Deer NR 14 points, this is what I'm thinking


Active Member
As stated above I have 14 going into the draw.
Little background as I have been dealt these cards I am going to play them.
I was paralyzed on the right side of my body 5 years ago. My quad muscle came back and with the use of a brace I can walk. Not easy, but can do it. Have to shoot using a bi-pod or tripod with a clap to hold the gun as I have no use of my right arm. I am getting worse as I am developing scoliosis due to no functioning muscle on the right side of my back. But I can still pack a deer if I have some help skinning.
Anyway, this is the reason to use up my points everywhere as soon as I can.
Though I do have a Kansas hunt starting the 8th of November. So I am looking more at 4th season. But, that KS hunt I can move around or not go.

I have scoured the archives and draw odds and have found these units as possibilities. Though I am not set on them at all.
I am up for just about anything, public, private, trespass or guided. Though I am not made of money, being hurt has changed my priorities on hunting as much as I can before I can't.

22- 3rd (doom and gloom about this unit, but looks like one that would work well for me, though lots of tags)
71-4th (may have some private land lined up there)

Obviously there are tons of other units. I am not opposed to a 2nd hunt.

I am hoping for a fun hunt that I might be doable for me. I tend to end up alone on these hunts or someone to help me here and there. But, I am looking at shooting something within a mile or less from a road.
Fun hunt to me, Glassable area. I don't walk well, so behind the glass is needed. Don't need a giant. But will go home without. 170+

I know this is a tall request that everyone else has as well. I was going to use them 6 years ago, then the accident. I may not even do it now.
I appreciate you guys and feel free to message as well.
22 has the access and the roads that would allow you to cover tons of ground and not really be limiting factor given your health conditions. It would be perfect for the limited mobility. This is a once in a lifetime hunt, have you considered a guide and not DIY? There are still some good bucks to be had in 22, but not a lot. There are definitely more mature bucks on the private than on the public. I think that Rim Rock Outfitters in Rangeley has the old shell lease and if so they will have some of the better deer in the unit.
22 has the access and the roads that would allow you to cover tons of ground and not really be limiting factor given your health conditions. It would be perfect for the limited mobility. This is a once in a lifetime hunt, have you considered a guide and not DIY? There are still some good bucks to be had in 22, but not a lot. There are definitely more mature bucks on the private than on the public. I think that Rim Rock Outfitters in Rangeley has the old shell lease and if so they will have some of the better deer in the unit.
Yes definitely open to a guide. I will check out Rim Rock. Thanks!
“66” 2nd. No where was 62 mentioned.

Either “66” 2nd or 61 3rd would be a good hunt. Your points might get you the 61 3rd if the point creep isn’t crazy. But there is no guarantee on that as it took 12 to “guarantee” a tag last year and many are expecting a pretty high jump this year because of the later season dates (Nov 13-19) and people wanting to dump their points. If you want to hunt this year I would say go 66 2nd season. You may have a few extra points “14” and it took 6 last year but you should be guaranteed to draw and with the later dates (Oct30-Nov 7) this year I think you would have a good hunt.
“66” 2nd. No where was 62 mentioned.

Either “66” 2nd or 61 3rd would be a good hunt. Your points might get you the 61 3rd if the point creep isn’t crazy. But there is no guarantee on that as it took 12 to “guarantee” a tag last year and many are expecting a pretty high jump this year because of the later season dates (Nov 13-19) and people wanting to dump their points. If you want to hunt this year I would say go 66 2nd season. You may have a few extra points “14” and it took 6 last year but you should be guaranteed to draw and with the later dates (Oct30-Nov 7) this year I think you would have a good hunt.
I really appreciate the info downhill. I think you are right on 61. Point creep will get me. But it was one I looked into. Will have to research 66 more. Thanks!
61 isn't an easy hunt, especially for big bucks, even more so with limited mobility. If you are interested and could do a guided hunt, check out Garvey Bros. Outfitting.
No one has anything to say about 54?
3rd season is probably the best option, but 54 3rd might jump out of the OP's points, but then again might not. It would be one to look into for sure and if you don't get it this year, things will probably drop back next year a few points and you could get it then.

Can you or do you want to hunt over Thanksgiving? If so, then looking at a 4th with limited tags might be the best option for you, but it will be a wildcard on what those will take. If not, then you are back to trying for a tag like 54 3rd or 66 2nd and hoping you don't get jumped (especially on a 3rd).
I would agree with the mobility concerns, you aren’t wrong there.
61 isn't an easy hunt, especially for big bucks, even more so with limited mobility. If you are interested and could do a guided hunt, check out Garvey Bros. Outfitting.
3rd season is probably the best option, but 54 3rd might jump out of the OP's points, but then again might not. It would be one to look into for sure and if you don't get it this year, things will probably drop back next year a few points and you could get it then.

Can you or do you want to hunt over Thanksgiving? If so, then looking at a 4th with limited tags might be the best option for you, but it will be a wildcard on what those will take. If not, then you are back to trying for a tag like 54 3rd or 66 2nd and hoping you don't get jumped (especially on a 3rd).
I am fine going over thanksgiving. I don’t have to draw this year. But want to, and with the dates it seems the deer herd is going to suffer. Thanks for the advice
Good luck to ya. I have the same points you have and no idea what to do. One reliable source told me to wait 10 years. But I’ll figure something out. Thanks for doin some homework for me considering the time I’ve already spent on it. Hope you have a great hunt if you draw!!

I was out of town for a couple days and couldn't respond. I'm not sure where you are at on your research so I'm not going to post a bunch of thoughts. But send me a PM on what your thinking about. I will help you out as much as I can.

61 is a great deer unit for ATV/UTV hunting during the late hunt if the deer have moved down. I have been in the unit 3 times during the third season, twice with a tag in my pocket and once with a son with a tag. I do agree with most about the unit going down hill. Maybe alittle worst then other unit. My opinion is on my hunts I noticed not just fewer bucks, but way less deer total. I believe a couple bad winters and a real predator problem in 61 is what has happened . However, with the later dates it could really help out this year and could be a fun hunt. I plan to hunt elk in this unit several times in the next few years and will see what happens to deer numbers. However, with F&G proposals, I think using deer points in next few years is best option. Good luck and if you choose 61 let me know and I will give you any help/knowledge I have from my time in the unit.
We burned about as many as you have on 61 third last year. Glad I have burned my points but if I had a do over I would definitely go somewhere else. Really the only good thing I have to say about it is that I burned my points and went... really pretty low quality and a suffering deer heard from what I could tell.
We burned about as many as you have on 61 third last year. Glad I have burned my points but if I had a do over I would definitely go somewhere else. Really the only good thing I have to say about it is that I burned my points and went... really pretty low quality and a suffering deer heard from what I could tell.
Did you kill?
Ya we went 2/3 one about 23” heavy 4x5 and mine was a bit of an accident early on in the quakies in the snow. But gotta live with those decisions. Lol! If I wouldn’t have tagged out we may have done some more drop in to those roadless areas by the burn off the tongue. It’s a cool unit with great habitat.. but very few deer from the middle to the northern part. Saw several really good bulls and I think spotted 4 lions. Honestly most of the deer we found acted like they were scared!
Really appreciate all the help. Freaking out over point creep. I truly believe we will see units jump 4+ points. I think I need to apply for a tag that took 10-11 last year or less.
now with the bill being discussed of dropping NR tags it may even drive creep even more.
Jason, that bill wont go into effect until after the draw is done, so it won't affect this year. But I agree with you on super point creep.

Jason, that bill wont go into effect until after the draw is done, so it won't affect this year. But I agree with you on super point creep.

I mean with the proposed legislation more people will apply this year. Then if I don’t draw, there will be even more creep. Nuts!
Yep, I see a ton of point creep in 2nd season this year with the dates and folks trying to get out of the system. Most have said 3rd and 4th, but I see all of the rifle seasons going crazy. It really is a guesstimate on what you can draw with certain points.

Boy you guys sure paint a gloomy picture. Unfortunately I think you are right. Trying to figure what to put my daughter in for with her 11 points. Thinking of a plan possibly for next year.
Really appreciate all the help. Freaking out over point creep. I truly believe we will see units jump 4+ points. I think I need to apply for a tag that took 10-11 last year or less.
now with the bill being discussed of dropping NR tags it may even drive creep even more.
Hard to say but that is not a crazy approach at all, especially since you see a need to hunt sooner than later. I hope you are one of the guys who 'puts a heard on the deer with the later dates" this year.
Point creep is anyone's guess. We are putting in for a unit that could be had with 7 points last year. We have 12 going in. On paper we look good but we both have just been buying points like most non-residents of Colorado, we have never applied for a hunt. There are only 7 tags for our unit so with all the NR trying to hunt the next two years no one knows. Fingers crossed.
Really appreciate all the help. Freaking out over point creep. I truly believe we will see units jump 4+ points. I think I need to apply for a tag that took 10-11 last year or less.
now with the bill being discussed of dropping NR tags it may even drive creep even more.
Thoughts on 4+ point jumps??? I'd disagree. Maybe a little bump is what I'm thinking, but 4+........I don't think so. We'll see.
It will depend on the unit and how many tags are available. I expect point explosion for 2nd, 3rd and 4th in units 44, 54, 55, 66 and 67.

Just posting back on here to say thanks for all the advise and help.
I went with a 4th. Promised I wouldn’t say where.

Last day buck. He was the best I saw and I almost didn’t kill him. Thought he had a crab claw. But he’s broke. Tough hunt. Was steeper than I thought it would be Roads I thought would be open were all closed. So tough to get around. Got snow first day. Saw lots of does and small bucks. By the afternoon it was 45 degrees. Thursday-Saturday 62, 59 and 64. Lots of does with no bucks. Every buck we saw had does. Was fun but rough. Colorado is nuts. To many suburus and hikers campers and people smoking weed everywhere ?
Had fun

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