Big Kitty down!!


Very Active Member
We finally got some snow last night here in CO. I met a friend of mine next to the Highway and then headed up to his house to get the dogs loaded up. On our way to his house we find a huge track right in front of his house and let the dogs go. They start to head toward a highway about 3 miles north of us so we decide to drive around to where we thought they would be to see his favorite dog on the gps coming right at us extremely fast. A car drives by us at 60 mile an hour and we see his dog in the backseat of the car. What the? So we spin around and try to catch up to her to no avail. As we are heading back to get the other dog we got a call from the local pound to pick up a "stray" dog. After this rodeo is all over we finally get the dog back on the track and after another mile we find this.


After 3 arrows we finally got the big tom on the ground and I have my first lion. If you ever get the chance to do this....take it!! I will try to get the video loaded later.


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That is one big ole Tom!!! Congratulations and glad you got the dog back so quickly. I wonder what the deal was with the gal who had the dog in her car.
Wow, great story.

I guess thats what happens when you let your dogs go in a liberal neighborhood. Great pics!
The funny thing is when we got to the pound to pick up the dog they said that the lady that picked him up said she had to fight him into her car and that she wanted us fined and charged. The lady that ran the pound said that her husband runs dogs so she knew exactly what was going on when she saw all the collars around his neck.

I don't know how much he weighed. I actually skinned him there and just packed out the quarters. What would be your guess on weight??

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Dang man! That is a heck of a cat. Looks like it had a pretty full belly on it to. Congrats. Are you going to body mount him?

i was told a good kitty is something over 150. yours seems to 160-170. but im just guesssing from a picture. thats an awesome cat though
Yes full body mount and I'm trying out some ideas of a big tree branch coming out of the vaulted ceiling and have him on it looking down. Don't know if it will work but it would be pretty cool.

We were thinking in the 150 range too. This was the first time I've been around these cats so I don't have anything to judge it by. The video is awesome though, I will try to get it up soon.

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what a great story to go along with an awesome cat! Had to laugh at the (fined and charged statement)! Did the lady actually think a dog with that kind of gear around its neck was lost?
that must be one of show them to me hounds. road hunting and picken up women is bred in to them......thats one nice long tail.
awesome lion.I have a question tho. When you say you skinned him out and packed out the quarters? why would you pack out the quarters? are you gonna eat him or do you get in trouble in certain states for leaving lion remains??
In CO everything has to come out and checked in within 3 days.

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Great cat man, I killed one last year and was about the same size as yours, and have the same mount ideas. If I get some time I'll post a pic that I found of a live cat that I am going to model my mount after.


That 1st pic you posted is absolutely amazing. I would have that pic framed and placed near your mount, when it is completed.

Great job...
I plan to do that. I need to have my wife do a little photoshopping to eliminate the whiteness of the pic. I wish I knew more about photography because I think we could've gotten some awesome pics. Thanks guys for the comments.

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Here it is after playing with the white balance a bit. A little better I think.


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I keep looking at that mountain lion! That is just one amazing looking cat! Wouldn't that be about equivalent to shooting a 200" buck? Those pic's really make me want to go hunt one!
My friend posted the video on my Facebook and I can't figure out how to get it from there to here. If you have a Facebook account you can watch the lion run past him hitting his camera as he runs by. Just do a search for my name on Facebook.

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it takes a big tough man to shoot somthing dogs chase up into a tree, you wanna impress anyone climb up there and kill it with a blade like you got a pair, nancy.
Hornstar you're literally too stupid to insult, so I will just leave it at that.

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Great cat Marley... And I sure like the idea you have for mounting him... Maybe lookin down on your Big ole Henry's buck...?? :D :D I think I remember pics of you getting a bruiser down there last year...??

"Therefore, wo be unto him that is at ease in Zion!" 2 Ne. 28: 24
Great job Marley with the big ole pumpkin head Tom and the lil' pumpkinhead hornstar!!

Can't find you on Facebook, I need a last name. How about a pm.

I don't think there is any other quality so essential to success of any kind as the quality of perseverance. It overcomes
almost everything, even nature.
-John D. Rockefeller
That is a cool pic and cat, congrats to all! Great idea on that branch mount, hope you don't mind if I hopefully steal it someday. Thanks for posting!
Congrats marley!!! Great story and cat!

Horn star - You ever lion hunted? If not, try it before you open your yap. If you are still a douche for your stupid comments.

Horn star I assume that you use a blade to kill your deer. Cause it takes a real tough man to shoot a deer from 100 yards away feeding. If you have never walked to a tree 2-5 miles in 3 feet of snow you might want to recount you comment about beeing tough. Nice Tom marley it's a rush like no other form of hunting. I love sound of hounds tailing through the timber the most.
Awesome lion Marley! I wish I had a buddy with dogs, as that is a critter I'd love to take with my bow.

Has anyone ever eaten mountain lion? I've talked to numerous people who absolutely LOVE the meat. Say it's white and tender. Mostly mental I guess.
the tenderlion of mr kitty is really good. the rest is really tough. if you lion lhunter are not taken the tenderlion your missing some good eating...white meat. like pork?

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