Cruelty to hunters


Very Active Member
Okay this is just plain cruel! I can't focus at work, my wife thinks I'm a nut, if I don't get me some draw results idk what I'll do......or maybe the results will make things worse ? ? The dilemma!
I need to know if I drew so I can quit obsessing on if I drew and start obsessing about plan A or plan B, or maybe plan C or D?
Seriously another email from the NM G and F:

Thank you for providing comment on New Mexico Department of Game and Fish rule-making regarding antelope!!!!

There is no doubt they do this on purpose and it is pretty funny actually.
No guys , Im out of the office this week doing the "honeydos" just check in to see the chaos...Id relax if at all possible I know your all chomping at the bit , but my guess is not going to be for another week or two...25th is still a pretty fast turn around, go turkey hunting this weekend...I wish I could...

its not funny rio lol , i guess the issue i have is the fact that this process is nailed down to a T. game a fish works hard to makes this process seamless. Being a data guy the process is seamless and takes no time to run and cross check itself. literally a push of a button and the data is processed .

The issue i have is if results are done and ready why hold them hostage so to speak . Plus the director released that statement last year saying process is flawless and allows us to provide results in record time. I hard it hard to understand that the process got less efficient from last year. its a matter of do they want to release them or collect further interest on our coin.

I personally dont care when the issue my refund but out of staters pay big bucks so im sure they want it back asap ,id rather have results when done and they can keep my money for a while longer already paid it anyway . I plan my entire year from work and personale stuff around my tags so for me the sooner the better
LAST EDITED ON Apr-11-18 AT 10:26AM (MST)[p]I just need to know if I run to the gym to get ready for the hunt or to Krispy Cream.
>its not funny rio lol ,
>i guess the issue i
>have is the fact that
>this process is nailed down
>to a T. game a
>fish works hard to makes
>this process seamless. Being a
>data guy the process is
>seamless and takes no time
>to run and cross check
>itself. literally a push of
>a button and the data
>is processed .
>The issue i have is if
>results are done and ready
>why hold them hostage so
>to speak . Plus the
>director released that statement last
>year saying process is flawless
>and allows us to provide
>results in record time. I
>hard it hard to understand
>that the process got less
>efficient from last year. its
>a matter of do they
>want to release them or
>collect further interest on our
>I personally dont care when the
>issue my refund but out
>of staters pay big bucks
>so im sure they want
>it back asap ,id rather
>have results when done and
>they can keep my money
>for a while longer already
>paid it anyway . I
>plan my entire year from
>work and personale stuff around
>my tags so for me
>the sooner the better

April 25 is still a great turn around,I will agree here with Bobby though. If they're done, push the button. It's not really necessary to hold onto them . Let's us weep and drown the sorrows with an oduls as soon as possible.
Have a good week Rio. Know iits not you with the button at your finger tips.

P.s. I hate turkey hunting haha
bobby the deadline was March 21 and this year the NMDGF had the most apps ever. If the Dept releases on the original date of April 25, that isn't even a full 5 week turn around . Id say pretty dammned effective, still the quickest draw results in the western US.They are a Professional agency, and I assure you they are NOT holding draw results "hostage" , and since you are a data guy , then you are aware that "data" is simply man/women input collected....Mistakes can happen and the audits are tools used to ensure a valid and accurate draw cycle.
I have nothing but praise with NM draw system. Quick turn around times and online system is very user friendly.

It's just hard to be patient when each year is different on result times. haha I'm almost positive there hasn't been 2 years in a row of the same process/time frame.

It's like saying to a kid, "Santa Clause is scheduled to come on the 24th, but he might come as early as the 14th." haha

Either way, no complaints on the draw system. Just will have to be patient and hope to see some green!

But it is all electronic. It does not matter if there are 100 applications or 1 million applications. A 1 week turnaround should be vey doable.
Ya our draw process is awesome and it is always available by the date posted. Just always the hopes and wishes of it coming early ha ha
>bobby the deadline was March 21
>and this year the NMDGF
>had the most apps ever.
>If the Dept releases on
>the original date of April
>25, that isn't even a
>full 5 week turn around
>. Id say pretty dammned
>effective, still the quickest draw
>results in the western US.They
>are a Professional agency, and
>I assure you they are
>NOT holding draw results "hostage"
>, and since you are
>a data guy , then
>you are aware that "data"
>is simply man/women input collected....Mistakes
>can happen and the audits
>are tools used to ensure
>a valid and accurate draw

Rio Im not arguing with this at all i love the NM system best in the west no doubt. However i agree with others posted behind me and the fact we know its doable for them to complete timely but the release has been highly inconsistent . Your director cant say we have this process nailed and allows faster result and expect people not to set that as the bar. The process didnt get less efficient from last year to this year

In regards to audits not sure how the process is done but from draw deadline app submittal i would think that is when app audits start so that three weeks right there up till harvest deadline to weed out any issues. Of course post draw audit must be done but im pretty sure that inst a manual process.

And based on last year refunds processed the 13th so as an outsider looking in it does appear results are being held in the interest of the almighty dollar, again understandable but id have no problem with them keeping my coin to make intrest money longer to have results faster that is just me and most would not agree with that . Kudos to NM game and fish now give us the results LOL
It's like when the wife is pregnant and you go to the doctor and doc says could be any day now, you are already dilated so it is going to be soon and then 3 weeks later you are still waiting for the baby to decide its time to come out.

You know its close but just how close. If last year hadn't happened I wouldn't be this bad.
I'm hoping they have it posted by Friday. I've already checked multiple times today. NM has the best draw system in the West and has quick turn around. Idaho turn around time is often less than 3 weeks so they are also fairly fast. The slowest that I know if is Utah, it takes Utah about 3 months to put out draw results.
LAST EDITED ON Apr-11-18 AT 04:56PM (MST)[p]>I have nothing but praise with
>NM draw system. Quick
>turn around times and online
>system is very user friendly.
>It's just hard to be patient
>when each year is different
>on result times. haha
>I'm almost positive there hasn't
>been 2 years in a
>row of the same process/time
>It's like saying to a kid,
>"Santa Clause is scheduled to
>come on the 24th, but
>he might come as early
>as the 14th." haha
>Either way, no complaints on the
>draw system. Just will
>have to be patient and
>hope to see some green!

Got 3 e-mails I love NM system. CA just sent out the book for this we are old & backwards.
> still the quickest draw
>results in the western US.

Idaho got theirs done in 17 days last year....LOL just sayin. each year is record applications in NM. you guys need to do something about your system draw odds keep getting worse.
LAST EDITED ON Apr-11-18 AT 07:43PM (MST)[p]LAST EDITED ON Apr-11-18 AT 07:40?PM (MST)

I am curious about how long it would take NM to audit the draw because they haven't changed much in years. You think it would be mostly cut and paste.

I have lots of old application books and the hunt codes/permit numbers haven't changed much.

They're still pretty fast with the draw. Of course Texas generally posts draw results the day after the deadline.
IMO the process has gotten a lot better. They started e-mailing results a few years ago, they have also allowed people to call in and have a G&F employee check the license over the phone for you.

They have computers at the office for people to go check in also...

Does it suck waiting! Absolutely! I don't think its that bad we used to have to wait till June.

Have a Snickers to tone down the crying....

Audits may not be done, and your complaining may have you benched for the year! LOL

Don't care for some things the G&F does but the draw is one of the better ones IMO.
>> still the quickest draw
>>results in the western US.
>Idaho got theirs done in 17
>days last year....LOL just sayin.
> each year is record
>applications in NM. you
>guys need to do something
>about your system draw odds
>keep getting worse.

As long as your not talking about anything like bonus or preference points. Those do nothing to increase the number of hunts, just time you have to wait to hunt.
Nope I'm against points as well. There are lots of things to do to increase odds and limit applications. Most Residents won't like it tho!
>AT 07:43?PM (MST)

>AT 07:40?PM (MST)

>I am curious about how long
>it would take NM to
>audit the draw because they
>haven't changed much in years.
>You think it would be
>mostly cut and paste.
>I have lots of old application
>books and the hunt codes/permit
>numbers haven't changed much.
>They're still pretty fast with the Yes Texas is fast! I guess it doesn't take as long when all the results are DID NOT WIN A PERMIT!
>draw. Of course Texas generally
>posts draw results the day
>after the deadline.
N.M. has the fairest system in the country! NO POINT SYSTEM EVER! I would agree that a majority of the apps increased are NR .
>N.M. has the fairest system in
>the country! NO POINT SYSTEM
>EVER! I would agree that
>a majority of the apps
>increased are NR .

I agree. I like NM's system. Texas isn't too bad because they just have a bonus point system. I like having a chance to draw any hunt any year (Even if it's a slight chance).
LAST EDITED ON Apr-12-18 AT 07:18AM (MST)[p]I like nm but I would like to set a year out
When you draw a hd hunt. Something along those lines because I've been putting in for hd hunts for 11 years and no dice. Could have nice tag in preference pt states in that time frame most likely. I like no points and that's why I started applying in nm but the odds get worse and worse each year. Maybe choose weapon type. Anything to increase odds.
The wait sucks but it makes it easier knowing that I drew unit 23 archery hunt in Arizona. Point system is a no from me, but I don't think it would be terrible if you had to sit out a year after you draw a tag to apply for that species again.
Remember how we used to speculate why NM would reorder your draw choices the last few years? Did anybody notice that happening this year?
If I had one alteration I could make I would make the applicants apply all for one weapon type! I think that would help.
>Remember how we used to speculate
>why NM would reorder your
>draw choices the last few
>years? Did anybody notice that
>happening this year?

mine are in a different order.
I have moved my prediction from Friday the 13 to next Wednesday the 18th. Enjoy the weekend and stop stressing out, their is nothing we can do about it.
Don't mess with happy, 100% random chance for ALL applications. The points system in our neighboring states has pushed many young hunters OUT of the Feild . Not a lot of incentive in pumping money into a tag you have to wait a decade + to draw. Do NOT do this NMGF
Longer they keep that record amount of applicants money the more money they make off the intrest.... drives me nuts

As far as fast turn around California has about a two week turn around which is about the only good thing California does with there drawing process/wildlife then again they probably have that fast of a turn around because no one wants to apply here.
>Longer they keep that record amount
>of applicants money the more
>money they make off the
>intrest.... drives me nuts
>As far as fast turn around
>California has about a two
>week turn around which is
>about the only good thing
>California does with there drawing
>process/wildlife then again they probably
>have that fast of a
>turn around because no one
>wants to apply here.

Yes odds suck there!
Nmdgf doesn't make interest. Think they are holding the results because some people actually bitched about the early turnout last year.
Nmdgf doesn't make any interest. I think the reason for holding the results is people actually bitched about the early turnout last year.
>Nmdgf doesn't make any interest. I
>think the reason for holding
>the results is people actually
>bitched about the early turnout
>last year.

Doesn't make interest on the millions in the bank during the waiting period?

LAST EDITED ON Apr-15-18 AT 07:33AM (MST)[p]I assume NM loses money on application processing....a lot of money. The high cost of credit card processing is the reason. Most people don't seem to realize that the big banks who handle credit card transactions for merchants (such as NMDGF) charge a percentage fee for every transaction, and another additional percentage fee for every refund. There are no rebates on these fees. Typically the fees will total 3% or more. Even if NMDGF was allowed to earn interest on "money in the bank" for a few weeks, it might be a couple tenths of a percent if they were lucky. Since the merchant fees they have to pay are more than 20 times that amount, you can forget the notion that they're profiting off our money.

The CC processing fees are the main reason most other states charge applicants big non-refundable fees for licenses and points. They are hoping to at least break even. NM, unlike almost any other state game dept in the west, seems willing to take a loss on applications.
This is probably the reason Colorado and others have gone away from charging the full tag price. It will be bad for odds, but will save them money.

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