Big Horns Elk


Active Member
I am sitting at enough points to draw a tag for the Big Horns next year. I hunted Western Wyoming last year with my dad and loved the mountains and type of hunting in the those units. My question is how thick are the Big Horns. Most of my research points to it being heavily covered. I really like to class and stalk and not spend as much time in dark timber.
Can I still find enough places in the Big Horns to pull this off. If not I will look else where to burn my 10pts. I can always just split my points and do a general unit. I am just not excited about the pressure we saw last year in the general.

Certainly lots of dark timber in the Big Horns, but also plenty of open meadows and country that the elk move in and out of to feed. If you get a good vantage point, you could glass and hunt it pretty effectively I think. My nephew drew one of the type 9 archery only Big Horn units this fall and one evening while waiting to meet up with them, I glassed several different herds and bulls that came out of the dark timber into the open meadows.

We found it far more successful though on his hunt, to get in the dark timber and move in quietly on the elk as they were bugling and rutting. The Big Horns are such a cool place and some of the most classic elk country you will ever hunt - I hope I can draw a tag there sometime soon!
What was just said above. Lot of success for archery hunters this year. Don't expect a monster bull but 260 to 320 class range is most likely what you will get.

Biggest fail point is all the roads. So many people are lazy and road hunt. Get off the road you will find elk
We cover lots of ground off roads and will usually get into animals at some point. My biggest concern would be how think the timber is. I really like hunting more broken or open terrain. Maybe I can pull some cow tags for my kids next year and take a look at the area before we spend the points on a bull tag. We are looking at units close to the Montana border and probably would stay with rifle.

Thanks again

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