
Long Time Member
I think he will win in a landslide and the GOP will take back the House. The riots and socialist garbage are just too much for most normal people. Might even see a few republican mayors and governors. Blacks are slowly turning on the democrats which could change politics forever in this country.
If the dems are allowed to cheat - and they definitely are trying as they did in the last election and almost got away with it, we're screwed! Ballot harvesting, mail in ballots, fake ID's, fake ballots, weaponizing the highest intelligence & law enforcement agencies in the land. Anyone wonder what was burning in the Chineese consulate in Houston before it was shut down a couple weeks ago? Some say fake ballots.
I had the same question in a previous thread. My mind tells me the silent majority is strong and that these riots are the hill the dems die on , but in todays world , there are lots of progressive lunatics that want socilism and hate trump. Then you factor in the millions that dont do research and vote based on what their parents of friends vote on and know zero about policy , that is what makes me nervous.
Couple that with the cheating Dems and we may see the white house stolen from Trump. Its a huge election and if trump wins it could be the begining of the end of the Dem party , or we may see a fracture because lets be real alot of the dems that have infiltrated are socialist . I hope he wins cause then hopefully we can get pelosi out shes 84 years old and slowly tear down the dem regime that has cost america tons.
I hope Trump is re-elected and the Senate stays red with some lost seats in both there and the House for dems. This will allow the selection of RBG's replacement. 2022 mid-terms I hope the repub's retake the House and the Senate stays red.

I don't think it would be a landslide.
Both sides have and will always try to cheat - thats what politics is all about..

But at the end of the day It’s very simple .. it will come down to how the “Middle” (Moderates, Independents , etc... ) cast their vote!
Trump will not win even if he does win. The Dems will dig deeper until they force critical civil unrest then blame the act like the victim. Democratscanstickituptheirasses with their ruling by feeling as opposed to right vs wrong and fact vs personal feelings.

Personally I'm ready to throat punch a loud mouth liberal. I just ask if you could spare a few bucks for bail money.
Ya that is the thing, Trump has to try to keep the peace right now and lay low, If he is re elected and the crybaby snowflakes want to riot and loot Trump will then send int he calvary to stop them he would already be in and on his last term , no more ass kissing. Just have to hope we can win the house, imagine all he could get done with no obstacles. Only thing about trump is hes prone to huge spending , i think hes already spent more than any president i could be wrong but i thought i read that
He has spent more because of the covid pandemic. He is a business man. He knows he needs to make more, jobs, and good economy, etc, and spend less to be competitive. He like to win.
He has spent more because of the covid pandemic. He is a business man. He knows he needs to make more, jobs, and good economy, etc, and spend less to be competitive. He like to win.

It is shocking how sold out former conservatives are to the belief that government creates jobs and a "good" economy. But as the next statement will be, "yeah how much will Biden/Harris spend?".

How about stop cheerleading for Trump's spending and making every excuse for having a $5.6 Trillion party on the taxpayer's dime in order to "win". If that is a win, then we are all losing.

Vote for Trump because Biden is senile, fine. Vote for Trump because you believe he can "fix" the economy by spending more, then you are part of the problem

It is shocking how sold out former conservatives are to the belief that government creates jobs and a "good" economy. But as the next statement will be, "yeah how much will Biden/Harris spend?".

How about stop cheerleading for Trump's spending and making every excuse for having a $5.6 Trillion party on the taxpayer's dime in order to "win". If that is a win, then we are all losing.

Vote for Trump because Biden is senile, fine. Vote for Trump because you believe he can "fix" the economy by spending more, then you are part of the problem
Fix it please, you never ever gave one solution but bitched about it .
Nemont what’s your solution, besides you hate trump, we get that loud and clear! What could President Trump do that would make you happy?
Nemont what’s your solution, besides you hate trump, we get that loud and clear! What could President Trump do that would make you happy?

Why would me being happy matter? All I pointed out is that people who claim they are conservative simply are no longer on solid conservative core values in their infatuation with all things Trump.

I probably will hold my nose this time around and vote for him because Biden/Harris means more than likely a Harris presidency given Biden's mental decline. We don't need another Californian in the White House ruining the country, there are enough of them already moving out of their state to ruin other states.

Trump was probably my 5th or 6th choice in 2016. I was rooting for Rubio.
Trump had done a great job as a whole, while falsely being investigated and attacked by DNC, Clinton, Obama, Biden, gang.

Trump accomplished more in this term than any other president.
He is my number one choice, because he gets things done and keeps his promises for the most part.
Trump was probably my 5th or 6th choice in 2016. I was rooting for Rubio.
Trump had done a great job as a whole, while falsely being investigated and attacked by DNC, Clinton, Obama, Biden, gang.

Trump accomplished more in this term than any other president.
He is my number one choice, because he gets things done and keeps his promises for the most part.
"My first day in office, I am going to ask Congress to put a bill on my desk getting rid of this disastrous law and replacing it with reforms that expand choice, freedom, affordability," said Trump on Oct. 25, a day after he St. Augustine speech, in Sanford, Florida. "You're going to have such great health care at a tiny fraction of the cost. And it's going to be so easy."

I have a million more.
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Trump is a breath of fresh air.
Can’t be bought, didn’t make his fortune in politics,
Speaks his mind. Doesn’t calculate everything he says before he says it, but at least you know where he stands. Although this often times gets him in trouble, most the time it’s small petty **** that the media blows way out of proportion.
He sticks to his beliefs and what he thinks is important. Doesn’t sway all over the place like K Harris.
Isn’t a pushover, like Biden.
Puts the USA first.
Sincerely gives a crap about the country and all of its “legal” citizens.
Not a life long politician.
Supports our military.
Stands behind our law enforcement.
Supports the second amendment.
Will actually say and acknowledge god, not “oh you know that thing”.
Just to a few things I really appreciate about Trump.
Hey nemont, serious question here, did congress ever put a bill together that he could have signed and he said no, or did congress just sit on their hands as usual? It seems to me that he told them to get him something better put together and he would sign it, I could be dead wrong though and have no proof the he did?
In my opinion congress is more responsible for the shape of this country than is the president right now, I’d say the same if Obama was still president! Until they all see term limits it will never change! They are all more worried about lining their own pockets and chitting on the people of this country! At least the high ranking members are!
Hey nemont, serious question here, did congress ever put a bill together that he could have signed and he said no, or did congress just sit on their hands as usual? It seems to me that he told them to get him something better put together and he would sign it, I could be dead wrong though and have no proof the he did?
In my opinion congress is more responsible for the shape of this country than is the president right now, I’d say the same if Obama was still president! Until they all see term limits it will never change! They are all more worried about lining their own pockets and chitting on the people of this country! At least the high ranking members are!

Didn't he have Republican control of both the House and Senate on day to work with? Seems like that was the same Republican House leadership who voted 71 times to end Obamacare when Obama was the guy but when they had a guy who said he would end it they went AWOL. So who do you blame? The leader who says he could sell sand to an Arab and get the Arab to make a deal that was the greatest ever or congress? Why do you think the House is now run by Pelosi, another Californian BTW.
I agree that he had republican control of both houses, I don’t recall either side stepping up with a bill to sign, hence my thinking congress would be to blame for the lack of action on health care! Trump has a pretty stable record of signing what they put in front of him, that’s why I asked, I couldn’t recall if they had or not!
It’s been no secret that neither side wants to help this nation, they are only there for themselves and the money that comes with! Yours and mine!
I agree that he had republican control of both houses, I don’t recall either side stepping up with a bill to sign, hence my thinking congress would be to blame for the lack of action on health care! Trump has a pretty stable record of signing what they put in front of him, that’s why I asked, I couldn’t recall if they had or not!
It’s been no secret that neither side wants to help this nation, they are only there for themselves and the money that comes with! Yours and mine!

That is one of my biggest gripes, he signs whatever is put in front of him and he has signed on not just to spend your money and my money but trillions from your and my kids, grand kids, great grand kids.

So if he can sell ice to an eskimo why didn't he use his skills to convince congress of the need to get Obamacare repealed and replaced? The only thing they managed to do is end the individual mandate, now with all this COVID BS the individuals are going to be signing up.

It’s seems painfully obvious that no matter what he tries to do good or bad he is met with strong opposition from both sides? They should all be ashamed of themselves and most of them marched off to jail! They all act like a bunch of petulant little kids that can’t have their way! I really believe if Trump had half the support from both sides he would have accomplished more if not most of his promises, it’s pretty tough when everyone is against you! It’s very telling that the republicans voted so highly to abolish Obama care, but when given the opportunity with President Trump they sat on their hands and fought him tooth and nail! In my opinion they should all be out of office, they are not there to help this country like they were elected to do!
If my aunt had balls she would be my uncle. Everyone of the members congress won their elections too, elections have consequences. The Republicans knew that they had nothing viable to replace Obamacare with or they would have done it. Instead they punted.

Go look at the bill that died in the Senate. The one John McCain killed, it did none of what Trump claimed and every Republican breathed a sigh of relief when McCain went to the well and gave the thumps down because they knew they would have paid a heavy political price for taking away some government cheese.

You can’t have it both ways, that never made it to Trump, thank god! Like I’ve said, everyone in congress is so worried about keeping their gravy train running that they simply won’t do the right thing! To get things back on the right track there will be a lot of angry people, most of them angry because they will have to go back to work and be kicked off the government tit! For that to happen everyone from top to bottom would need kicked out and you will be hard pressed to find anyone that would want to replace them if that happened! The ones that step up would likely be worse by ten fold! The only real answer is to make them show some accountability for spending and their actions, and term limits would do wonders to get away from some of the corruption!
The only real big problem I have with President Trump is his mouth and his spending! I can tell you this white all honesty that if Biden/Harris wins I’d wish everyday that Trump was signing the checks and I will be less concerned about his stupid twitts he does! I really feel he truly has the best interest of this country in mind when he does the things he does, you can’t ask a lot more of a president they are human to!
There is another glitch in the ointment. From day one, I repeat from day one, Trump has been fighting hard for his political career due to what the Democrats threw at him. Something that no other president had to endure beginning the day they took office.
Nemont likes to b!tch Trump, but I have strong doubts that Nemont would have done as well as Trump if placed in his shoes.

Biden will screw this country up to the point that it would be unrecoverable. That's if he lives thru his 1st year. Then you have Heels Up Harris taking his place, and you don't even know what lie she is telling you as she screws you over and over again.

Didn't he have Republican control of both the House and Senate on day to work with? Seems like that was the same Republican House leadership who voted 71 times to end Obamacare when Obama was the guy but when they had a guy who said he would end it they went AWOL. So who do you blame? The leader who says he could sell sand to an Arab and get the Arab to make a deal that was the greatest ever or congress? Why do you think the House is now run by Pelosi, another Californian BTW.

I blame McCain

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