Colorado deer Poll


Long Time Member
LAST EDITED ON Nov-25-18 AT 06:06PM (MST)[p]Here is a Colorado deer hunt Poll. If you hunted Colorado deer in 2018, please share what state you live in, and how many spotters you had during your hunt in Colorado. A spotter is any person that helped you find an animal on your hunt, mom, dad, friend, mistress ECT...
This poll will run for two weeks. At the end of two weeks, one lucky person will win a $100.00 dollar gift certificate to Cabela's or Sportsman's warehouse.

I will start.

Utah- 1 spotter.

If you don't answer honestly, yer going to hell! ?
LAST EDITED ON Nov-25-18 AT 05:45PM (MST)[p]Colorado resident. Solo, no spotters, no high dollar long range rig, no ATV. One shot 120yds. Tagged out opening mornin, 2 mile pack out, two trips.

Since I entered twice does this double my chances???

I Live in TARDville!

1-1978 Bushnell Spotter!

1-2012 SWARO Spotter!

1-2014 Leupold Spotter!


Them Kinda Spotters!

Well when You Blow them Kinda Points!

The Tag Ain't coming around much more than about Twice in a Lifetime!

5 Friends! (Ya,That's all the Friends I Have!:D)

9 Family Members!

3 Paid Spotters!

4 Other Friends Running Side X Sides/Wheelers Full Time!

Several Other Guys/Spotters Looking & I Told them I'd Offer a Finders Fee for the Right Buck!

Still Got My Tag booty & it's UN-PUNCHED!

I know so many people in so many places
They make allot of money but they got sad faces

It Ain't Easy being Me!:D:D:D
One More thing booty!

The Track Soup has a Real Bitter Taste to it This Year for some Reason!

I know so many people in so many places
They make allot of money but they got sad faces

It Ain't Easy being Me!:D:D:D
Both shot under 200 yds.
All you solo hunters are missing out on the best part of hunting spending time with family/friends.
> I Live in TARDville!
>1-1978 Bushnell Spotter!
>1-2012 SWARO Spotter!
>1-2014 Leupold Spotter!
>Them Kinda Spotters!
>Well when You Blow them Kinda
>The Tag Ain't coming around much
>more than about Twice in
>a Lifetime!
>5 Friends! (Ya,That's all the Friends
>I Have!:D)
>9 Family Members!
>3 Paid Spotters!
>4 Other Friends Running Side X
>Sides/Wheelers Full Time!
>Several Other Guys/Spotters Looking & I
>Told them I'd Offer a
>Finders Fee for the Right
>Still Got My Tag booty &
>I know so many people in
>so many places
>They make allot of money but
>they got sad faces
>It Ain't Easy being Me!:D:D:D

Did they issue a new zip code for your camp? Holy crap

Me: 1 tag (10 days on the mountain for a 5 day hunt)
Son: 1 tag (10 days)
Son: spotter, pack mule, general helper (5 days)

We ended up filling both tags on the last day.
360 yard shot (2 mile pack out)
130 yard shot (1/2 mile pack out)

Had a great time with my sons (glad both of them were there to help) and met a few new friends.

Utah (the gods country part, lots of utards)

Sit tall in the saddle, hold your head up high, keep your eyes fixed to where the trail meets the sky...
2nd season
1 tag (me)
0 spotters

3rd Season
2 tags(kids)
1 tag(dad)
1 spotter(me)

Solo is nice, but hunting with family is better!
LAST EDITED ON Nov-25-18 AT 11:11PM (MST)[p]

"Wildlife and its habitat cannot speak. So
we must and we will."
Theadore Roosevelt
LAST EDITED ON Nov-25-18 AT 11:49PM (MST)[p]Come you flat brimmer's, here's your chance to jump into the conversation! Nobody's here to judge you about how you hunt. We might flip you little s*** about that goofy looking hat on your head! But we won't judge you but how you hunt!

>> I Live in TARDville!
>>1-1978 Bushnell Spotter!
>>1-2012 SWARO Spotter!
>>1-2014 Leupold Spotter!
>>Them Kinda Spotters!
>>Well when You Blow them Kinda
>>The Tag Ain't coming around much
>>more than about Twice in
>>a Lifetime!
>>5 Friends! (Ya,That's all the Friends
>>I Have!:D)
>>9 Family Members!
>>3 Paid Spotters!
>>4 Other Friends Running Side X
>>Sides/Wheelers Full Time!
>>Several Other Guys/Spotters Looking & I
>>Told them I'd Offer a
>>Finders Fee for the Right
>>Still Got My Tag booty &
>>it's UN-PUNCHED!
>>I know so many people in
>>so many places
>>They make allot of money but
>>they got sad faces
>>It Ain't Easy being Me!:D:D:D
>Did they issue a new zip
>code for your camp? Holy

Well AlwaysHunting!

I Don't Own any Trail Cams!

But between the Rest of the Bunch they Had 130+ Set Out!

One Smart-Ass Stopped by & Asked if it was the Mossback Camp!

I know so many people in so many places
They make allot of money but they got sad faces

It Ain't Easy being Me!:D:D:D
LAST EDITED ON Nov-26-18 AT 07:18AM (MST)[p]California

Zero spotters, unless you count hunting with my 12 year old daughter on her first hunt as being a spotter.
LAST EDITED ON Nov-26-18 AT 07:56AM (MST)[p]Utah

3 tags
3 hunter
3 spotters, each was a spotter foe each other.
>AT 11:49?PM (MST)

>Come you flat brimmer's, here's your
>chance to jump into the
>conversation! Nobody's here to judge
>you about how you hunt.
>We might flip you little
>s*** about that goofy looking
>hat on your head! But
>we won't judge you but
>how you hunt!

They are too busy chasing bucks on the winter range hoping they drop early
Non Res Ca (eek)
2 tags
Daughter no tag
So 2 hunters
1 spotter helper/dragging/ gutting/ skinning/ quartering/ processing daughter spotter
>>Did they issue a new zip
>>code for your camp? Holy
>Well AlwaysHunting!
>I Don't Own any Trail Cams!
>But between the Rest of the
>Bunch they Had 130+ Set
Thank goodness! Cause 129 would never do.... lol
7 Spotters.
Three 1034 yard shots taken. All clean misses. At least I think they were clean misses. Too far away to go check for blood.
3 Hunters w/ tags
0 Extra spotters


My Favorite Expo Tag Quotes:

"It is fair to ask how much comes in with the five dollar application fees and how much went onto the ground.? Don Peay of SFW during 3/31/2005 Wildlife Board Meeting.

"There will be a full accounting of how the applications fees are spent.? Don Peay of SFW - 9/26/2006 -

1 "spotter/enabler" and 1 hunting partner with bull tag.

We started hunting the 3rd day of the season. Punched tags on the 5th and 6th day. Can't sing a dead cat in CO without hitting big bucks and elk. You guys have it way to easy...
LAST EDITED ON Nov-26-18 AT 03:47PM (MST)[p]I saw a drone flying around up skunk creek. Thinking that's illegal.

As far as my hunt goes.

I'm from Pennsylvania

There were 3 of us in the truck.

That's about as close to spotters as we get. Two on one side of the truck,one on the other.

Filled both tags.
>>non resident. 15 spotters.
>>1 dead 200" buck
>I missed the post with details
>of your hunt

read it again
Hey booty?

You get Caught by the Colorado G&F having too many Spotters?

I know so many people in so many places
They make allot of money but they got sad faces

It Ain't Easy being Me!:D:D:D
0 tags
0 spotters
Applied with 15 points but I guess Colorado gave my tag to a Utard. I did hunt Wyoming with a buddy. Two tags and no spotters and no deer. It's really hard for us Wyoming guys now that they made in 3 point or better. I may have to get out of the camper next year.
I could still use the gift card though. I really need some new Nosler brass for my .280 AI.
New Mexico
2 spotters
Killed a 3 1/2-4 1/2 year old buck (big ol fork) on the second day of the 3rd season

Took him out of the gene pool you're welcome CO lol had a blast with my bro and pops though and that's what it's all about

2nd season: solo hunt, my tag

3rd season: 77 year old dads tag, myself and brother helped out

4th season: Son?s tag, I was a spotter.

one tag
one son and one friend. 16 years to draw. Wanted to share the experience if it's OK? Hunted from same truck.
2 spotters I guess?
Will be on the Henry Mountains in Utah Saturday with my 74 year old mom (Tag Holder) and 79 year old dad. Joining mom on her OIL cow buffalo hunt will be her three sons, along with our wives and kids. Total of 14.And could care less what people think. It will an epic hunt. If I will please donate the gift certificate to Bess
>Will be on the Henry Mountains
>in Utah Saturday with my
>74 year old mom (Tag
>Holder) and 79 year old
>dad. Joining mom on her
>OIL cow buffalo hunt will
>be her three sons, along
>with our wives and kids.
>Total of 14.And could care
>less what people think. It
>will an epic hunt. If
>I will please donate the
>gift certificate to Bess

DR yer DQ for failing to follow directions. It's common there I'm beginning to see.

Utah 4 spotters, (cousin and her husband and there 2 kids, the husband had a 3rd season tag for the same unit as my 2nd season. That is the only reason they was there, I tagged out the first day)

Jake H. BIG BONE HUNTING Page on Facebook.
>>Will be on the Henry Mountains
>>in Utah Saturday with my
>>74 year old mom (Tag
>>Holder) and 79 year old
>>dad. Joining mom on her
>>OIL cow buffalo hunt will
>>be her three sons, along
>>with our wives and kids.
>>Total of 14.And could care
>>less what people think. It
>>will an epic hunt. If
>>I will please donate the
>>gift certificate to Bess
>DR yer DQ for failing to
>follow directions. It's common there
>I'm beginning to see.

DW, you don't make the rules!!! DR, you are DQ for failing to follow directions. ?
>>DR yer DQ for failing to
>>follow directions. It's common there
>>I'm beginning to see.
>DW, you don't make the rules!!!
>DR, you are DQ for
>failing to follow directions. ?


>Will be on the Henry Mountains
>in Utah Saturday with my
>74 year old mom (Tag
>Holder) and 79 year old
>dad. Joining mom on her
>OIL cow buffalo hunt will
>be her three sons, along
>with our wives and kids.
>Total of 14.And could care
>less what people think. It
>will an epic hunt. If
>I will please donate the
>gift certificate to Bess

Good Luck on the Hunt DR!

It Can Be Tough!

Remember one Thing!

You are looking for Bison!

Not Big Bucks!:D

And thanks for the Donation!

That'd be the only way I Could win anything!

I know so many people in so many places
They make allot of money but they got sad faces

It Ain't Easy being Me!:D:D:D
Wyoming. Total of 3 hunters (all with tags, the other two were from Utah)

No spotters. 2 bucks killed with the three tags

3, 276 spotters covering every inch of public land!

cell towers were smokin with all the calls ringing in of 250 inch bucks spotted!

Ran out of fuel several times in the wheelers trying to get to these giants people were seeing!

Never saw anything under 250 inches!

Ran out of money for finders fees!

Sleeping in room 420!

Waking up at 4:20!

Shooting my buck at 420 yards!

It was intense!

Wish I would have stayed home!


I think I'll go back and open a weed shop!
LAST EDITED ON Dec-12-18 AT 01:38PM (MST)[p]This poll will close on Saturday at 6:43 pm. Hurry up Utards and your 15 spotters
>AT 01:38?PM (MST)

>This poll will close on Saturday
>at 6:43 pm. Hurry
>up Utards and your 15

Sure Seems like more than 2 Weeks?

I know so many people in so many places
They make allot of money but they got sad faces

It Ain't Easy being Me!:D:D:D
>>LAST EDITED ON Dec-12-18
>>AT 01:38?PM (MST)

>>This poll will close on Saturday
>>at 6:43 pm. Hurry
>>up Utards and your 15
> Sure Seems like more than
>2 Weeks?
>I know so many people in
>so many places
>They make allot of money but
>they got sad faces
>It Ain't Easy being Me!:D:D:D

He wanted to give the shy flat brimmers time to come around.

I Get a feeling you got right in the middle of a shyt show with many,many Spotters in Colorado booty?

I know so many people in so many places
They make allot of money but they got sad faces

It Ain't Easy being Me!:D:D:D
Negative. I've never witnessed many, many spotters. Butt apparently, according to some Colorado residents, every Utard has 15. This scientific Poll proves otherwise. ?
>I was hoping the shy flat
>brimmers would emerge out of
>their mommas basement.

Their too busy posting their stupid chit on instagram.
>Negative. I've never witnessed many, many
>spotters. Butt apparently, according to
>some Colorado residents, every Utard
>has 15. This scientific Poll
>proves otherwise. ?

If you want to see a bunch of Tards gang hunting just look at the videos Tards post on YouTube.

I Get a Feeling that Some Coloradans Noticed bootys TARDville License Plates?

That or His FLATTY Mossback Hat!:D

Each Year more & more TARDS Swarm to Colorado to Hunt PISSCUTTERS!

Alot of Coloradans are getting Sick & Tired of the Future Big Bucks being Slaughtered by TARDS!

I've got a Spare/FAKE Colorado License Plate booty,You wanna borrow it?

It does work!:D

I know so many people in so many places
They make allot of money but they got sad faces

It Ain't Easy being Me!:D:D:D
Poll is now closed. Thanks to all that entered. The same draw company that SFW uses for the hunt expo, will be conducting this drawing for the gift card. Stay tuned.
>Poll is now closed. Thanks to
>all that entered. The same
>draw company that SFW uses
>for the hunt expo, will
>be conducting this drawing for
>the gift card. Stay tuned.

So booty?

I'm Gettin Bent Over again?

But this time by an MM'ER?

I know so many people in so many places
They make allot of money but they got sad faces

It Ain't Easy being Me!:D:D:D
>Poll is now closed. Thanks to
>all that entered. The same
>draw company that SFW uses
>for the hunt expo, will
>be conducting this drawing for
>the gift card. Stay tuned.

Haha, now that's funny!!!
>Poll is now closed. Thanks to
>all that entered. The same
>draw company that SFW uses
>for the hunt expo, will
>be conducting this drawing for
>the gift card. Stay tuned.

I just got some inside info that Heather Farrar won the $100 gift certificate. Congrats to her.
>>Poll is now closed. Thanks to
>>all that entered. The same
>>draw company that SFW uses
>>for the hunt expo, will
>>be conducting this drawing for
>>the gift card. Stay tuned.
>I just got some inside info
>that Heather Farrar won the
>$100 gift certificate. Congrats to

Wait till Ms booty finds out booty has had Eye contact with Heather!

I know so many people in so many places
They make allot of money but they got sad faces

It Ain't Easy being Me!:D:D:D
> Wait till Ms booty finds
>out booty has had Eye
>contact with Heather!

Oh don't you worry, there was more than eye contact going on. ?

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