Big Bull Down


Very Active Member
I posted this picture earlier in the year of this bull moose that my buddy had been watching. Here are the pics of opening morning with the bull on the ground with his bow. We went in about 5 am to where we had seen him last. About 5:45 we spotted the bull in the willows with his cow and moved in to about 55 yards. Shooting light was 6:17 and the wind was good so we just wanted to play the waiting game.

10 after 6 I see two people on the skyline looking down in our direction. One of them has a bow. From where we are we are way more visible than the moose would be to these new on-lookers. The cow and bull now stand up and start feeding so we just start watching our watches for the magical 17 after. With 30 seconds to go the cow looks up the hill towards the two guys who are now jogging straight down the hill at the moose in plain sight.

There is no way that they can't see the two of us at this point, but it was clear that they didn't care. The cow had walked around a willow and I told Butch that he needs to move in quick to the 40 yards he wanted to be at. We had planned everything perfect and now these guys were either going to blow it up or shoot the bull out from underneath us. The cow could see that these two guys were coming straight at her so she started heading to the trees. Luckily the bull went to follow her and he came out of the willows broadside at 25 yards to Butch.

He had already drawn back and the bull looked back at the two guys who are now within 150 yards of thise scene(almost at a full run) for just enough time for the arrow to make its way through the upper rib cage of this big ol dude. He looked at the cow who was now bolting away and tried to follow. He made it 35 or so yards toward her direction before stopping. I had ran to some higher ground to see what he was going to do. I could see the broadhead sticking out of one side and the vanes on the other and blood pouring out both sides like a plastic jug that has been shot with a .22. His head started to sway and then his hind legs got wobbly. They then gave out and he tumbled into a willow bush with twigs snapping everywhere.

26 years of putting in and Butch had his bull. It was so awesome just to be there and see it all go down from point blank range. I looked around to see where the two guys were who almost ruined a once in a lifetime chance for us and they were headed back up the way they came. Not only did they almost screw the whole thing up, they didn't even have the gawl to give congrats to those who were an hour ahead of them and already in position. Public land is public land, but that was something I have never seen.

For those who care, here are some fun facts.

49" wide
Mathews Reezen
G5 Montec Broadhead
8 game bags
10 trips to the truck
1 awesome moose on the ground

Anyway, here are the pics. Enjoy......





Here is a hind quarter in the J34 all bones out.



It felt good to get backt to camp, eat some food, change the clothes and hold a big chunck of antler.

"That's a special feeling, Lloyd"
Wyoming. I originally posted as a Utah bull, but my buddy only let me post the velvet pics if I promised not to give the location away. Sorry if that sounds mis-leading, but this bull liked to hang out near roadways sometimes and as you can tell by the story he wasn't the only guy after this bull for obvious reasons.

"That's a special feeling, Lloyd"
Great Bull, good story. You should have called the GW and reported those guys. It takes too many years to draw a moose tag so it's not like these guys were kids. Should have sat down and watched the show. But congrats to your friend and you.
If you are saying that thing is 167. I gotta question the score.

That bull looks a lot more than 167. I can see not a weak point on it.

Spread is good, both eyegards split, paddles at good, great number of points, mass is fine.

What an great bull.
Wow, what a hog. Congrats to the shooter.
Weird he's still got so much velvet on, aren't they starting to rut right now?
I have two thoughts: Wow! and I'm totally jealous! Congrats on taking such an awesome animal. Let us know what he scores after the drying period. Congrats again and thanks for sharing.
What a Sweeeeet bull congrats to you two.

"And just what were these guys doing riding horses in an aspen thicket"
I agree, much better than 167.

I would be thankful that those guys did not come over aftewards. Could have resulted in a shouting match or something. Pulic land is public land and you never can predict what will happen.

Awesome moose.
That is an OUTSTANDING bull. A trophy of a lifetime, congrats to your friend. I can not believe those guys knowingly came in running, thinking they might get a fast shot off at the bull that you guys were already set up on. And what if they did, then there would be a serious confrontation. Do some people really value horn soo much that they are willing to put themself in a this type of situation. I dont want to hunt anything that would stress me out that much. Congrats on your guys' success. Thank god for alarm clocks.
So there are TARDS in Wyoming too?

I always like it when you know the JOKERS have seen you working an animal but they still have the Nerve to try & Screw it up for you!


For "GOSH" Sakes,We got "TARDS" on this Site that can't handle a Damn,I Mean DANG thing,maybe MM should add a Church/Biblical Forum for the MM'ers that can't handle the Hunting Forums?

I don't care if they're big or small!
If they throw lead I like em all!


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