CO unit 10 bull elk


Very Active Member
If I apply for unit 10 this year with 30 non-resident elk points what are my chances of drawing the bull tag? Looks like last year 5 our of 6 non-residents with 30 points drew, so the one that didn't draw will like be in with 31 points this year. What I can't see on the CO P&W website draw odds is how many applied last year with 29 points. Thoughts?


click on draw recap and find your hunt code.
If I apply for unit 10 this year with 30 non-resident elk points what are my chances of drawing the bull tag? Looks like last year 5 our of 6 non-residents with 30 points drew, so the one that didn't draw will like be in with 31 points this year. What I can't see on the CO P&W website draw odds is how many applied last year with 29 points. Thoughts?

What you can't see or predict is how many with 31 points or higher will apply this year. There are 161 NR's with 31 or more Elk points going into the 2023 draw. Some will apply for points only, others will apply for various hunts, possibly including the one you cited. Either way you're in good position to draw a good elk tag somewhere in CO soon. As long as they don't cut the NR quota on the high-demand hunts, which is under discussion.
Still mind boggling to me…. 30 years to have “a chance” at that tag. Special hunt for sure, I’ve been fortunate enough to be on a handful of unit 10 hunts now. But there’s a lot of pretty good elk hunts one has to sacrifice to build 30 plus points.
Considering the possibility of applying for the muzzleloader hunt. But it looks like this year the muzzleloader season ends on September 17th. Would that be to early for good hunting?
Considering the possibility of applying for the muzzleloader hunt. But it looks like this year the muzzleloader season ends on September 17th. Would that be too early for good hunting?
Absolutely not they will be rutting during muzzleloader
What you can't see or predict is how many with 31 points or higher will apply this year. There are 161 NR's with 31 or more Elk points going into the 2023 draw. Some will apply for points only, others will apply for various hunts, possibly including the one you cited. Either way you're in good position to draw a good elk tag somewhere in CO soon. As long as they don't cut the NR quota on the high-demand hunts, which is under discussion.
I’ve never hunted Unit 10 for mule deer, I have 14 Resident Points - been saving these up for a few years. What are the trophy deer hunts like in that area ? I’m thinking about trying for the 1 st hunt that might generate a draw. Plus stay in a motel in Dinosaur, Colorado. Give it a week of scouting ahead of season. Your thoughts would be appreciated very much ! I’m 75 years young.
Thanks so much !
307-772-1623 Cell number in Colorado ?
If I apply for unit 10 this year with 30 non-resident elk points what are my chances of drawing the bull tag? Looks like last year 5 our of 6 non-residents with 30 points drew, so the one that didn't draw will like be in with 31 points this year. What I can't see on the CO P&W website draw odds is how many applied last year with 29 points. Thoughts?

30 years is a long wait! I hope it happens for you.
I’ve never hunted Unit 10 for mule deer, I have 14 Resident Points - been saving these up for a few years. What are the trophy deer hunts like in that area ? I’m thinking about trying for the 1 st hunt that might generate a draw. Plus stay in a motel in Dinosaur, Colorado. Give it a week of scouting ahead of season. Your thoughts would be appreciated very much ! I’m 75 years young.
Thanks so much !
307-772-1623 Cell number in Colorado ?
Go hunt Jerry! 10 is as good or better than anywhere. 2nd season would be a great hunt.
Thanks so much for your reply on 10-Colorado!
Really appreciate your help & time! I’m going to try it. ??? Jerry ?
Don't turn it back in! Burn those points. I went to school in Rangely and there were always some good bucks in 10. One of the biggest typicals I've ever seen was just below Kenny Res on the 10 side of the White.
High Sage country.... I'm a bit confused is the first poster trying or Jerry? It if Jerry at 75 you are going to need help to have a quality experience. Not the toughest country around for sure but still it is all physical and handling a big bull elk under any circumstances at 75 is going to be a challenge and could turn a wonderful experience into a nightmare. Unless you have "for sure" help not just "yeah dude I'll help ya" and they don't at the end of the day I say with this wait get a guide
I’ve spent time in 10 the past couple years. There is quite a bit that can be learned from a trip or 2 to the unit. There are some fairly large tracts of private and it takes a little time to figure out which 2 track roads are open and which ones are shut off by private. There is plenty of country to keep you busy. Some country is devoid of deer certain times of year while others have lots of critters.

I would also be cautious about the archery and muzzy hunts. Sometimes the elk and deer may be in dinosaur park where hunting is off limits. Some of the biggest bulls tend to know the private and dinosaur lines.
High Sage country.... I'm a bit confused is the first poster trying or Jerry? It if Jerry at 75 you are going to need help to have a quality experience. Not the toughest country around for sure but still it is all physical and handling a big bull elk under any circumstances at 75 is going to be a challenge and could turn a wonderful experience into a nightmare. Unless you have "for sure" help not just "yeah dude I'll help ya" and they don't at the end of the day I say with this wait get a guide
Thanks so much ! I appreciate your evaluation on this unit. Yes- 10 with a good guide is more of
a good idea since I’m 75 now. Nothing gets easier the older you get ! I’m looking for a good hunt, not a fiasco which I’m seeing if I go it alone. Funny how time gets away from all of us !
Thanks again so much ! ?
Jerry in Colorado ?
Jerry, If you go with a guide in 10 I would highly recommend one that has access to private! Some guides likely will be hunting public that gets a bit more pressure from cow hunters and the other bull hunters.
Just be aware unit 10 got hit harder than any unit in Colorado with the winter of 2022/2023! I spend tons of time in the unit and didn’t see a third of the animals that there usually are. I know a lot of guys last fall that ate their tags for elk due to such low numbers and the older age class bulls and bucks got absolutely crushed by the winter. It will take years for the numbers to come back and age class on the bucks and bulls to be where it was before the winter of 2022/2023 in unit 10!
Thanks for this info. I’ve made my decision on where to cast my pts. Hopefully the draw will be good to us all this year!
Don't turn it back in! Burn those points. I went to school in Rangely and there were always some good bucks in 10. One of the biggest typicals I've ever seen was just below Kenny Res on the 10 side of the White.
Thanks a million for the update on Kenny Resvr- got to look that area over too ! Bigwiffy- Are big elk a target there too- I’ve got like 18 points, Resident, might try that one ☝️ too. Your thoughts? 😁 🇺🇸🇺🇸

Colorado Hunting Guides & Outfitters

Rocky Mountain Ranches

Hunt some of the finest ranches in N.W. Colorado. Superb elk, mule deer, and antelope hunting.

Frazier Outfitting

Great Colorado elk hunting. Hunt the backcountry of unit 76. More than a hunt, it's an adventure!

CJ Outfitters

Hunt Colorado's premier trophy units, 2, 10 and 201 for trophy elk, deer and antelope.

Allout Guiding & Outfitting

Offering high quality mule deer, elk, bear and cougar hunts in Colorado units 40 and 61.

Ivory & Antler Outfitters

Hunt trophy elk, mule deer, moose, antelope, bear, cougar and turkey on both private land and BLM.

Urge 2 Hunt

We offer both DIY and guided hunts on large ranches all over Colorado for archery, muzzleloader and rifle hunts.

Hunters Domain

Colorado landowner tags for mule deer, elk and antelope. Tags for other states also available.

Flat Tops Elk Hunting

For the Do-It-Yourself hunters, an amazing cabin in GMU 12 for your groups elk or deer hunt.

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