Arizona 1999, Archery Deer near Rio Rico


Active Member
I used too make trips for archery deer & javelina in January quite often. It always amazed me how many predators there were. I shot this Buck unfortunately I one lung & liver hit it. I decided to give it a few hours with the hopes of not losing him.

Came back a couple hours before sunrise. As soon as I cut the motor you could hear the coyotes going crazy. The tracking job ended about the time you could start seeing good without a flashlight. I was in total disbelief at what I was seeing, arrow was still stuck between the ribs.

Headed back to Arizona shortly to get back after it after a long break. Just deer & and intel on elk for me, buddy has javelina & deer tag.

Anticipation is building, love Arizona in January.

Happy Trails!


Arizona Hunting Guides & Outfitters

SilverGrand Outfitters

Offering mule deer, elk, antelope, bighorn sheep, javelina, and turkey hunts in Nevada and Arizona.

Arizona Elk Outfitters

Offering the serious hunter a chance to hunt trophy animals in the great Southwest.

A3 Trophy Hunts

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Arizona Strip Guides

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Urge 2 Hunt

THE premier hunts in Arizona for trophy elk, mule deer, couse deer and javelina.

Shadow Valley Outfitters

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