Arctic Adventure



Just back from the Arctic on my muskox hunt.. Myself and my hunting pard, Joe from Las Vegas, had a wonderful trip and experience up in the Canadian Arctic.
The tip went flawlessly from start to finish.

With the proper gear, the cold was not too much of an issue.. I never saw the temp get higher than -18F and I saw it dip as low as -39F.
Got a bit of frostbite on the nose a bit and a little on 2 fingers, but I suppose it is all part of the adventure of seeing the Arctic in full glory.

My friend Wade Derby of Crosshair consulting booked the hunt for us and handled all the logistics of the hunt from start to finish. I have booked quite a few hunts through Wade and I can highly recommend his services and hunt offers.

Arriving in Yellowknife on the way.. 2 more flights north from here still to go!

First morning getting ready to head out! It was -38F that morning!

My trusty steed for the duration of the trip.. We're about 12 miles out on the sea ice in this pic.


My bull. I was 100% happy with him. A grand old trophy!

A pic I cleaned up a bit. Lightened up and cleaned up the blood.

And my pard's bull. His bull was a touch bigger than mine (that's hunting!).. Great length coming back up after the drop.
Great bull, amigo!

With the Arctic in the rearview, it's time to start planning the next adventure.. Off to Europe in Oct with Dennis (Caracal here on AR) to hunt 3 diff countries (Slovenia, Macedonia, Romania) for 3 diff species of chamois. Trying my best to inch ever closer to that much desired Capra Slam!
Nice dude! Man, that was quick, seems like ya just took off

Don't know anything about those wool beasts except that they are very strange...looks like a couple good ones though eh? Sweet ride as well man :)

Thanks for the report, glad ya had a great trip to the frigid North

Cool actually cold...really cold.....the strange land adventures are the best...a feast for the senses and a couple of great bulls.... Love to do the same sometime....we will see... Looking forward to hearing the blow by blow and seeing the mount....
Hey, at least the sky was blue! Dammit man, that's too cold for me right now. I have my sights set on Summer!

Well done Scottyboy, well done! Great bulls for you guys!

I love adventure hunts. They all have their challenges and I'm sure yours was filled with them. That's what makes them an adventue.

When will we get the blow by blow? I can't wait.

Thanks, fellas!

It was a great hunt that I would certainly recommend to anyone with a bit of a sense of adventure to them.

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