Corrals in Payson AZ


Long Time Member
Anybody know of a corral that we can use in Payson area during a elk hunt for 2 horses and Mules, with a place to park a camper.
Take a role of barb wire and some t posts, that way you can make a corral wherever you wanna camp and wont be inclined to camp exactly where there are corrals.
Get an old axle, sharpen one end and put a lead rope around it. Drive it into the ground and you can stake out the horse(s) any place.
Thanks for the hints, But I'm still looking for Corrals in Payson Area.
If I have too, I will carry down some portable panels and make my own corral or just highline them between 2 trees.

But I was looking for a ready built corral that would be a simple fix.

I guess I'm still looking.

You may as well have suggested that he bring an on call vet with him too so he would not have far to go when the barbed wire slash a leg or chest open and then the T post gets used like a sward. Maybe you were thinking he has a gun so he could take care of the problem himself and save the trouble of carting home the horse while he was at it.

Barbed wire and T posts not a good idea with horses in an unfamiliar location at night. An expensive proposition no matter how you look at it.

Portable panels or a pick line is a better idea. Fixed corrals is even better depending on how far they are from your camp site.

Gator, let me do some checking up there for you, I have a couple of friends up that way and I will see if they are not going to be using them, just be a little patient, they can be difficult to get ahold of.

?We abuse land because we regard it as a commodity belonging to us. When we see land as a community to which we belong, we may begin to use it with love and respect.? Aldo Leopold
sorry 264x300, but I dont think his horses and mules have down syndrome. theres not one problem puttin em in a pen that is barb wire, if your really concerned, you just use wire without the barb. People these days are ridiculous, how do you think ppl lived before everyone became a primadonna

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