certificates and hide them in the case. When we got to Durban the police said they needed to make copies and a few of the guys were missing pages when they brought the certificates back.
So what I would do is get a covid test 24 hours before you leave and get the app with the QR code. We couldn't figure out what app they were talking about and SA no longer accepts a paper vaccination certificate. It really wasn't too big a deal to get a test in Joburg but I highly recommend you hire a company to meet you when you get off the plane and take you through everything. It's very confusing and we woulda been screwed if we were on our own. We went through Joburg Airport like Henry and Karen went through the restaurant in "Good Fellas". RIP Ray Liotta. ?

Also, you need a Covid Test when you leave Joburg to come back to the states and must be done BEFORE you check your bags.

Also make copy of your firearm certificates and hide them in the case. When we got to Durban the police said they needed to make copies and a few of the guys were missing pages when they brought the certificates back.
Funny, a test to return to the United States and we are letting hundreds of thousands of illegal aliens into this country unvetted and untested. What a country!

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