Favorite Movie Quotes

I thought of another one from Tombstone while I was deer hunting....

"It's like playing cards with your brothers kids!"
"Life's tough, it's even tougher if you're stupid." - John Wayne
Thats going to leave a mark....Tommy Boy

My name is Matthew follie, i am 34 years old, i am divorced and i live in a van down by the river.....saturday night live with chris farley...funniest guy who ever lived.
LAST EDITED ON Oct-27-07 AT 10:15PM (MST)[p]ONE MORE>>>>> "this one time, at band camp......"
Russian skippers dont take a dump without a plan son. Fred Thompson Hunt for red Oct.
Eddie Murphy as he was playing an old black man sitting in the barber chair in "Coming To America" "Fu#k you, Fu&k you and Fu*k you!!"
LAST EDITED ON Oct-29-07 AT 10:29AM (MST)[p]>Wow! Real classy there Kent. If
>that's your favorite movie quote
>then you've got some issues.
Well...it WAS funny!

Another good one from that movie:

"The Royal Penis is clean, your highness."
Great idea for a post and some great ones so far

Aim small miss small (Patriot)

The legs feed the wolf (movie about American hickey team)

You ate sand? We ate sand. (raising AZ)

"Was there any tread on the tire or was it like pushing a hot dog down a hallway"
We'll just tell your mother we ate it (american pie)

"Jim your a lousy kisser"
I wasn't trying WERE YOU TRYING?? American Pie 2

"pack your bags were going on a guilt trip"

"Heck I'm sorry.............Sorry I didn't sniff you out sooner you go# #da## traitor) young guns

"That was worse then a week of yellow chitstorms" some weird movie with lots of big actors
>"That was worse then a week
>of yellow chitstorms" some weird
>movie with lots of big

"Nothing But Trouble" with John Candy, Chevy Chase, Akroyd and Demi More
I'm half horse, half gator, and a touch of the earthquake.
I got the prettiest gal, fastest horse, ugliest dog this side of hell. I can out-jump, out-run, throw down, drag out and whip
any man in all Kentucky. - Jeremiah Johnson

I told my pap and mam
I was coming to the mountains to trap and be a mountain man.
Acted like they was gut-shot. Says: ''Son...make your life go here. Here's where the people is. Them mountains
is for animals and savages!'' I said: ''Mother Gue...the Rocky Mountains is the marrow of the world.''
And by God, l was right. - Jeremiah Johnson

Y'ever get lonesome?
Bear Claw Chris Lapp: Fer what?
Jeremiah Johnson: Woman?
Bear Claw Chris Lapp: Full time night woman? I never could find no tracks on a woman's heart. I packed me a squaw for ten year, Pilgrim. Cheyenne, she were, and the meanest ##### that ever balled for beads. I lodge-poled her at Deadwood Creek, and traded her for a Hawken gun. But don't get me wrong; I loves the womens, I surely do. But I swear, a woman's breast is the hardest rock that the Almighty ever made on this earth, and I can find no sign on it. -Jeremiah Johnson

I, Hatchet Jack, being of sound mind and broke legs, do leaveth my rifle to the next thing who finds it, Lord hope he be a white man. It is a good rifle, and kilt the bear that kilt me. Anyway, I am dead. Sincerley, Hatchet Jack. -Jeremiah Johnson

keep your nose in the wind, and your eyes along the skyline
-Jeremiah Johnson

I can go own all day...Watch the movie!

"Keep yer powder dry n yer eye on the skyline!"
Thought of a few more..

Bear Claw Chris Lapp: Trick to it. Walk out on this side of your horse.
Jeremiah Johnson: What if he sees our feet?
Bear Claw Chris Lapp: Elk don't know how many feet a horse has!

Jeremiah Johnson:Just where is it I could find bear, beaver, and other critters worth cash money when skinned?
Robidoux: Ride due west as the sun sets. Turn left at the Rocky Mountains.

Bear Claw Chris Lapp: You're the same dumb pilgrim that I been hearin' for twenty days, and smellin' for three!

I am Bear Claw Chris Lapp; bloodkin to the grizzly that bit Jim Bridger's ass! YOU are molesting my hunt!

And to all the women out there..LOL!
Jeremiah Johnson: Fine figure of a man. Yes?
Swan: Yes.
Jeremiah Johnson: Good. That is all you need to know. For now.

This movie is full of them..All time greatest movie ever made!

"Keep yer powder dry n yer eye on the skyline!"
Elkslyr.....that should read.... "Argueably...the greatest movie ever made" In my top 10 but far from "Lonesome Dove".....

I find it sick that Robert Redford, Tommy Lee Jones, Clint Eastwood and Val Kilmer are ANTI everything I want to do in this world and I think they are great in their respective movie roles. I guess that's why they call them "actors".
santuary! santurary! santurary! The Hunchback (TNT series)

that's alright, he can call me flower if he wants to. bambi

candy is dandy, but liquor is quicker. Willy Wanka

Badges? We don't need no stinking badges. Blazing saddles

i'm the best there is, the best there was, and the best there ever will ever be. Brett Hart from WWF

There's an Apache story about a man that woke up one morning and saw a hawk on the wind. Walked outside and never returned. After he died he met his wife in the spirit world. She asked him why he never came home, he said "Well, the hawk kept flying". The Missing

They call this war a cloud over the land. But they made the weather and then they stand in the rain and say 'sh**, it's raining!' Cold Mountain

check out "Internet Movie Database" for your favorite quotes
Ben: What are you doing doc Doc:Relax I'm a doctor Ben:Not to pry doc, but why are you shaving my balls? Doc: Well if you dont want me to Fever Pitch
"Why are you taking your shoes off"

"Because I run faster without shoes"

"You can't outrun a grizzly bear"

"I don't have to outrun the bear, I only have to outrun you"

Great quotes guys!

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