Archery Antelope


Hey I am 16 planning on doing an Archery Antelope hunt.
I know the unit somewhat well.
Just need some tips on how to get it done.
Any tips would help.
Welcome punchy!! The eyes of an antelope are key to their survival. Water holes are best IMO, set a blind up early, dress for heat and shadow conditions in the blind, fill a cooler with refreshments, bring a pocket knife or Leatherman, and learn to whittle.
Spot and stalk is fun but you have to learn how to use the terrain to your benefit. If patient can do over water in blind.
Remember-pronghorns can see about 270 degrees. Almost like they have eyes in the back of their head. Move sloooooow....if you're stalking. Or get lucky! Sitting water is probably your best bet.
The problem with sitting water is that there is usually a monsoon like rain storm right before the archery hunt starts and there is water everywhere and their patterns change. Just keep that in mind. If it stays dry then sitting water can be great.

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