couple of thoughts.....


livetohunt (Guest)

Down the posts a ways, there was one about doctors, gun owners, and etc. The other night on the news I saw something about a nurse that had killed 40 people (or so). That's it, heard nothing more about that particular incident, now guys- what would of the media blitz been like if this guy had walked into a fast food restaurant and shot and killed 40 people, huh? "I fear the government that fears my gun" heard that before? Same senario, can you see that liberals falling all over themselves to scream for more gun control? Can't let 'em suck the public opinion into their lies. Getting info out like that post below might help.

Another thought: About the Sanpete Elk hunt. Hey, I'm right squarely behind the landowner dude! What did you guys think would happen? You weren't so green behind the ears that you thought you'd actually get to run all over these guys livelyhoods just to shoot an elk that MOST of them probably didn't want shot anyways, did you? Hah! I say let these guys feed 'em and charge for rides to go see the elk and try and make a buck off them. Heaven knows they have been feeding them for long enough, why should the DWR be the only ones who should make anything on this heard? I know Sportsman for Fish and Wildlife offered to pay for the feed through the winter - the DWR is the stick in the mud on this!!! Some day the DWR has to realize that the ILLUSION of game to collect isn't the same as ACTUALLY having animals to shoot! (THAT WILL MAKE 'EM MAD, BUT I DON'T CARE)so why wipe out this herd, when it don't need to be? The DWR is just taking the easy route to try and keep these critters from getting hit on the Highway. Not cause they care that the Elk are dying, but because they are afraid someone will sue!

P.S. I watched a similar thing happen to the deer that had taken up residence in a local area. There were getting to be some Monster Bucks. The Governors tag holder even tried (unsuccessfully) for one that they figured would have gone over 190 B&C. The 'public' literally overran the place - breaking gates, cut fences, driving over gated pipe (for you who don't know that's used to irrigate crops, and it ain't cheep) smashing crops -hay don't recover after a certain growth stage, and harvesting equipment can't pick it up. so it's lost. So guess what happened? Quietly the deer simply "dissappeared" (BANG -another disappeared deer), Problem with the "public" solved ,but the deer took it in the shorts! Don't blame these guys one bit.(What I wonder is how those guys from Provo found out about the deer in the first place?!) Lack of respect for the property owner was the direct cause for the loss of this bunch of nice deer.
I know the DWR can't afford to pay these poperty owners for having the animals on their land... but, couldn't they find a way to colaborate on letting these property owners make something off of the game that comes into their land? Example: these property owners can get doe tags to thin the numbers.. Why not give 'em some buck (or bull) tags to SELL. (Similar to Cwmu, but on a smaller scale?) There's got to be a good idea out there that would satisfy most of these problems. What do YOU think?

This is for Moosie: Hey that Montana Elk hunting looks fun. I'm not asking to tell me anything about where you go. Could you tell me this, though? I'm gettin kind of long in the tooth, and the back ain't what it used to be. Realistically, how far back in are you hiking? Like is it hike in and hunt and hike back out and do it again the next day? Is it hike a spike camp in and hunt from that? Is it Mountain Goat steep, or all of the above? Wouldn't do me any good to get into a situation I couldn't physically get the Elk back out of, ya know.
"This is for Moosie: Hey that Montana Elk hunting looks fun. I'm not asking to tell me anything about where you go. Could you tell me this, though? I'm gettin kind of long in the tooth, and the back ain't what it used to be. Realistically, how far back in are you hiking? Like is it hike in and hunt and hike back out and do it again the next day? Is it hike a spike camp in and hunt from that? Is it Mountain Goat steep, or all of the above? Wouldn't do me any good to get into a situation I couldn't physically get the Elk back out of, ya know.

Some of the hikes are upwards of 15 miles. Average is 6 miles. Some not so many. One Day I did a 22 mile hike with Elevation up and Down change of 6,800 Ft. (that was the longest ever and also in Idaho) but needed 2 days rest there afterwards. Fortunately I am in good enough shape thus far health wise to hunt average days 2-3 days in a row without spike camps. 3 days is pushing it though.

PS, I'm from Idaho and not Montana. I was hunting with friends there.

  • [*] -Moosie
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