Dad's Dream Bull


Very Active Member
My Dad's muzzy elk hunt has been over for almost a month now and even though I am just getting around to posting the experience here, we are all still on cloud nine after a hunt that could not have been scripted any better.

Over the past 35 years of elk hunting, my Dad has had a "mature bull" curse for some reason. If it weren't for bad luck in killing a good bull, he wouldn't have any luck at all. To go along with the bad luck, my Dad has always sacrificed his hunts and opportunities to make sure that me and my brother (silentstalker) and other family & friends found success and achieved our dreams. When we found out my Dad drew this special tag with only 4 points, we took it as a good sign that the curse was about to be broken, but we had no idea how perfect the hunt would truly turn out to be.

Our scouting efforts started on Memorial Day weekend and thanks to a great friend who shared some very helpful information with us, we found some great bulls immediately. Our scouting throughout the summer just heightened our excitement for the upcoming hunt. After what seemed like an eternity of waiting, our time to hunt was upon us and we were headed down two days before opening day to scout.

Our time scouting before the opener found us surrounded by numerous good bulls. It was a special moment to enjoy all of the sights and sounds of the rut with my Dad and Brother as we picked through different bulls looking for one my Dad liked. Here are a couple of the bulls we looked at:



One particular bull kept showing up in the same area and my Dad took a liking to him. This bull was a little weak on the front end but had excellent main beam length and really good 4th and 5th tine length with good mass. The other nice thing was he hung out in an area that would be easy to get to and easy to pack him out should we be fortunate enough to kill him. This was an important factor as my Dad's years of "pounding the hills" are well behind him now. Here is a pic of this bull we called Short Fronts "on the hoof":


On Tuesday night before the opener, we watched as several new bulls moved into the area we were scouting and the bulls really started to heat up with rutting action. Things were looking very positive for our first day when the "bullets" would become live! We made a game plan for opening morning based on where the bulls were last seen at dark and went back to camp to try and get some sleep.

Opening morning found us following our game plan by sneaking into the general area where we had been seeing the Short Fronts bull each time. As we moved into position and shooting light got closer, bulls were screaming all around us. My Brother Chad stayed behind a bit to spot for us, while my Dad and I moved in a little closer to the loudest bugles. The bull was above us while the wind was blowing down perfectly in to our faces. We knew the bull was fairly close, so we set my Dad up on his bipod near a small clearing and I let out a couple of soft cow calls with my mouth diaphragm. The bull let out a scream and started moving toward us at a quick pace. We could not see him yet due to some thick oak brush, but could hear him as he glunked and hit his antlers on the brush. He bugled again and I finally saw him coming directly towards me at about 80 yards. I could tell his top end was really good as he moved towards us. I told my Dad he was a shooter and to get ready. The bull closed the distance fairly quickly to about 40 yards but was coming directly at me and was not presenting a shot for my Dad. As if on cue, the bull turned to his right and stepped out into a small opening at 35 yards perfectly broadside. My Dad didn't waste any time in pulling the trigger and pounded the bull with 300 grains of lead from his T/C Omega. The bull ran about 40 yards and fell over in plain sight. 35 years of bad luck was completely turned on its head on a hunt where everything seemed to go absolutely perfect. We immediately recognized how rare these types of hunts are and basked in the moment as bulls continued to scream and fight around us. It was a perfect chorus for a special morning!!

We waited for Chad to catch up to us and then walked up on the bull. I captured the moment on video as my Dad admired the bull he had been dreaming about for many years. It was a special moment between a Dad and his two sons that I will cherish forever!! We soon realized the bull was "Short Fronts" which made it even more special - an awesome bull we had been watching for 2 days straight and one my Dad had put near the top of his "hit list"

Dad and his Bull:


Me and My Dad:


Chad and I with Dad's Bull:


The Packout:


My Dad's days of hard elk hunting are quickly becoming a thing of the past, which is not easy for me to see or accept, but that fact makes this hunt that much more special. The experiences and memories we shared on this hunt will be etched in my memory forever and I am confident will be even more special as time goes on. I was able to put together the following youtube video for my Dad to remember the sights, sounds, and feelings of this AWESOME experience - hope you enjoy it along with this long post:

That is a fine bull with a great story and a lot of family memories to boot, What a hunt.

"I have found if you go the extra mile it's Never crowded".
>[Font][Font color = "green"]Life member of
>the MM green signature club.[font/]
Couldn't have all came together for a better guy. Congrats on a stellar bull Wade.

You Dolye boys know how to get it done!!!!!

Thanks for sharing the story and pics. with all of us....

Nice Job Guys!

Them Doyle Boys know how to Pull Tags Also!:D

[font color="red"]From My Smokin Cherry Red Hot Barrel & My Dead Cold Hands I Shall go down Fighting for American Pride & Rights!
I Know I'm Out Numbered by Pusssies & Brainwashed Democrats that'll Throw Their Hands in the air & I know I can't Lick the U.S. Military by Myself when they Turn on us but I'll make
you one Guarantee,They'll be Enduring a Situation where I Hope to Hell All Americans become True Americans once again & Stand up for their Rights!
Awesome video and pics Cory !!!

Huge congrats to your dad on a mighty fine bull.

Very, very cool. The sentiment, the memories, I totally get it! Thanks for sharing. Video was great too!
Congratulations Doyle boys! Your dad has taught you well. I'll never forget our time on the Books, that was fun, but nothing like this! Short fronts, who cares! He's a stud of a bull. Tell you dad hi. Adam
That's what it's all about...Nicely done fellas...

Government doesn't fix anything and has spent trillions proving it!!!
Let's face it...After Monday and Tuesday, even the calender says WTF!
Well done Cory. My sentiments exactly! What a wonderful experience to be a part of helping Dad get his bull. Man I love elk hunting! Thanks for posting it up!

And thanks to each of you for the kind words!
Old guys RULE!!! Congrats to your Dad on an awesome bull and a great overall family experience/adventure! Y'all are blessed.
Amazing, congrats in a huge way. I hope I get the opportunity to payback my old man one of these years on the Dutton.
Great pics and great bull, congrats to your dad. It doesnt get much better then that.
Big bull curse broken!!!!
Congrats to the old man on an excellent trophy bull.
Old dudes ROCK (I have to say that since I'm one myself)
Thanks for the story, 6x7 muzzy bull, well done!

"Trust but verify"

"A gun is kind of like a parachute;
if you need one and don't have one,
you'll probably never need one again"
Thanks for all the kind words everybody! This was a special hunt for us in many ways - it was fun to share & relive as well.

I will post up another pic when the bull is home from the Taxidermist. I think I convinced my Dad to do something special with the bull on a pedestal, so can't wait to see the finished work!!

Best of luck to you all on your remaining hunts this year!
You guys always seem to do it right Doyle clan! Congrats to your Dad! Great experience as a family of hunters and outdoorsmen.

It's always an adventure!!!
awesome story and video. nothing like gettin the ole man a quality animal and spending those unforgettable moments together as a family. congrats to your dad and family for this beautiful bull.
Thanks for sharing your dad's hunt with us. Always enjoy DIY hunting and esp. with family. Love that unit and know the country well, as I've spent many hrs. on that mountain and esp. the area he made the harvest. In fact when had my tag down there in 2006, I missed (still hard to say) one of the biggest bulls I had seen on that side of the unit. Thanks again for sharing.
Congrats! Awesome bull, awesome story. I hope to have a similar story in coming years. My old man hopefully has a tag coming soon. Can't wait for the day!
Thanks for all the kind comments - it was an awesome hunt! I thought I was going to draw this same tag with 16 points this year, but I got the nasty unsuccessful from the UDWR and am still pulling myself out of depression. I am guessing several guys with more points jumped over this year with the great muzzy dates.

Here is what the bull taped out at for those that asked:
G1: 13"
G2: 12"
G3: 12"
G4: 21"
G5: 12"
Main Beam: 54"
Spread: 38"
Mass: 58" total
Gross Score: 344"
My score: lots of awesome memories and experiences that will keep me coming back for more every September!!!

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