common curtosy? ethics and utah rifle hunters



ok before i get to today i would like to pre set my situation.

I do not like to road hunt, , now going from place to [place i will watch for game, spot and stalk from the road, glass areas ext. but my main purpose in life is to hunt. not to drive around the road hunt train with 90% of the utards.

if i come up to a vehicle that has stopped and is glassing, i will slowly pass, and go on my way, if they have weapons drawn i will wait and pass after they shoot, or wave me on. i have watched many a critter die waiting to pass.

if i pass a vehicle i will go way past before i slow down and if i stop to look and get passed i will not speed back up to regain my place in the train.

if while hunting i see deer, and see guys moving in on deer, i might stop to watch the show, but other than that they were there 1st let them have at it.

this is how i was raised. it is common freeking decency.

soooooooooooo today!
I spent 4+ years in the Army, and today was the closest i have come to getting shot (by someone else)

so today i am hunting ,i go down a dead end road and with my spotting scope i find a pocket full o deer,
4 baby bucks about 700 yards up a draw, with two shooter bucks lower in a small saddle, a big heavy 25in 2 point with a 22 4x4,

i plan a stalk and head off for a shot, i get about 500 yards up the mnt, and i see all the small bucks above me, with some does they found.
across the saddle the two good bucks, moved down a ravine hidden from the road.
as a wait for a shot a dodge pulls up next to my jeep, 3 A@@ holes get out and start scanning the small bucks, i looked back to the bigger bucks to see if i have a shot and the big 2 point steps out,

i pull my rifle up onto my shooting sticks and put the scope on his heart, then all hell broke loose,

those A@@ holes UNLOADED ON ME! 8 shots fired and the closest one to me hit 10 feet from where i stood.this is no BS there was no crack before the boom as an over head shot will do, just loud thups in the dirt with a wicked spray when one hit a rock.

i hit the deck and combat rolled to some rock cover, needless to say i quit thinking of deer and started thinking of orange targets, after realizing i was not happy those A@@ holes ran to the truck and left as fast as they could go. they left so fast one guy left his coat, and another left his bino covers.

the thing that bothers me the most. if you are shooting uphill 700 yards your going to hit at 500, if there is a guy at 500 yards in BLAZE FREKING ORANGE what the hell are you shooting at?

utah rifle road hunters.............good times!

so if you were in 5th water today in a white dodge cummins 4 door.and want your coat and bino covers back PM me and i will be glad to meet you!
PS bring more AMMMO.
and i got your plate ####


live life one mule deer at a time.
wow, If You feel You were being shot at and have the plate #, I would file a complaint or at least call the local sheriff. At least scare them and maybe think twice about doing it again. California does not even have a blaze orange law.Always makes You wonder during rifle season. Got a luv the fat bass turd road hunters.
all ready done.
not 100% on the last two digits though, plate was muddy
live life one mule deer at a time.
Good luck getting them prosecuted! They do not need to be on the mtn if they are going to be like that. Its a very scary thing to have bullets hit close to you, Big reason why I went to archery...
>>>I do not like to road hunt, , now going from place to if i come up to a vehicle that has stopped and is glassing, i will slowly pass, and go on my way, if they have weapons drawn i will wait and pass after they shoot, or wave me on. i have watched many a critter die waiting to pass.

if i pass a vehicle i will go way past before i slow down and if i stop to look and get passed i will not speed back up to regain my place in the train.

if while hunting i see deer, and see guys moving in on deer, i might stop to watch the show, but other than that they were there 1st let them have at it.

this is how i was raised. it is common freeking decency.<<<

plus a gazillion, we just got back and i was amazed at the amount of people that would come right up to us if we were just glassing deer WE NEVER EVER do this ,,,, then you run across a guy like this, we were going to a spot to hunt and we see a truck stopped on the road, the guy is obviously looking at some deer with his bino's we stopped several hundred yards from him so we didnt bug him..... we set there for quite awhile and as he didnt get his rifle out we eased up a little closer and stopped,,,,i looked at the group of deer in the glasses and there was a small buck with them ,,,, well he walks up to our truck and says theres a little buck if you want to shoot him,,,, we said no thats ok hes yours we dont want to bug you go ahead and we'll help you get him in your truck ,,,,, he says no thats ok your all the way from ca if you want him go ahead,,,, well we did ,,,,, up shot of the story was after all the knotheads we ran across a really good guy,,,,, was a really cool how it all worked out
Man, I was in the same area between 5th water and lightening springs set up watching a draw about 600 yards off the road and we had two jokers come out and aim their guns right at us to see what we were through their scopes. Fortunately for us no bullets flew, but it sure did get me fired up! Its not a good feeling looking down someones gun barrel through a spotting scope.
ya... we were driving on a dirt road last week and we spot a small herd with a very small forkie buck. We were looking for something bigger, so we passes. Well, up come 3 four wheelers behind us... I get out of the truck and tell them that there is a small forkie 65 yrds out if they want him.... they jump off their 4 wheelers like freakin commandos. They all point hteir guns at the group of does (the buck was standing 10 yards to the left of the does with a fawn). I told them that they were aiming at the wrong deer so they moved their guns on the buck. About a minute later... (keep in mind these deer are about 65 yards away, about 63 yards in a clearing and they are in the trees about 10 feet! easy shot).... so about a minute later... BOOM! all the does go running and the buck and fawn are still standing. Another minute later... BOOM! One of the deer falls and the other one bolts. I went up to the deer with the 3 hunters to congratulate them... we get ten yards from the deer and the guy gets on his radio and tells his other buddies that he just shot his first buck! I was very excited for him... we get up to the deer and the dumb azz shot the fawn! I was pissed! I just told them to have a great day (sarchastically) and left. I knew that it was an accident and the guy felt bad so I didnt make an issue out of it but I was pretty upset about it.
So did the deer get left to rot? I hope they dressed it out and made use of it. Should of turned them in.

Gotta love the rifle hunt. I am glad none of you actually got shot. That sucks.
"Like sands through the hourglass....these are the (Utah general rifle season) days of ours lives." What a ridiculous joke! Really makes me excited to take my kids out for a day (of dodging bullets) in the woods.
Did I miss something? They probably had a trail camera and tree stand in that drainage were obviously in the wrong to start with on this rodeo. At least, from reading several posts on MM, that is my understanding of how public property is transformed into quasi-private property for the entire hunting season. Thank goodness you were not sitting in their treestand since that is rude and is call for armed conflict as well on public lands. Of course, these rules are not in the Utah Proclamation so that does lead to confusion but, nonetheless, these are treated the same as laws. Also, any sign or lock that impedes and ATV can be disposed of so you can roar along on ATVs. God Bless America.
>So did the deer get left
>to rot? I hope
>they dressed it out and
>made use of it.
>Should of turned them in.
>Gotta love the rifle hunt.
>I am glad none of
>you actually got shot.
>That sucks.

After I walked away. we got in the truck and started driving away... one of the guys was making a mad dash to our truck... we stopped and rolled down the window, thats where he started telling us how the bullet went through a tree and thats how the fawn got hit cause the tree must have deflected it! He then continues to tell us that "the deer will not go to waste, they will use it up". We just said "whatever" (the guy was obviously full of it). so we drove away and parked around the corner looking at another hillside... 2 minutes later those same 3 guys pass us on the four wheelers, no fawn on the back. Seemed that we could not get away from those guys, we seen them several times throughout the day. I would have turned them in if I thought they did it on purpose... it was obvious that the guy just had a serious case of buck fever and hit the wrong deer, he looked like he was going to cry when we approached that fawn. He was humiliated pretty good... not only did he shoot the wrong deer(at 65 yards in the open!) but he shot it in front of his two buddies and three total strangers (who basically handed him the deer on a silver platter, the only other thing I could have done for him would have been to paint a bullseye on the buck!), but he also called his other friends on the walkie-talkie and was bragging about killing his first buck and what a good shot he made because the buck "dropped like a bag of rocks!". I'm sure the humiliation is far worse than anything that the fish and game would have done to him!
LAST EDITED ON Oct-27-09 AT 02:38PM (MST)[p]"so if you were in 5th water today in a white dodge cummins 4 door.and want your coat and bino covers back PM me and i will be glad to meet you!
PS bring more AMMMO.
and i got your plate ####"

I know this story is BS
There are no deer in 5th water. Let alone a mature buck. LOL
I hunted in that area too, and it was a joke.

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