Don't stop now.


Long Time Member
I realize that a lot of yalls seasons have come and gone. But that doesn't mean the fun has to end.

Time to get the coyote traps rolling. Next month is the absolute best month to pinch those sorry dogs. Got some of my traps dyed today and gonna wax tomorrow. If you pinch some yotes post them up. Good luck!

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I wouldn't waste a bullet on a coyote and sure won't be setting any traps/snares for them...

Market is a total bust.

We'll be trapping a few, mainly concentrating on bobcats because it is almost too late for good coyote fur up this way. Guard hairs have long been rubbed off.
Bobcats should have their fluff on after this nice cold snap.
Traps were dyed and waxed long ago for this season, wax dirt is made and ready when needed too.
Wish we had Texas weather to trap in but then our furs wouldn't be worth squat. Snow, wind and freeze-thaw make for battles keeping sets clear.
Yep I retreat traps from one line to the next. Feel free to post your bobcats here when you pinch them too.
Nice wolf traps.
Mt lions can be caught in much smaller traps too, quite well actually.
Scary looking for me to set, lol.
Nice wolf traps.
Mt lions can be caught in much smaller traps too, quite well actually.
Scary looking for me to set, lol.
Yeah I talked to some folks that have chance pinched them in coyote sets and were fine.

I talked to a few pros though and they said the coyote size stuff like #3 will hold most lion but eventually you'll run into one that will blow a coyote set apart. When they specifically target lion they use big gear, big springs, and big chain, with all joints welded.

If I am specifically targeting a lion I'm not going to gamble on the equipment staying together even though it likely would with the average lion.
You guys ever come back to your traps and they’re set off and the ground is all tore up with people and dog tracks? My dog got caught in one when I was chukar hunting once, what a goat rodeo that was. Thought I was going to have to shoot him and leave him there.
You guys ever come back to your traps and they’re set off and the ground is all tore up with people and dog tracks? My dog got caught in one when I was chukar hunting once, what a goat rodeo that was. Thought I was going to have to shoot him and leave him there.
Was the trap anchored or on a drag?
You guys ever come back to your traps and they’re set off and the ground is all tore up with people and dog tracks? My dog got caught in one when I was chukar hunting once, what a goat rodeo that was. Thought I was going to have to shoot him and leave him there.
We trap private land so that is not an issue but I would sure learn how to release an animal if I had a dog out in trapping territory. I released a house cat once, that was a rodeo.
We use offset jaw traps, easier on legs but other are not bad.
One reason we only trap on private is pets. The public land trapping we have done was way out from any town and possible pets.
I don't want to catch anyone's pet or have mine caught so I try to avoid pets and people areas.
I ran traps when I was a teenager in that awkward stage between adolescent and girls. Once I set a trap and walked back to my atv, probably 400 yards away. I got back to it, turned around, and already had caught my neighbors old beagle. I tore over there, and Ole Duke was just chilling there. He didn't act like it was a big deal.
I never get that worried about pets in my leg holds.

However the 220 and 330 bodygrips always keep me up at night.i rarely use them but when I do I am really nervous about bycatch. If a dog gets in one of those if he's not out within a minute or two he's probably dead.
Put out a double trail set one time. The next morning I found I had caught a jack rabbit and a huge golden eagle that came in to eat it. I don't ever want to try and release one of them again!! :)
Few years ago I was chukar hunting in Idaho on public land and my Pointer got caught in a snare. Luckily he didn't fight it too hard. It also looped over my beeper collar on him so that helped. I was able to get him uncaught but was worried as I was running to him wondering if the snare would clamp down so far to cut off his wind pipe. That's been my only brush with traps over the past 12 years chukar hunting.

I've had friends get dogs caught in foot holds though. You generally electrical tape the dogs mouth shut before trying to free them so ya don't get bit. Then ya throw a coat over the dogs head, wrestle em to the ground and then free them. Buddies said it made the dog a little ankle sore but never broke any bones. That big wolf trap above could probably break something though.

Conibear traps scare the heck out of me as a bird dog guy--hope to never run into one of those. When you have big running dogs that can be out there 300+ yards in front of you it takes a little time to get to the dog. Generally I believe these traps are used for beavers in water so little chance of finding one while upland hunting.
Put out a double trail set one time. The next morning I found I had caught a jack rabbit and a huge golden eagle that came in to eat it. I don't ever want to try and release one of them again!! :)
It's really very simple: toss your jacket over them and they lay right down.
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Just had some new weapons arrive. These are No BS lures Wolf traps. However we will be using them for lion. Kind of scary machines. Hope I don't actually ever get pinched in one. Hell the setters look like suspension parts for a truck.
Tri Just the looks of that trap scares tge Sh$t out of me. Just seeing your hand in that trap freaked me out. Be careful that thing could take a hand off
Conibear traps scare the heck out of me as a bird dog guy--hope to never run into one of those. When you have big running dogs that can be out there 300+ yards in front of you it takes a little time to get to the dog. Generally I believe these traps are used for beavers in water so little chance of finding one while upland hunting.
We see a lot of conibear 330 traps in the woods up here during trapping season. Mostly from inexperienced idiots trying to catch wolverines where there's zero chance. I usually know at least one of the several dogs that die each winter in a conibear. There's almost zero chance of a happy ending if your dog gets caught in one of those, even if you were standing right next to it. Typically the dog sticks their head in to check out the set up and it snaps their neck.

Which is why my dog and I rarely chase grouse after November 15. Ptarmigan country rarely has the same level of trapping activity
If not what gives you the right to call Me one? If your from Texas I know what you might be ! LOL ! Merry Christmas Grinch!...................BULL!
No clue WTH you're talking about but I am from Texas originally and no dude, and I know for sure not all women in Texas are bigger than your mouth. Again, incel? Sure sounds like it from the way you talk about women.
Have fun with the Grinch.
Sorry , didn't realize You were a Female. I am an educated Human and never heard the word incel , had to look it up. I guess people that use those type of words are hiding something. I will leave it at that ,and Yes only Beautiful Women in my life , no Fat ones...........Happy Hunting.............................BULL!
Sorry , didn't realize You were a Female. I am an educated Human and never heard the word incel , had to look it up. I guess people that use those type of words are hiding something. I will leave it at that ,and Yes only Beautiful Women in my life , no Fat ones...........Happy Hunting.............................BULL!
At least he she it them didn’t call you a “woke” incel!
Seems like a lot of effort for a mangy old coyote. When I see them about, I usually just make good use of the truck rifle. But whatever stiffens the old wood.
Sorry , didn't realize You were a Female. I am an educated Human and never heard the word incel , had to look it up. I guess people that use those type of words are hiding something. I will leave it at that ,and Yes only Beautiful Women in my life , no Fat ones...........Happy Hunting.............................BULL!
I'm not hiding anything, how about you.
Happily married for 34 years, to my husband.
I’ve called in quite a few before the holidays. Back at it now that we’re past Christmas. Went out this morning and it was pretty slow. Managed one. New rifles not real hide friendly. Too bad too, he was a pretty one

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That's the spirit. Don't worry about hide damage.
I got a report last week best midwest dogs were selling for $3 green. Damn shame.
Yeah I’ve killed tons of coyotes and never once sold a hide. I like skinning particularly nice or unique ones just to dry out for the shop wall. This one had really long guard hairs and a nice silver color. Pretty good sized dog too. I’ll be back out in a couple days. I love this time of year
My trapping career lasted about 1 day. Went to my best friends ranch to put some traps out. We both were 10 years old. First trap, throwing dirt around the trap and my buddy threw some dirt on the bail. Yes, trap attached to hand, he ran screaming to the ranch house with a trap on his hand.
My trapping career lasted about 1 day. Went to my best friends ranch to put some traps out. We both were 10 years old. First trap, throwing dirt around the trap and my buddy threw some dirt on the bail. Yes, trap attached to hand, he ran screaming to the ranch house with a trap on his hand.
One of the hardest things to do is pinch yourself in front of someone and act cool about it.?

Believe it or not what hurts worse than your whole hand in there is to have it fire when you are holding by just a lever. It pulls your hand into the side of the jaws and you get side pinched. Makes a hellavu blood blister.
One of the hardest things to do is pinch yourself in front of someone and act cool about it.?

Believe it or not what hurts worse than your whole hand in there is to have it fire when you are holding by just a lever. It pulls your hand into the side of the jaws and you get side pinched. Makes a hellavu blood blister.
Off set jaws are much easier on your hand, I know that first hand too.
Sew up that hole on that nice coyote and try to sell it.
Out it set our trapline tomorrow. We'll, run it through Jan and into Feb.
Mainly after bobcats but we'll set a bunch for coyotes too.
I wouldn't waste a bullet on a coyote and sure won't be setting any traps/snares for them...

Market is a total bust.

It’s not about the market, it’s about saving deer
Just two months left of Bobcat season and we've yet to set a trap but plan to put some traps and snares out Monday. My ten year old took the online test and did his field day this fall so he could get a furbearer license and his own bobcat tags. He got a really cool pup for Christmas (standard poodle/Rhodesian Ridgeback) that we plan to make a trapping partner out of.

There is a tree-hugging couple that have been running around taking snares and setting off traps in the area and I'm told they've been doing it for a long time. They really messed with us last year. The game warden has been onto them but not enough evidence to go after them. I'm told the guy works for the BLM. I hope to catch them in the act personally. I got lots of photos of footprints and tire tracks last year. I may have to buy a big ole' grizzly double spring long trap and place it in front of one of my sets:eek:?
Please post your line as you go Deadibob. Would be great to see the kid's progress.

Good luck.

Pulled all my traps and went home. Final count was 10 yotes, a truckload of coon, 2 beaver, 1 feral cat, and one nutria.

Hope to run my last line end of this month.
Just two months left of Bobcat season and we've yet to set a trap but plan to put some traps and snares out Monday. My ten year old took the online test and did his field day this fall so he could get a furbearer license and his own bobcat tags. He got a really cool pup for Christmas (standard poodle/Rhodesian Ridgeback) that we plan to make a trapping partner out of.

There is a tree-hugging couple that have been running around taking snares and setting off traps in the area and I'm told they've been doing it for a long time. They really messed with us last year. The game warden has been onto them but not enough evidence to go after them. I'm told the guy works for the BLM. I hope to catch them in the act personally. I got lots of photos of footprints and tire tracks last year. I may have to buy a big ole' grizzly double spring long trap and place it in front of one of my sets:eek:?

they look like they take any size shell....
Too bad the West doesn't have a live market for those caught Yotes. Down south those dogs are a money maker. Either way, glad your keeping our deer herds a bit safer with each catch or call in.
Just two months left of Bobcat season and we've yet to set a trap but plan to put some traps and snares out Monday. My ten year old took the online test and did his field day this fall so he could get a furbearer license and his own bobcat tags. He got a really cool pup for Christmas (standard poodle/Rhodesian Ridgeback) that we plan to make a trapping partner out of.

There is a tree-hugging couple that have been running around taking snares and setting off traps in the area and I'm told they've been doing it for a long time. They really messed with us last year. The game warden has been onto them but not enough evidence to go after them. I'm told the guy works for the BLM. I hope to catch them in the act personally. I got lots of photos of footprints and tire tracks last year. I may have to buy a big ole' grizzly double spring long trap and place it in front of one of my sets:eek:?
Time to set some trail cameras
I feel one of the problems our deer herds faced was the drop in fur prices. Remember in the late 70’s getting $150 plus coyotes and up to $750 for large lynx cats. Glad to see some still running lines. Hard to make any money with these fuel costs. Been only calling the last 30 years, but only skin a coyote if the pelt was great and one of my kids wanted it.
I’ve called in quite a few before the holidays. Back at it now that we’re past Christmas. Went out this morning and it was pretty slow. Managed one. New rifles not real hide friendly. Too bad too, he was a pretty one

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Last one I shot was with my 7mm Rem Mag. Ooops. Deer huntin, it’s what I had in my hands!
Skin them out and put in old freezer and take them to those local Mtn men get together. I sold a lot of crap skins at those get togethers before CA outlaw the trapping here.
Okay I know I’m late to the party, but I took @Tristate advise better late than never…

Here’s my set, within 70 yards of a den…View attachment 104102
What did you use to keep the trap from freezing up in the ground? I didn't get any dirt waxed this year but I did hear of a method that I just started using. Anthill dirt. I also bedded a few with coal dust/shale.
Have a set about 20 feet from this snare but the snare keeps scoring. Gonna have to change out the snare next check, it's junk after 2 struggles. Traps were snowed in once and got walked over. Hard to keep em workin with all the snow....

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Are you building your own snares? What cable and locks are you using?
What did you use to keep the trap from freezing up in the ground? I didn't get any dirt waxed this year but I did hear of a method that I just started using. Anthill dirt. I also bedded a few with coal dust/shale.
I didn’t have any waxed dirt either, I used salt good or bad I’m learning what works or not…
Well, the salt didn’t work had tracks right on top of the pan this morning…
If you don't have wax dirt it could be a good option to switch to a grass set. Still put salt in the bed. But instead of putting any dirt on top of the trap spread grass clippings all over the top and around your set. I try and keep the clippings under 2 inches long. Make sure they are layered deep enough that you can not see any portions of the actual trap.

These type sets for me take a little longer produce because I believe they hold human odor longer. But they are a good all weather set.
Don't build my own. This is what I've used. I think the smaller coil kill spring would be better. Not as heavy and visible...

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I build my own and use two different snares, one for coyote and one for bobcat. I haven’t used killsprings but I think I’m going to put them on all my current and future snares. Today is the last day of cat season for us so I will be pulling traps and snares today and probably start focusing on coyotes.
If you don't have wax dirt it could be a good option to switch to a grass set. Still put salt in the bed. But instead of putting any dirt on top of the trap spread grass clippings all over the top and around your set. I try and keep the clippings under 2 inches long. Make sure they are layered deep enough that you can not see any portions of the actual trap.

These type sets for me take a little longer produce because I believe they hold human odor longer. But they are a good all weather set.
Peat moss is supposed to be good to bed your traps in so they won’t freeze in. I bought a bag but haven’t tried it yet.

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