Biggest Buck You Have Ever Seen?

What’s the biggest buck you have ever seen

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Here is the biggest buck I have seen on the hoof, funny story, I didn’t have a tag that year, a buddy did. We saw him and watched him walk out of our lives. 3 years later I sell a pair of binos to a guy who frequently hunts our same area, get to talking about that buck and he actually killed it haha 😆 small world. The pics I have are pretty hard to judge since the buck was huge looked like a small elk first time I saw him. I would guess he is a hair over 200 and he was fully intact when I saw him

Biggest buck I've ever seen (preseason) was taken in the Arizona Strip by an outfitted hunter. Had a very distinctive forked cheater point. Score, per outfitter was around 210.
I live by AI, didn't go out this year. 30" and 200" were yearly.

Off the petting zoo,?

Far S. Utah.

On tighter trail, little bro ahead of was 14 I was 16)Seen him just before he crossed in front of us.

Came in the open , broadside looking at us. I was stuck behind him with no shot.

Buck fever hit and he hit the mag release button on the front of his abolt trigger guard and open came the hinge and the mag hit the ground with a clank. Buck bolted into the junipers, I never saw him again.

Got back to the trailhead, me calling him ever name on the planet and met back up withy older cousin who had watched that buck all year. Can still hear "you jackasses just missed a 34" buck"

Told us later a local got him he was 228. Sent us a Polaroid to rub it in.

I can hear that "claaannkkk" as. I'm typing

Absolute tank. Couldn’t relocate him before opening day and another hunter got him. The deer fell off a cliff. When I finally got glass on him the hunter was holding his rack in pieces!

My buddy killed a 205 on the same mountainside a few years previous. Great genetics. Sadly, tags were increased for all seasons here and quality has really diminished.
Hey Hossy!

Sounds Like It Coulda Been Worse!

Finger On Trigger!:D

I live by AI, didn't go out this year. 30" and 200" were yearly.

Off the petting zoo,?

Far S. Utah.

On tighter trail, little bro ahead of was 14 I was 16)Seen him just before he crossed in front of us.

Came in the open , broadside looking at us. I was stuck behind him with no shot.

Buck fever hit and he hit the mag release button on the front of his abolt trigger guard and open came the hinge and the mag hit the ground with a clank. Buck bolted into the junipers, I never saw him again.

Got back to the trailhead, me calling him ever name on the planet and met back up withy older cousin who had watched that buck all year. Can still hear "you jackasses just missed a 34" buck"

Told us later a local got him he was 228. Sent us a Polaroid to rub it in.

I can hear that "claaannkkk" as. I'm typing
I am not 100% sure there are two that would probably be the biggest (not sure which one. The first buck was around 2002. I was hunting a limited entry unit in Idaho. I was on the top of the mountain looking down a steep canyon.

There was a decent 4-point in a large herd of deer and I could not tell that it was a decent buck, without my binoculars. All of a sudden a huge came into view and I did not need binoculars to tell that it was a giant. Tried to follow/track that buck and it easily lost me in the cedars as it split from the herd.

The next week was the last 2 days of the hunt. Me and a friend headed out to try and find this buck. There was a big snowstorm the night before and we ended up with a lot of snow. At daybreak, I immediately see a nice 4x4 and got buck fever and shot it. My friend did not want me to shoot and wanted to search for the other buck (he was probably right, but I was still happy).

The other buck was about the same year. We were hunting cow elk on a late hunt (Jan I believe). We were in Utah, in Providence canyon. The buck was right by the deer fence. I was shocked at how big the buck was and never expected seeing anything like that, in that area. I’m confident that it was well over 200”.

Have not seen anything close to these two bucks, even when I spent a week hunting bison on the Henry Moutains.
View attachment 156055

Absolute tank. Couldn’t relocate him before opening day and another hunter got him. The deer fell off a cliff. When I finally got glass on him the hunter was holding his rack in pieces!

My buddy killed a 205 on the same mountainside a few years previous. Great genetics. Sadly, tags were increased for all seasons here and quality has really diminished.

View attachment 156055

Absolute tank. Couldn’t relocate him before opening day and another hunter got him. The deer fell off a cliff. When I finally got glass on him the hunter was holding his rack in pieces!

My buddy killed a 205 on the same mountainside a few years previous. Great genetics. Sadly, tags were increased for all seasons here and quality has really diminished.
That buck is something out of a dream! You should post up your buddies buck!
My brother had a archery deer tag on the Henry’s years ago and I seen the biggest bucks that I have ever seen during scouting and the hunt. Several of the bucks were killed by outfitters that year and they posted scores and widths on the buck. I used to have pictures but I would have to dig to find them. Two were over 39” wide, four were 190”-200 and three were 200+ with the biggest one being 36” wide 232” score. It was an amazing place.
There's a buck that is, or at least was, hanging in the Beaver county courthouse. I was just a kid, but that's the biggest buck I've seen on the hoof. I can't remember the details, but I want to say it was 220+.
I came across a buck 5 years ago on July 5th and I already knew it was the biggest or going to be the biggest and highest scoring buck I had ever seen. I was confident it would end up around 220-230". After showing a friend pictures and video of it, he wasn't convinced it was going to be that big. Kind of like a lot of forum comments. 😂. The buck was killed during archery season and went 260".
On the 1971 Utah deer opener I watched a monster with points going everywhere run over the ridge in front of me. His body looked like a side of beef and his head gear was tall, wide, and heavy. My buddy threw some Hail Marries at him with his open sighted army 06, but he was way out of my shooting range (Probably 700 yds away at the time, but 300yds was my limit back then) so I just sat there with my jaw on the ground and my bullets in my pocket.
I'm guessing he was North of 250 but we will never know. We lamented that if we would have killed him we would have surely won the jeep given away by Zinik sporting goods. (only old guys know what that's all about)
I was blessed, (and cursed) to see the tail end of the "mule deer glory days"
These are the biggest bucks I have ever seen.

the first one was killed during rifle season and went 227 hard horned.

Both of these bucks were enormous as well, the nontypical was over 230, and the typical went 209 if I remember correctly he was found as a dead head. The nontypical disappeared after this year to my knowledge.
These are the biggest bucks I have ever seen.

the first one was killed during rifle season and went 227 hard horned. View attachment 156367View attachment 156368

Both of these bucks were enormous as well, the nontypical was over 230, and the typical went 209 if I remember correctly he was found as a dead head. The nontypical disappeared after this year to my knowledge.View attachment 156369View attachment 156370View attachment 156371View attachment 156372
The AI nontypical must’ve died?
A good friend of mine hunted this buck on the archery, he had a Texas heart shot at 26 yards and didn't let the arrow fly he says he regrets it to this day.
I hunted the buck during the muzzy and had a few in counters, when I finally got the shot at 130 yards I dropped the hammer and the buck above and behind him drops like a sack of sh!t. I was probably looking at the antlers.
I was disgusted, to watch this buck walk over the ridge.
I believe a youth hunter killed him on the rifle.
I believe it was in 2012 I think he went 226

But this is the biggest buck I've seen
Ive seen a lot of big ones right here on MM haha. On the hoof biggest I saw was while coyote hunting a little over 10 years ago. It was during the archery hunt. I was able to sit and watch him bedded for little over 5 minutes at 25 yards. Saw him once more during the muzzle loader hunt. I would put him at around the 220" mark.
1. a 240 buck on AI that scored just over 240 harvested by Denny.
2. Henry Mountains about 14 years ago during the rut would go 230 as far as I know never harvested.
3. Lindon Utah neighborhood buck 220 shot in town by a local yokel.
Probably 34-35 inch wide? Maybe a touch bigger? No idea what it would have scored. I was told he was hanging out in a place I liked to hunt. I didn't have a tag but I wanted to see him.

Grandpa told me once he saw a buck who's antlers looked as wide as the windshield of my Tacoma. He said I know they weren't that big but I bet he was every bit of 40 wide. It wasn't deer season when he saw it.
Biggest framed buck I’ve seen. I was standing on a cliff above him and took a
shot at him in this bed while he slept. The arrow skipped off a rock and hit the dirt next to his bed, didn’t compensate for my arrow being a couple inches lower than my pin when I leaned over the cliff. I’ve seen a lot that scored way more but this thing has an incredible frame on him.

I have lots of photos and video of the two AI bucks Jake posted up above. "BEAUTY & THE BEAST". Never knew the big typical died that way, or that he was given to someone. I wish it coulda been me, he's still my favorite AI buck ever...

But, I think this buck is the biggest I've ever seen. This photo isn't mine, but I have plenty of photos and some great video of this guy at 40 yards in the velvet... He was killed the same year on AI by the auction tag holder...

The biggest bucks I've seen were back in the 80s. At the time Colorado had separate deer and elk seasons. As luck would have it I saw some absolute giants during the elk only seasons back then.
There was a beautiful 12 point on our farm in CT. Biggest deer Ive seen anywhere. My Dad forbid us from hunting him because he said his offspring will make great deer...that was 1987 and farm has long been sold (death taxes).
I believe this is Gary Caricocili (not sure how to spell it) buck right? I think he was in Muleeycrazy Nevada Gov tag I think

I believe this is Gary Caricocili (not sure how to spell it) buck right? I think he was in Muleeycrazy Nevada Gov tag I think

I am not sure who killed it, but it was in Nevada. The outfitter was Currant Creek Outfitters.
Biggest typical buck I've ever seen (and I've seen a lot of big bucks during the past 50+ years) was during the late Kaibab hunt in 1991, my buddy, Vic, and I were on horseback on the high plateau, late on Day 3 we're headed back to camp after a long day in the saddle. I look off to the right and see a doe bedded down about 50 yards away, I point it out to Vic and we ride on. we go about 300 more yards and I look to the right again and see a large branch about 100 yards away that looks like an antler, my mind says "that's sorta neat", 10 milliseconds later I see another branch that mirrors the first branch, and my mind says "how cool branches that look like antlers", then another 10 milliseconds and the picture comes together, I'm looking at the biggest typical buck I've ever seen, I point and say to Vic "There's a monster buck!', as I say this the buck stands up and starts to move, Vic is getting out of the saddle and pulling his rifle from the scabbard, moments turn to seconds as I'm waiting for Vic to shoot, but no shot comes and the buck disappears into a draw, we mount our cayuses but never see the buck again, my eyeball estimate was 36"-40" outside, 28 in inside, 220 pts+\-, that's my story and I'm sticking to it! There's been many other Kaibab bucks over the years in the 180-200 pt class, a few over 200, and a handful of non-typicals in the 240-260+ class, but those are a different story

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