>My 2 girls must be good
>luck. We partied on buck
>pronghorn and all drew, applied
>separately for a pretty good
>mule deer tag and all
>drew, applied separately for a
>cow elk tag and all
>drew, applied separately for a
>great bull elk tag and
>only I drew, and my
>12 year old drew a
>couple doe antelope tags.
>Looks like another festive fall in
>Wyoming. Thank goodness I've wiffed
>Colorado, AZ, UT, and Idaho.
>I don't know what I'll
>do with an AZ sheep
>or deer tag if I
>draw. Good problem to have.
>Good luck to everyone this fall.
>Let the Games BEGIN!!
***That's good to hear Cade! Nothing like hunting with the kids and it sounds like you have a full plate like I do!!!