Colorado family hunt ideas?


Hey guys..looking to take my two sons 20 & 22 and wife on a family deer hunt. We have 2 preference points. We aren’t expecting to shoot or hold out for 170+ bucks. The units I have it narrowed down to with the amount of pref points we have are 2nd rifle units 70 & 62…then 3rd rifle unit 35. Does anyone have any suggestions as far as which you would choose for a family type of hunt? It appears that unit 70 would be more conducive for glassing and getting around would be easier. I know unit 35 might be tough to get around in 3rd rifle due to snow. Thanks for any advice..again not looking for someone to give us their spots, only looking to pick the right unit for a family hunt to have a good time and glass some deer and have a chance to fill some tags. We hunted eastern MT last year near Jordan, MT and it was tough..numbers were way down. Feel free to pm, and good luck in the draws to everyone!
Camping, hotel or AirBNB? All 3 could have similar type of hunts and all 3 could get frustrating as well with elk hunters or warm weather or only small bucks with does spotted.
Of the 3:
Unit 70 is going to have the most deer sightings with easier access.
Unit 35 is over hunted, with limited access during 3rd season. The potential of big bucks is nowhere near what it should/could be.
Unit 62 would be a mix of the two. Decent numbers, with a very outside chance at a giant.
If size has no bearing 70 would be my choice. Small 2 year old 3 and 4 points would be fairly doable.
Colorado has been on a major slide since about 2016 IMO.
Thanks for the info sir! Seems like 62 might be harder to glass than 70 by the looks of the aerial map, I have no idea 100%. I would think terrain that’s harder to glass would hold bigger deer. Man it’s a toss up..I have a little time left to decide. Last year we hunted Eastern MT near Jordan and we only seen 10-15 deer a that the norm for a unit like 62 or 70..or do you typically see more deer? Can’t thank you enough sir!
I would expect to see at least double that in 62 or 70, especially if the ground is white. You'll likely see more deer in 70, but better caliber of bucks in 62. Last time I hunted 70 was in 2019, and was seeing 50-80 deer a day.
That's crazy about Montana. Sounds like it has really taken a hit the last couple years. Few years ago it was nothing driving around hunting pheasants to see 100's of deer.
I've hunted 70 during 3rd season. I scouted it at the tail end of 2nd season. I didn't see hardly any deer while scouting, but they were there during 3rd season. It was 70 degrees in November, so the big bucks and most of the does were on private property near water. Cold weather kills big bucks. Pray for snow in October. Easy to glass, lots of access, limited services.
I would just pick a unit you like and go for it. There probably isn’t many places that are to much better or worse at this point. In the next year or two the 170-180” threshold will drop to 140-150”.

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