AZ archery elk 2015


Very Active Member
I drew a unit one tag. It was a fun hunt. Bugling activity was hit and miss. According to many bulls wouldn't come to calls. It was spot and stalk, or try to get in front of the herd. Sometimes bull were done talking at 8 AM and didn't start until just prior to dark. Could have shot some 320-330 type bulls and one 350-360 type bull, but a few branches didn't present a clear shot.
I hunted 3 years ago a unit with my boy that took half of the points to draw that was as good as hunt.
We did see a fair amount elk, quality not what we were hoping for.

So how was the archery hunting and elk activity in other units?
How was the crowding, havnt they really upped the tag numbers on one. Maybe that was the cause of the hit and miss bugles.
plenty of hunters in more common area. Still a lot of hunters the last few days making me think the success was lower this year. Wondering how other units were or if other unit one hunters had much luck?
We hunted Yavapai county, we only had a couple of days where we heard any bugles, but they would come in to cow calls those mornings. I think temps being above average for basically the whole hunt on this side of the state at least dampened the rut alot. Can't complain much as we went 2 for 2 in limited opportunity units.
I certainly wasnt expecting unit 1 to be that tough either. We had minimal success with calls and finally had a spot and stalk situation work for us but that was after quite a few blown opportunities and didnt happen until day 11 !
Took til day 10 to seal the deal. Never hunted the unit before I was told this year was really tough. We were in elk EVERY day and for the most part they were bugling pretty good early until 830am or so. We hunted 3 different areas in the unit throughout the hunt and each was a little different as far as rut activity. We found mature bulls by themselves, some bachelor groups, small 5x5's running large groups of cows and some herds seemed to be going nuts with activity (that's when we finally made the connection with my bull). I had several chances at some much bigger bulls but the stars just didn't align with them (wind swirled so much). Anyhow I was totally stoked to drill this guy!! The call in was just like the videos- he was a true satellite bull coming to steal a cow (we used a Miss Sept decoy). Over all the hunt was a blast would love to hunt it again. We only came across 1 hunter while in the field boots on ground.
Congrats on your bulls Spotnstalk and elk crazy! It was a fun hunt. Not as many 350 plus herd bulls as I planned on from previous hunters. Less bugle activity compared to previous years. I had my chances at a couple 350 type bulls. Bow hunting can be hard. Especially when they don't come to calls, other hunters pursuing the same bull,and not very vocal bulls at times. Some good memories and fun times. I was wondering how other units were and if the bulls were very vocal?

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