Book Cliffs Muzzy Recap


Active Member
First of all i want to thank all that responded to my post before the opener . I also had several PMs that were very informative, Thank you , Thats what makes this site work . Keep up the good work Founder! With the info i recieved from here, OnX maps, and yes some old fashion paper maps i felt i had a good idea what to expect on the area, average size of bucks, hunting pressure, terrain and roads. And areas to stay away from this early in the season, I was only able to scout for 2 days, way to short but thats all i had. In 2 mornings and 2 evenings i glassed up around 40 bucks most in groups of 2 to 5 bucks, lots of small to Medium 3 and 4 point bucks. Nothing that i would call mature. O well still awesome country, Long story short i never found the one that would go on the wall, i ended up with a nice 4x4 with eye gaurds. I was lucky to get a tag and enjoy a new area chasing mulies. It dont get any better!!!!!
If i new how post a pic i would, its prolly easy just never done. Anyone wanna walk me through it
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Big congrats buddy! Never easy going into a new unit. Glad you got a bunch of help and you came away feeling great about the hunt! Take care my friend!
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