Coach told me to take it to the hole????

Who the hell would want to play sports at BYU? Can't have sex? WTF? Do they know it's 2011? I think they just lost their recruiting power!!

Derkha derkha Muhammed jihad hakha sherpha sherpha abakhala- Gary of Team America World Police
I don't watch sports but caught a little quip on this the other day. Just the suspended for violation of the code of honor. So much material here I can hardly stand myslef.

Honor - looks like he followed it. He got on Honor and stayed on her.

It's not like he had sex with a goat or his little brother or mother.

I'm sure all the non-married teaching and coaching staff, team boosters and supporters, deans, fans, etc at BYU follow this same code.

Who gives a rip if he had sex with his girlfriend. Everyone else has.

Someone is probably thinking "he knew that was the rule when he signed up". So did Adam and Eve. Where would we be if they had followed those dumbass rules?

Somehow having consentual sex between a man and a woman, both presumably legal adults, is a bad message to send our youth? Go Kobe!

I'll think of more I'm sure.
LAST EDITED ON Mar-03-11 AT 01:25PM (MST)[p]"Who gives a rip if he had sex with his girlfriend. Everyone else has."

Funny thing is that when I was all up in her, she kept calling me Jimmer.....

Derkha derkha Muhammed jihad hakha sherpha sherpha abakhala- Gary of Team America World Police
Sorry but I don't go along with you. He knew the rules and broke them. Rather or not you believe in their standards is your choice, BUT he broke the rules and yes the team will suffer. Should have never signed up if he couldn't follow the rules. As far as Adam and Eve...well they would still be in The Garden of Eden not worrying about our economy :)
>Sorry but I don't go along with
>you. He knew the rules and
>broke them.

That was even quicker than I thought it would be.

"Rather or not..." Isn't it Whether or not?

I agree to an extent about following the rules. There are rules and we all know we need to follow them. How fast did you drive the last time you drove to town? Speed limit -1? Have you said a cussword (or a disguised cussword ie shoot, frickin, darn, dang, gosh) lately?

The self righteous impose the rules and the rest of us break them.
...and away we go......where's Manny?

Derkha derkha Muhammed jihad hakha sherpha sherpha abakhala- Gary of Team America World Police
Funny stuff NV!

She don't look like she wouldn't
With a little dose of the Wisz charm I'd have that shirt crumpled up on the deck next to the hottub!!

Derkha derkha Muhammed jihad hakha sherpha sherpha abakhala- Gary of Team America World Police
I guess your probably correct on my grammer. Never was too good at that stuff. Actually about a week ago I was doing 64 in a 55. Yup (<---- I know) you're right I got a ticket. That's my point...I broke the law. Break the law, rules, whatever, I think you, me, or whomever? then there's consequences for our actions. Sorry that everyone doesn't agree with you bro :)
They are damned if they do, damned if they don't. The same folks who are critical of BYU now would be calling BYU out on the double standard if they did nothing. I'm pretty sure it would go something like....I guess the church frowns on premarital sex unless you are a star center on the ball team. Consequences, consequences.... Blame BYU for imposing draconian moral codes if you want but silly as you may think it is, they were never a big secret.
CATMAN- I feel for you. You got pulled over by the biggest arsehole in the entire department! 9 mph over the limit and he ticketed you? That's bunk!!

Derkha derkha Muhammed jihad hakha sherpha sherpha abakhala- Gary of Team America World Police
Did you write it yourself? :)

Its a good thing not everyone agrees with me. The world is a safer place for it. :)

You are correct, he knew the rules and as dumb as I might think they are, they are the rules. It does make me wonder how he was found out tho... I didn't read every word of the article so maybe it was there... but was it perhaps one of the coaching staff lurking outside his bedroom window? Peering in and getting some nasty photos? You know, just enforcing the rules...

Go Kobe!
LAST EDITED ON Mar-03-11 AT 02:15PM (MST)[p]My sources tell me the girlfriend is pregnant. Before long it would become apparent... unless Mormons believe in Immaculate Conception.
Well the code he signed has been around for along time, he knew the consequences, so I guess if Sex is better than the career he could have had then so be it. ( hope it was worth it)

The only one he has to blame is himself !!!
If he's a good as they claim, his career won't suffer much. He can either tranfer to another school, which would likely welcome both him and his bad habit, or he can simply declare for the NBA draft when appropriate.


How To Hunt Coues Deer
LAST EDITED ON Mar-03-11 AT 04:39PM (MST)[p]He can come to the University of Washington. Our players date under aged girls and give them booze and appearently get away with code of ethics here???
Well NVB!

You'd make a good TARD!

Tell a TARD he can't do something & he'll go out of his way to show you he will and can!

I don't care if they're big or small!
If they throw lead I like em all!
How the heck did Jim Mcmann survive BYU's code of ethics??? They better start kicking players off the football, basketball, baseball, hocky, water polo, and any other team they have there. There is a lot more screwing around going on then just this kid.....Dannie Ainge?? come on!!! They aren't all choir boys!!!
Actually, within the last couple of years, there have been other "star" athletes who were kicked off their respective BYU teams.

Yes, the same rules apply to the general student body and faculty. I am active LDS and AM NOT a BYU sports fan...but I do support the idea of honoring the honor code.

Within the shadows, go quietly.
>Yes, the same rules apply to
>the general student body and
>faculty. >

I bet that works well. That's probably why my former boss's daughter, after turing up pregnant, said she was raped. Still had three and a half years of college to complete. And she did.

Bess, you have insulted me in many ways, many times, and I let it roll and still call you my friend. But this time, telling me I would make a good Utard, you've gone too far.
I saw on one of the sports talk shows this afternoon, apparently, the young lady in question attends Arizona St, something like that, and he was busted by a recorded "twitter", He was then called in to account for himself and fessed up.

Too bad for BYU basketball but easy answer for him; Transfer to one of the big Arizona schools close to your sweetie. I can assure you that there, his actions off the court and on his own time will fit right in.

He should have just stuck with "self abuse", like the rest of the Jack Offs there!.....LOL!

whackin' a surly bartender ain't much of a crime"
Well NVB!

Always Remember!

When you Jab,I Jab back!:D

I don't care if they're big or small!
If they throw lead I like em all!
>i was curious about that nickman
>would that be concidered pre-marital
>relations ? just curious.......

Nope, that would be POST marital relations according to 1911.
I know a young kid who is a wide receiver for BYU , well I know his dad pretty well and I seriously doubt he is following this code and quite frankly I would be a little disappointed if he was. What a waste of a good angle IMO!


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