back packing uintas



I am wanting to plan a back country uinta archery elk hunt. I am shooting for the last week of the general hunt. If anyone has any trail heads or places to look at it would be much appreciated. Also if someone else does or is wanting to try it I would not mind a hunting partner for the trip.

p.s. this all could change if I cash in my points for the LE elk hunt.
All trailheads lead to elk in the unitas.
None of them lead to lots of elk but there are elk that move all through the mountain range. Some trailheads see a lot more visitors than others. But it is neat country and you'll enjoy your time.
What LE hunt did you apply for?
I don't know much about hunting elk up there but it's a beautiful place to backpack. I've done it several times of varying duration and every experience has been delightful..... even in heavy rain and almost certain death from a lightning storm. Damn cool stuff!
Good luck,
i put n for archery nebo. Can i ask for some names of trail heads to look at, i live in utah county if this helps at all
I have had a great archery hunt in the Uintas several years back. 12 miles from the trailhead get you a lot of solitude. It also got my group into elk:) I went south slope and went into the upper basins. There are plenty of elk and finding them is half the fun...
You don't have to go back in a ways, but it sure helps.

Like one of the other posters said, 12 miles.
I find that past 4 miles, I start to get into more elk.
At 7 miles I get into the kind of elk I am looking for.
Beyond that, less folks, just as many elk.

Its not easy. If you like glassing big country, get ready for a whole different experience.
You will find some places to glass long distances, but you will find loads of the elk are in the thick of it, up close and personal.

My recommendation would be to go on some hikes into different areas in July.
I have had folks tell me that the elk won't be in the same areas in october, but they have been for me.

Red I've hunting the north slope but if you did the south that would save you a lot of driving. Do a scouting trip if you can and bring a fishing pole. You'll have fun.
Goggle earth is a good place to start planning your trip. Scouting for your trip and finding water sources and trails in and out can be done on the Web by using Goggle earth.
Good luck.

"I have found if you go the extra mile it's Never crowded".
>[Font][Font color = "green"]Life member of
>the MM green signature club.[font/]
>All trailheads lead to elk in
>the unitas.
>None of them lead to lots
>of elk but there are
>elk that move all through
>the mountain range. Some trailheads
>see a lot more visitors
>than others. But it is
>neat country and you'll enjoy
>your time.
>What LE hunt did you apply


Almost anywhere you go in the Uintas has elk of the possibility of Elk. Love the Uintas. Patience with a bow should pay off.
Did I what?

I put in for the LE archery on nebo. I was looking at the past draw results I should draw with four points. I also put me, my wife, a friend and my father in for archery deer tags. My dad put in for the LE nebo rifle tag, I believe he has 8 points. It is going to be a busy season for us on the nebo. The only bad part of this is the NG decided to move some training dates. So now I will be gone july 7 tell the end or the first part of august. This really put a kink into my scouting plans.
For some reason if I do not draw my LE tag, the plan is to hunt nebo with my friends and family and see what we can produce. Then I will hunt the uintas the last couple days of the season.
O ya and do full time work and school..........
LAST EDITED ON Apr-11-15 AT 07:19AM (MST)[p]You will enjoy the Unitas, great summer camping and fishing. As mentioned and as you spend time there you will learn the elk are scattered but do like the less traveled areas. Keep in mind the time of year (very warm) and distance when in comes to carrying for the meat, should you connect. Even a few miles from the truck, with horses is a good days work. I was hunting alone last year when I killed this bull in the morning, called a friend to help me pack out, got back to the truck at midnight...long day, no meat lost. Have fun scouting.
sweet bull, did you put a tape to him? I would like to do a scouting trip. If you ever want a hunting partner for a trip I let me know.
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