Condolences to Zeke


Long Time Member
LAST EDITED ON Jun-17-17 AT 10:04PM (MST)[p]Probably many of you would want to know that our good friend Zeke who is a beloved regular on the Monster Muleys forum lost his only son Zac today in a tragic trail running accident.
There are no finer people on the planet and our hearts are hurting tonight on their behalf. Please remember Zeke and his family in your thoughts and prayers.
My heart aches for you and your family are in our hearts and prayers. If you need anything, please let me know.
Damn, Zeke your family is in my thoughts and prayers brother. I can't imagine....
Prayers are on the way. Gather your family close and lean on each other in this tough time. You have friends here for sure.
So Sorry to Hear about this!

Can't Even Start To Imagine the Pain!

We're all here for you My Friend!

Your Family is in Our Prayers & God Bless!
Having lost my wife two weeks ago I know how heavy your heart is right now Kyle. Hang in there and you'll get through it and hopefully all the prayers from us coming your way will help like they did for me!
Still Can't Imagine what This Family is going Through!

When I First Seen this/These Pics it Reminded Me alot of Me & My Only Son!

Tears Don't Shed out of the Ole cat's Eyes Too Often Zeke but I'm Sheddin a few right now!

Take Care & God Bless!

I know all too well the terrible pain and hurt the loss of a son is.
God bless you and your family.
Take care of yourself. Hate to hear of a loss like that.
Dang Zeke, no word come to mind at this time that can help! You are on our minds and prayers. If there is anything you or your family need, please just ask.
LAST EDITED ON Jun-18-17 AT 10:30AM (MST)[p]I am so sorry to hear of this zeke....there are no words for it....god bless you and your family.
??? Can't get much worse than this. Really sad to hear. Sorry for this horrific loss Zeke. Stay strong. ???

My deepest condolences on the loss of your son. My thoughts and prayers to you and your family.

Our prayers are with You and your whole family.

"I have found if you go the extra mile it's Never crowded".
>[Font][Font color = "green"]Life member of
>the MM green signature club.[font/]
God be with you and your family, may he give u strength and comfort. Your son was a friend of my nephew Mitch. So very sorry for your loss.
Prayers offered up for your family in this difficult time. I can't imagine how difficult it must be. God Bless.
Awful news. I've searched my whole life for the right thing to say at times like this and I'm still searching.

I can only say I'm sorry for you and your family.

Stay Thirsty My Friends
As other have said, there isn't much to say at this extremely difficult time. So sorry Zeke. I know you are a great husband and terrific father. Let yourself love even more.
Heard about this Saturday morning. Sorry for you loss Zeke. Thought and prayers are with you and his young family.
I heard the story yesterday, and the name kept bugging me all night. I knew I'd heard it before. So sorry Zeke. Heart breaks for you and your family.



My thoughts and prayers for you and your family. I guess the loss we think about, is the missing and grieving. I'm glad you were able to make many great memories with your son! They can help you through this. This is the time when faith and family means more than things. You have a lot of friends and support.
An ultra runner buddy told my about this Sat morning, I had no idea it was someone from our MM family. Zeke hang in there bud were praying for you.
After being out of pocket for a week, this is not the news I wanted to see.
We love you Zeke and pray for comfort for you and your family. Take care and Cherish those fond memories.

I only learned of this terrible loss, today, Monday the 19th.

Such events weigh heavily upon my Heart. The only thing I am able to write is; I am deeply sorry.
>Thanks for the GO Fund Me
>link BIGJOHN,
>I know Zac's young family is
>going to need all the
>support they can get!
>Here it is again:

No problem. When I heard about it on the news. That it was a trail runner with a backpack. I was hoping it wasn't anyone we knew. I was really heartbroken when I heard it was Kyle's boy. I am sure they will need all the support we can give them. Such a young family loosing a dad. I wanted to send Kyle a text but I am sure he probably doesn't want to hear from me. Hopefully with time it will heal his broken heart. I lost a son at a young age. It was years before I could even talk about. Maybe when I see him on the mountain around a campfire sometime we can talk about it. For now god bless you my friend ! We are thinking of you !
I just got a text from Kyle. His life is still upside down, but he's hanging in there. I know he appreciates all the support.
For those interested, Zeke shared that Zac's funeral will be on Saturday the 24th at 11:00 am at the LDS Church in Lehi on 900 North and 1200 East. There will be viewings, also at the Church, on Friday the 23rd from 6 to 8 pm and Saturday morning from 9:30 to 10:30 am before the funeral.
Little bighorn and Big John,
Thanks for the go fund link and funeral information.

What a beautiful young, and eternal family. A very difficult time for sure. Tender mercies and love helps us get through these most challenging times.
Zeke, I'm sorry for your loss. I'm sure that is one of the greatest trials a person would ever have to endure. Prayers sent.
Zeke, I'm deeply saddened to read of your loss. I can't imagine the pain your family must be feeling.

This really hits home as just this morning my daughter informed us that one of the river guides who worked for her employer, OARS, died yesterday of hypothermia after overturning a kayak and not being able to get out of the water until it was too late. He was guiding in the Tetons area and my daughter had hired him. She is devastated, as are her fellow employees. I can only imagine the shock and pain his family is dealing with. Same with Zeke.

You'll all be in my thoughts and prayers.
Zeke, my deepest condolences. No parent should ever have to suffer the loss of a child. Thoughts are with you and your family.
As I have read through this thread, the fact that a trajedy has happened is first and foremost. I also noticed that even though we ##### and moan and complain and argue amongst ourselves, in tough times, we care. Hang in there Zeke. Dale (mtmuley)

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