DNR padding their work loads with speeding tickets??

Do Them Wyoming Wardens Know You On A First Name Basis Like The DRATville Wardens Do?:D

I think Utah could take a lesson from Wyoming fish cops. They have way more area to cover And from what I Have witnessed, they do a great job getting around and doing their job.
This Is What I Seen!

Before They Made It Illegal To Be TEXTING & F'N Off On Their Phones Alot Of Them Were Holding Their Phones Up By The Top Of Their Steering Wheels & Some Got Perty Good At It!

When They Made It Illegal/Started Clamping Down On It The JOKERS Started Setting Their Phones Down Between Their Legs So Cops Couldn't See Their Phones!

This Is When The Real Reckless Driving Started!

I already explained that one to you bessy. Time for you to start pushing those Basin legislators to pass the hands free law!

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