Ethical or Not!


Long Time Member
Some of the opinions on here surprise me so I'm curious on opinions on this. Fontenelle Forest is a 2,000 acre forest in an urban area Omaha Ne.. A few years back they had approximately 3 times the population of deer on the forest due to a lack of hunting or predators. Deer car accidents were pretty much an everyday occurence, they had eaten everything there was to eat. The Game department held meeting on two options limit the population by a controlled archery hunt or bring in an outside company to kill off the excess deer. They decided on a controlled archery hunt to bring the deer down to a maintainable level with hunters drawing for permits. I believe this was ethical and intelligent as long as it was controlled. The hunt was held over a several year period with no problem. Many of you I get from your posts would believe this was unethical because they were city deer. I disagree, it wasn't for me but I believe it was ethical and a good opportunity for some urban dwellers. What say yea!
Not only ethical but smart too!!! Control the deer population and make some money to boot! That's good game management.

Government doesn't fix anything and has spent trillions proving it!!!
Let's face it...After Monday and Tuesday, even the calender says WTF!
>Not only ethical but smart too!!!
>Control the deer population and
>make some money to boot!
>That's good game management.
>Government doesn't fix anything and has
>spent trillions proving it!!!
>Let's face it...After Monday and Tuesday,
>even the calender says WTF!
They had to do the same thing here in Austin - opened up 3 areas to archery that are well within city limits. Better than the SWAT officers shooting them at night with night vision.

very ethical. they did this in sheridan, buffalo and story wyoming. story is a really small town with some odd ball non-hunting people.

the deer were eating there gardens and lots of car wrecks. so they strated a bowhunted program. i do a lot of work in that area and people that i knew were non-hunters they went and bought a bow and got 4 doe tags and shot some deer and they even ate it.

this has only been effect for a few years the deer numbers are still really high, but it brought non-hunters into the hunting game.
Ethical and a good use of common sense and game management.

I think they should have done that here in Bountiful UT. Instead they brought in state hired snipers and shot a bunch of them with no real use of the meat.
Totally ethical, as are the kids hunting the deer in Syracuse....

I, along with several others, said that that was not an appealing hunt FOR ME, but if someone has permission and it is legal, good for them. I don't care how others hunt, as long as it's legal and they enjoy it. Road hunting is fine, I grew up doing a lot of it and loved it as a kid. Hunting urban farms is fine. whatever floats your boat is cool.

The problem with this site, and people in general, it that they can't get past disagreement without emotion. I say on the other thread that I wouldn't hunt city bucks and suddenly I'm the "ethice police", and "jealous" and a "hater"..... let's all grow up a bit. I can picture the same people using the phrases "you don't know me", and "you think you're better than me?" and "you ain't all that" in a face to face conversation.

The world is not black and white, situations are different and we all don't agree on everything...that's a good thing. Kill urban bucks, it's a good use of the resource. I'd just rather be miles from the pavement in silence enjoing the view.



I think you are taking MMers too much at face value. Everyone on here seems to have a different ethical opinion on just about everything. There are 2 sides and there are ALWAYS folks on both sides... but i dont think you are going to see alot of guys calling this type of thing unethical.

I would not have approved of an outside resource taking the deer. Sportsman paid to have that game managed and so i feel they deserve first crack at managing them. And in this economy it never hurts to have a few extra pounds of meat in the fridge.
Adtmansavage, that was spot on!


The poster does not take any responsibility for any hurt or bad feelings. Reading threads poses inherent risks. The poster would like to remind readers to make sure they have a functional sense of humor before they visit any discussion board.
Totally ethical. As said above, hunting these deer in town may not be "equal" to a wilderness hunt, but it is a good opportunity for someone to hunt.

Hiring an outside firm would be a total waste of a wonderful resource.
plenty ethical. No problems with folks killing city deer when they need killing, beats the heck out of the state paying to TTT.
>Adtmansavage, that was spot on!

>The poster does not take any
>responsibility for any hurt or
>bad feelings. Reading threads poses
>inherent risks. The poster would
>like to remind readers to
>make sure they have a
>functional sense of humor before
>they visit any discussion board.


LAST EDITED ON Sep-12-11 AT 11:23PM (MST)[p]I agree that it was a very ethical move, provided that it was done safely and that the hunters were making smart decisions. Sorry I have a soap box issue with hunts like that needing IBEP hunting course with a proficiency shoot test along with it. I think all archery only hunts should be that way.
Don't tell me there is a thread on MM where everybody agrees!!!!:) Very ethical. The alternative wouldn't be in the best interest of anybody.

It's always an adventure!!!
Ethical, I'm with most of the rest that it's not for me but for some it's fine, especially the young, so more power to them.
I must admit, I'm surprised all agreed. I would not be interested in the hunt as I think the challenge would be limited. But it really helped their problem for awhile at least.

My son brought his California valley girl friend back to visit. I expected problems as the Cal. valley lifestyle isn't mine. Within a couple of days she was shooting trap and rifles and eating only wild game which is what we eat. Now she wants to come back to hunt deer over muzzleloader season. I have some does that are rural, but no problem to get close to great way to start someone out. I think the same might hold true for a youth archery hunter for his or her first deer. Kind of like starting kids out on panfish.
I wrote a whole story up about being ethical, read it, and thought they don't want all that crap. If your safe, legal, tell the whole story of your hunt, and don't infringe on other's, to me, you're ethical. In other words, if you shoot an elk behind a fenced area, and tell the "whole" story about the hunt, you're ethical.

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