average distance shot


Very Active Member
What would you say the average shot is for hunting mule deer and elk in the west with rifle? Say Colorado, New Mexico, Wyoming, Montana and lets throw out the long range guys (600+ yards).

I'm thinking 250 yards is a good average.
LAST EDITED ON Nov-17-10 AT 12:59PM (MST)[p]The hunts I have been on? The average would be around 100 yards........when guys tell stories about long shots I usually cut the distance in half...I'm talking average guys not ranging shots, but 250 sounds pretty accurate.

My personal average is skewed by big buck that I missed a few years ago at 15 feet.....

Before i got a rangefinder, most of my bucks were taken with a 25-06 and were in open mountain country with rimrock, oak canyons and draws. The average shot would probably be 150 yds or so out to 300 or a little more max.

Since the rangefinder and a little more cartridge, my last kills were in order, 360,460,528,200,310, and 327 yds. All were one shot kills but i must say that the longer of these shots seemed like a hell of a long ways out there!

IMO, practicing and working with a rangefinder makes all the difference in the world out past 300 yds.

Before I had a range finder I shot at an elk I thought was 350+
Missed my first shot and then seetle down and put it right were it counts and killed the 6 point with one shot....after the guys came to give me a hand one of them had a range finder and it was 250 yards that was 9 years ago since then my average is 200 to 250.
198, 398, and 446 are my latest kill shots in big open country

Sit tall in the saddle, hold your head up high, keep your eyes fixed to where the trail meets the sky...
until this year my longest was 157 yards. this year i shot 265 yards. my average would be in the 150 range. i hunt the desert and have a good long range setup but so far i havent really had to stretch it
I have killed a few elk under 30 yards and killed deer and elk from 30 yards to 400 plus. I guess you can take that average.... HorseCreek what a smart azz thats funny though lol..
3 cow elk, 75, 100 and 100

6 deer - 3 does - 100, 150, and 230 (estimates on the first two)
3 bucks - 275-300 (scope with hashmarks), 75, and 50 (estimates).

I do what I can to get close. I don't practice beyond 300, and have no desire to shoot that far in the field anyway.
LAST EDITED ON Nov-17-10 AT 09:51PM (MST)[p]Hmmm...

Just going off this year, I shot a bull elk with my bow @ 62 yards and a Deer in colorado @ 612 yards. Both one shot, one kill.

SO my average for this year is 337 yards for all weapons. And my average with a rifle is 612 yards.

I know, I am unethical!!!
good thing all them RUMs are out there for those averages.....

All of mine for elk with a rifle have been between 50-70 yards. Only one was over a 100, it was about 175. With some practice I could shoot at 500+ yards but I feel I am a better stalker than that so I try to get up close and in their grill.

Deer have all been between 100-125 yards. I have passed up a few bucks with my rifle in the 25-50 yard range but at the time, they were not the size I was looking for.


"Hunting is where you prove yourself"
My shots this year were 125 yards for my Wyoming elk (ranged), 250ish for my New Mexico elk (I ranged some other elk at about the same distance but didn't range the elk I shot at), 60 yards for my New Mexico Muley (didn't range, just pointed and shot at him on the run).

Last year I shot and missed at a Wyoming elk at 550 yards (I estimated it at 400 yards without the rangefinder then with the rangefinder it was 550 yards which explained my miss). My New Mexico mule deer last year was at 50 yards (ranged).

Looks like my average is less than 100 yards on successful shots, if you throw in the missed 550 yarder it jumps up to over a 200 yard average.
I recall reading a survey of many outfitters years ago. Based on hundreds of kills, the average distance was like 150 yards.
The optimum cartridge was the 7 Rem Mag or 30-06 since those showing with 338WM could not shoot accurately due to the recoil.

My rifle elk have been 200, 125, 150 yards.
Mule deer have been 350 and 425 yards.
Several Coues whitetail have averaged 200 yards with distances from 100 to about 400 yards.

You are welcome to visit my Photo Gallery here http://dougkoepsel.smugmug.com/
"Mine are 385 on the run through the head. My gun is like a third arm!"

That's funny sh!t! People just don't practice those kinds of shots and that's why they can't make them....LMAO!

I would have to say my average shots on game is about 250. I can take shots out to about 800 but I only hit them about half the time.

"Get that corn out of my face"
Area vegitation and topographical features have a great deal to do with these answers.

I think it is about 200 yards on average if you are in wide open spaces.

It gets shorter as the vegitation gets thicker or the land is featured with hills that are close together or treed up.

Overall, taking all places of the west into consideration.
I think all killing shots would get averaged right at or just a little under 150 yards.

Shots are taken at longer ranges and some have the skill to get that done. Some don't.
my average is 20 yards longest being 70 yards and shortest was my biggest buck at 5 feet from me so shorten the distance from the tip of my rifle
We have taken four elk over the last four years in CO. Farthest was my wife's cow this year at 275 yards. Closest was my cow four years ago at 40 feet in self defense. Two bulls have been killed at 125 and 200 yards.
I hunted the same property for about 30 years and shot about the same amount of bucks. When I got a range finder I would would range where I had shot deer before, funny how I could remember every deer but can't remember my own phone number.
The county was fairly open, mainly oak brush. Shots ranged from 150 to 400 with the average about 250 .
I think your 250yd estimate is right on for the average hunter looking to down a nice animal with rifle. If your looking to kill something really special. Most of the time with a rifle and not archery we see Mule Deer B&C stuff 30+ only getting a glimpse of them at 400-500+ yds. if you could get a shot in the high country. That is why they are still out there. As far as the elk go we only do that up close and personal with a bow...no rifle shots for us...just to much fun stalking them with a bow inside 50 yds.

Killed most of the deer I've shot since 1976 with a 50 cal. round ball muzzleloader, so nearly all were less than a 100 yards. High powered rifle kills throughout the years might average about 200, a few were really short and some on out there a ways. Don't recall anything over 500 but a couple were close. For me a 450 yarder is long long poke, now day's you boys make that sound like a 2 foot putt!

Embarrassing, embarrassing I tell ya.

The last two years have averaged a little longer shooting than most years.

elk 427 ranged (this felt like a LONG shot to me)
elk 373 ranged
deer about 150 guessed
deer 376 ranged

My overall, during 43 years of big game hunting, is probably closer to 225 yd average. I shot a ton of animals way before the new-fangled range finders were invented so this is my best guestimate.

In the last 8 years, for myself I have shot the following with a high power rifle:

Elk 200 yards
Elk 150 yards
Elk 100 yards
Deer 143 yards
Elk 351 yards
Deer 110 yards
Elk 80 yards
Elk 55 yards
Deer 390 yards
Elk 90 yards
I shoot a 300 RUM and have only really needed it on the 390 yard buck. However, It sure is nice to have if you do need it. Not promoting long range shooting but having a gun that shoots fairly flat out to 500 yards sure makes the shot decision easier. I hunt elk in a heavily wooded area which is why most of my elk shots are close range.
Ive never taken a mule deer buck further than 150 yards. Most of them are in the 40 to 80 yards.

Antelope is a different story, my closest shot was just over 300 yards, the couple others were 400+.

For elk, ive taken one at about 150 and another at 200.
Well I shoot a 300 RUM... so i might be out on this one.

This years bulls:
Wyoming: 671
Colorado: 285

That being said I've killed them from 40 yards, I put a lot of time in at the range and brewing up loads for my rifles. I feel comfortable to 800 yards in the right conditions but I don't go out looking for long range shots, I take shots when the opportunity is given whether its 10 yards or 800.
I've only ever taken 2 animals that where more than 50 yards my bighorn sheep at 550 and and a deer at 200. I guess that most guys get there shots at 100 to 200 I've been on a lot of hunts where guys killed between those ranges.
most game is shot under 200 yards even goats. i think it so bizzare how when guys are asked a question like this it is always 500 yards ect. if there was a post of the length of our willies everyone would be at least 10 "
150 yards for me. My longest kill has been just over 200 yds. Closest was 6 yds on a jav. I feel confident out to 300. I wish I had a range to practice on out to 400. I know for a fact it takes some skill and practice to make a 500, 600,+ yd shots.
>most game is shot under 200
>yards even goats. i think
>it so bizzare how when
>guys are asked a question
>like this it is always
>500 yards ect. if there
>was a post of the
>length of our willies everyone
>would be at least 10


10"? I wouldn't fold mine in half for anybody! LOL

PS: If ya have a rangefinder you know how far ir is.
Oh. I've never measured my willie, I don't want to laugh at myself!

Since you said "shots" and not "hits".........my average with a rifle is probably 450. About 125 with archery gear.:)

The vast majority of my hunting is blacktails 50-80 yards.

LAST EDITED ON Feb-13-11 AT 09:42PM (MST)[p]LAST EDITED ON Feb-13-11 AT 09:40?PM (MST)

My longest shot is 1500 yards. My Willie is 3 inches. Hitting a rock at 1500 yards is one thing, trying to take a leak with a bunch of warm clothes on is another. Just kidding about the 1500 yard shot!
Im just going to do a quick list of the ones off the top of my head... (im doing this as much if not more for my own curiosity than for the post.)

Doe-20 yards-97- Bow
Cow- 20 yards- 97-Bow
1x4 muley - 80yds-98- M77 270 Ruger
spike bull elk- 100 yards-98- S&W 270
1x1 Muley - 300 yards-99-M77 270 Ruger
5 x 5 Bull elk- 150 yards-99- S&W 270
1st black bear-100 yards-00- M77 270 Ruger
2 X 2 muley-25 yards-00- Bow
Cow elk-30 yards- 00- Bow
Doe whitetail - 93 yards-01- 44 Mag 8 in barrel
3 by 3 muley- 80 yards-01- 270 S&W
3 x 3 bull - 25 yards-01- Bow
spike bull elk- 250 yards- 02 270 S&W
3 x 3 muley - 450 yards-02-270 S&W
29 year old black bear 10 yards-03- 270 S&W
spike bull elk- 100 yards-03- 300 Win Model 70
4 x 5 muley 200 yards-03- 300 Win Model 70
38 in. Bull Moose- 20 yards-03- 270 S&W
5 x6 muley 150 yards-04- 300 Win Model 70
doe white tail- 10 yards- 04- Bow
5 x 5 bull elk- 15 yards- 04- Bow
4 x 4 Whitetail- 15 yards-05 Bow
Mule deer doe- 20 yards- 05- Bow
Spike bull- 51 yards- 05- Bow
4 x 5 whitetail 300 yards-06- 300 Win. model 70
Mule Deer doe- 250 yards- 06- 300 win. model 70
Doe Whitetail 7 yards-06- Bow
Mule Deer Doe- 250 yard 07- 300 Win Model 70
Whitetail doe- 100 yards- 07- 300 win Model 70
4 x 7 whitetail 75 yards- 07- Remington 700 12 ga.
Chocolate phase bear- 15 yards- 08- 300 win model 70
5 x 5 muley 250 yards-08- 300 Win. Model 70
Doe Whitetail - 15 yards- 08- bow ..
Doe Whitetail - 200 yards-08 - 300 win model 70
Mule deer doe- 350 yards-08- 300 win model 70
Cow Elk - 250 yards-08- 300 win. model 70
5 x5 muley 150 yards - 09- 300 Win. Model 70
spike bull- 150 yards -09- 300 Win. Model 70
Not sure on the years they were
doe-300 yards- 300 win mag-??
fawn- 300 yards- 7mm weatherby-00
15 in. buck- 250 yards- 300 win mag-08
11 in. buck - 100 yards- 300 win mag. 09
6 in. buck - 50 yards- 300 win mag.06
Doe- 150 yards- 300 win mag. - 09-

Now I think I managed to think of all the big game I've harvested? I might be missing a doe or two...

For the 300 I shot a total of 3565 yards shot. (average distance for 300 was 187.63 yards)
For the 270 S&W a total of 1060 yards shot. (average distance for S & W was 151.43 yards)
For the Ruger M77 270 a total of 480 yards shot (average distance was 160 yards)
For my Bow I shot a total of 253 yards shot (average distance was 21.08 yards)
12 Gauge racked up a total of 75 yards
7mm got 300 yards
and finally the 44 pistol racked up 93 yards.

Add these up and I get a grand total of 5,826 total yards shot in my hunting carrier thus far. Divide that by how many animals listed (44) and i shot at an average distance of 132.41 yards. Wow..im messed up i know... But im going to copy this to Word and keep track of this for years to come. thanks for starting this post!

"Like a midget at the urinal, always be on your toes!"

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