Eelgrass's spider Turtle




"If it moves shoot it again"
Now that's a true new IGFA world record, way to go Eel.....i thought you were just hallucinating again!! Lol

That is still not as big as my Desert Devil Terrapin from last year. And yes I am still waiting for approval and release from the EPA and other government agencies before I can post the pics. Apparently these turtles in the Virgin River Gorge are "down winders" and may have suffered from the effects of radiation while still in the egg, hence their garguantuan size, epic proportions and medieval dispositions.

All that aside, this is a pretty nice turtle - really good for someone of lesser turtle hunting skill like Eelgrass!

Proverbs 21:19 (why I hunt!)
Look at the horribly pained expression on that guy's face that has his hand caught in the turtle's mouth!

You can't ever take these things for granted. I'm sure he lost his hand is lucky he didn't lose his life!!
Thanks Deadred7o7! When I got home I got a call from the editor of Trophy Turtles. The $40,000 deal we had for exclusive rights is kaput!

SureShot I was scared to death when he chomped down on my hand. But it was just a reflex action on his part. He didn't know he was dead I guess. No harm done.

The green score is 507 6/8 gross. There are accusations concerning steroids and it being a farm raised turtle, all born out of jealousy. Speaking of jealousy, your comments are pretty obvious Roy! There are guys and gals who talk turtle hunting and there are guys and gals who live the dream. So just keep on talking!

I'm not really jealous but... I could take big turtles too if I bought land owner tags or the governers tag.

that things had more pokes in the booty than Bonds!
I want a blood test!!
I call PHOTOSHOP......want to know to who the official scorer is, ain't no way there's one that big.
Those are waay bigger than 15" bases at the end of his flippers.
I'm sure there are some underwater trsil cam pics floating around somewhere.
Speaking of
>jealousy, your comments are pretty
>obvious Roy! There are guys
>and gals who talk turtle
>hunting and there are guys
>and gals who live the
>dream. So just keep on

Eel, I feel bad for the unkind things I have said about you with regards to turning spider pro hunter. It appears you are as good turtle hunter as they claim and even a better spider hunter. I know now to keep unkind, impure thoughts to myself as it is most likely my own jealousy typing those words. Congrats on a hell of a trophy.


"Only Two Things are Infinite" -
The universe and human stupidity and I'm not so certain about the universe.

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