>The law says their wrong. are
>we going to question the
>law then?
>You sound just like Tyrone. he
>doesn't trust or believe in
>the law so he fights
>with them too.
> Just because someone is white
>and wears a drug store
>hat doesn't make them any
>better than Tyrone .
>Stay Thirsty My Friends

So dude?

If they are Breaking the F'N Law?

Why the PPHHUUCCKK Ain't somebody Enforcing the GAWD-DAMNED Law?

Answers Please?

"I'm Living & Dieing with the Choices
I've made!"

LAST EDITED ON Jan-22-16 AT 08:55AM (MST)[p]

Why ? because they're white . imagine the difference if they were armed muslims, blacks or Mexicans taking over federal property. there would be outrage.

I think maybe things are about to change. the governor now wants the FBI to do their job.

Stay Thirsty My Friends
The FBI is too backed up. They have about 600 employees investigating Hillary. They should finish about Jan. 25th 2017.
>AT 08:55?AM (MST)

>Why ? because
> they're white .
>imagine the difference if they
>were armed muslims, blacks or
>Mexicans taking over federal
>property. there would be
>I think maybe things are
>about to change. the
>governor now wants the
>FBI to do their job.
>Stay Thirsty My Friends

WTF do you mean the Governor wants them to do their Job?

Shouldn't they already be doing their Job?

WTH do we pay them for?


"I'm Living & Dieing with the Choices
I've made!"

>The FBI is too backed up.
>They have about 600 employees
>investigating Hillary. They should finish
>about Jan. 25th 2017.

Don't forget about that backlog of background checks they need to get thru. Expect obama to add several thousand new agents to handle the work load. Ain't big gubment great?!
According to rumor the radical environmental group Biological Diversity Center has a horde of protestors up there calling for action.

If so, it could be very interesting when the FED's and the Governor move to oust them, especially if they give any advance notice. I think there are hundreds of militia from all over the US that will come to the occupiers aid if they have time to get there.

I think the BLM learned a good lesson last time (2014 NV) to move in with brute force. That is why they are holding off because I think they have been told to stand down.

We have very recent feed back from the occupiers and they are very confident that they will prevail.
>So dude?
>If they are Breaking the F'N
>Why the PPHHUUCCKK Ain't somebody Enforcing
>Answers Please?

If the Feds, state, and local law enforcement are unwilling/unable to do their jobs, I'll be more than happy to fill that building so full of CS gas, Ammon won't be able to breathe correctly until he gets his ass back to Bunkerville.

I was going to say that it woild give him flashbacks of boot camp, but generally these mooches are too chickensh!t to actually enlist, but love to play soldier.

"America. Love it or leave it, but I ain't gonna defend it, just let someone else do the job"
>According to rumor the radical environmental
>group Biological Diversity Center has
>a horde of protestors up
>there calling for action.
>If so, it could be very
>interesting when the FED's and
>the Governor move to oust
>them, especially if they give
>any advance notice. I think
>there are hundreds of militia
>from all over the US
>that will come to the
>occupiers aid if they have
>time to get there.
>I think the BLM learned a
>good lesson last time (2014
>NV) to move in with
>brute force. That is why
>they are holding off because
>I think they have been
>told to stand down.
>We have very recent feed back
>from the occupiers and they
>are very confident that they
>will prevail.

Prevail at what. What exactly are they hoping will happen?
>>lol...go get'm 11B...
>That's rambo to you homer!

We could go tit for tat and go all Waco on them, but I figure once Ammon's sinuses clear at that first whiff of CS, he'll beat feet back to daddy Clive , leaving a greasy brown trail oozing from the pair of underwear mommy sent him after the latest round of handouts.

After that, they'll have a big bonfire and say how well they stick it to the man.
These are the same people who panned to use women as human shields in the NV stand off. creeps.

I don't know why the feds are being so useless. I understand not wanting to make martyrs out of them but the same could be said for any terrorists so why are these getting no resistance whatsoever.

Pretty bad when the tribes are the only ones with enough balls to call for action. stop letting them come and go at will? now why the phuk didn't the FBI think of that?

People in Burns are getting pizzed. if someone doesn't take action the militants around town are going to start getting their guns rammed up their azz.


Stay Thirsty My Friends
Hey dude!

You've said people in Burns have been getting PIZZED for weeks now!


"I don't know why the feds are being so useless"

You Voted Him/Them in Twice,WTF?


>These are the same people who
>panned to use women as
>human shields in the NV
>stand off. creeps.
>I don't know why the feds
>are being so useless.
>I understand not wanting to
>make martyrs out of them
>but the same could be
>said for any terrorists so
>why are these getting
>no resistance whatsoever.
>Pretty bad when the tribes are
>the only ones with enough
>balls to call for action.
> stop letting them come
>and go at will?
>now why the phuk didn't
>the FBI think of that?
>People in Burns are getting pizzed.
> if someone doesn't take
>action the militants around town
>are going to start getting
>their guns rammed up their
> http://www.ktvz.com/news/tribe-urges-feds-stop-letting-refuge-occupiers-come-and-go/37626082
>Stay Thirsty My Friends

"I'm Living & Dieing with the Choices
I've made!"

Dude do you think that the tribes carry any weight with Obama. They are the wrong color for him to pay any attention too

There is a lot of hatred and venom being spouted out here and one would almost think one is reading a radical jihadist blog sheet.

I think the gov't is smart for waiting this one out as I don't think most of us want another Waco or Ruby Ridge. Hopefully the government learned some lessons from their past transgressions. They backed off at the Bundy fiasco in NV when they tried to show a big display of force.

This needs to be settled by negotiation, not brute force.

This whole situation goes back further than most realize. The native Americans claim this as their ancestral lands, several settler/ranchers claimed it for a while and the Hammonds were the last hold outs. Now the government is about to close another chapter on the transformation of the western states un-appropriated land battle. Pray to God that they get this one right.
The Hammonds are not hold outs they're arsonists. they set many fires , they only needed to be convicted of one to go to jail.

Let's be adults about this for a second. what is it the Bundy's want? free grazing for ranchers. the land to be turned back to the " people " .

Anyone who supports this has an obligation to explain how this will play out. so, I don't have many cattle anymore only about 100 mother cows. do I get to graze free on " the people's land " now ? where? can I turn out on the refuge too? there's an unlimited supply of feed there right? so can I turn out at first green and leave them until the snow gets deep? hell everyone should bring a herd it's ours right?

The land already belongs to the people of the US I use it all the time , so who are new " people " who will own it ?

Since we're on a roll here, there are millions of feet of nice yellow pine east of me on USFS land. now that it belongs to " the people " thanks to the Bundy's can I go start logging it and not pay for stumpage just like I don't pay for grazing ?

See where I'm going with this? terrorists with stupid ideas deserve no special considerations. take them out.

Stay Thirsty My Friends

There you go again.

"terrorists with stupid ideas deserve no special considerations. take them out."

How shallow and how misdirected you seem to be. The basic premise of much of this movement is not who owns the land but the right to graze on it. Many, many of these public lands ranchers have been wronged by our Federal Government. These ranchers are fine with all of the other resource users including you the hunter, or the logger or anybody. The few in NM and AZ learned a good lesson. They didn't pay their grazing fees and that got them in big trouble. They have changed their tune now and are going about trying to get the grazing rights in a different way but are signing their permits and paying their grazing fees. The Bundy situation is different in that they still refuse to sign or pay and are using a different tactic. That does not make them terrorists or bad people I don't think. After all most of us realize there is no such thing as a free lunch.

I think you are wrong about the Hammonds. There is too much evidence to the contrary for you to make bold statements about them. They were severely tromped on by the BLM Feds abuse, period! What ever they did they had good reason and don't deserve the retaliation by our own government against them. These are hard working honest people and deserve much better than being castigated and cheered on with , "Yeah go kill the stupid no good terrorists" How truly sad for anybody to be so bitter.
LAST EDITED ON Jan-26-16 AT 10:13AM (MST)[p]Stoney,

Why do the Hammonds accept their fate an not want their named tied with the Bundy band of fake Rambo's?

Why do you believe public land grazers should be exempt from changing regulations coming out of DC? Name a single business in the United States that has not be affected by rules and regulations coming from Government? Ask any Coal Miners and the impact of the end of new coal leases on federal lands. Do you see them occupying government building?

What good reason could the Hammonds have for starting a fire to cover up their poaching incident? I am all ears on that one.

Are the Bundy Band ready to die for their anti government free loading? If they end up in a shoot out, whose fault is it? Seems to me they are the ones who pushed the situation to the point that the American people say enough is enough. The certainly have not gained an popular support for their cause.

It isn't that people are against public land ranchers, it's that people don't like free loaders, the self styled militia's and the wing nuts who claim to be owed a living from public land. Lots of hard working people out there not just ranchers.

Stoney, I hate to say this, but, this whole OR Bundy debacle has been a Public Relations disaster for ranchers.

Not only has it turned just about every non rancher against their cause, but, ranchers are distancing themselves in droves from these guys.

Hope that they figure this out, before they lose even more in the culture war.
You're right on that one. real cattlemen pay their bills and don't expect a free ride.

This isn't about the Hammonds. never was.

There is no culture war in Harney county. of all the places to start a fight this is the dumbest one in the nation. cattle out number people by a good margin, .07 people per square mile and the BLM is grazed to the fullest extent possible every year.

WTF else could the residents ask for? the US taxpayer foots the bill for the land the locals use for profit and recreation. these mouthbreathers are trying to create a problem where one doesn't exist.

Stay Thirsty My Friends

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