Anyone miss oral?

LAST EDITED ON Dec-24-09 AT 09:07AM (MST)[p]"all these clever jokes and one liners make me believe you are all cunning linguists...."

I'm actually a vagitarian..... Terry
I'm sure Manny is praying for us all.....on his knees of course.


Know guns, know peace, know safety. No guns, no peace, no safety.
just 'rib' bin you a bit Manny
LAST EDITED ON Dec-24-09 AT 01:17PM (MST)[p]>just 'rib' bin you a bit

just for the record, because I take my faith seriously, according to home land security, I am considered a possible terrorist... Hmmm

But I am considering leaving this site to the LDS 'er they seem to be more virtuous
He's left before. Just another day in the life of the MM revolving door.

Awww Manny, don't leave. It just wouldn't be the same without you. Seriously, it wouldn't be the same. You're one of the great orators of our time. Mouthpiece of the "boss". You know.

Now, Merry Christmas (notice I did not spell it Xmas) and stop pouting or Santa's not gonna come down your chimney.
A preacher being hypocritical of another religion, classy.

You could go find a site based on your faith and preach their, and talk about hunting here, not religion...just a thought. you'd think you would have learned by now your preaching turns people off, no matter the faith.
The pearls Manny!!! The pearls!!! Quit wasting them!!

"Let's keep things in perspective.I mean for Peet's sake there are kids in Africa that don't even hunt....hello" Jimmy Big Time
>A preacher being hypocritical of another
>religion, classy.
>You could go find a site
>based on your faith and
>preach their, and talk about
>hunting here, not religion...just a
>thought. you'd think you would
>have learned by now your
>preaching turns people off, no
>matter the faith.

>preaching turns people off, no
>matter the faith.

only the haters........
LAST EDITED ON Dec-24-09 AT 11:08PM (MST)[p]
"But I am considering leaving this site to the LDS 'er they seem to be more virtuous"

Good to see you are comeing to your sense's. LOL

Merry Christmas to you too Manny.

The funny thing is most of the people that give you crap aint even LDS.

EDIT: Just so you know Manny I was just kidding about you comeing to your senses.

Besides we all know that would never happen.LOL :)

yah, happy hanukka, I'm not jewish but its the real deal, not the christmas happening, but hey have a good day.....
Merry Christmas Manny! Keep preaching. You're the guy tapping on our shoulder when we go astray. You're a good man!


Know guns, know peace, know safety. No guns, no peace, no safety.
You guys are pathetic, it took me 20 minutes to download this thread and 15 to read each and every line of wit and there isn't even a cute girl in tight fitting clothes in the the whole stinkin' thing. I thought we were headed in the right direction with the monica /Linda theme but nooooo we had to take the bible route without even a turn thru soddam and Ghommorrah to see the pillars of salt...

"Let's keep things in perspective.I mean for Peet's sake there are kids in Africa that don't even hunt....hello" Jimmy Big Time
Niiiiiiiiice!!!!!! Monster Muleys 6:3 "Ask and you shall recieve, Squirrel!"

I'm Catholic, but don't take Catholicism seriously. There are flaws in the religion but it is what I was raised believeing when I couldn't think for myself. Now that I can, I beleive what I want, what I feel strongly about, what I want to pass down to my kids. I don't rely on a specific religion to tell me how I should live my life. LDS, Judaism, Catholicism are guidelines on how you should structure your beliefs, IMO. I don't care what anybody says, there are very few that follow a religions "plan" to a T. Ask any Catholic priest, or LDS or Presbeterian......religions simply give us an outline of what that religion would like us to believe. It's up to us to filter out the BS and create our own belief system. Islamalacam, my Brothers!!

>I'm not missing it. My wife
>is the best at that!!

she certainly is....

great post/pic, thanks for sharing

>Niiiiiiiiice!!!!!! Monster Muleys 6:3 "Ask and
>you shall recieve, Squirrel!"
>I'm Catholic, but don't take Catholicism
>seriously. There are flaws in
>the religion but it is
>what I was raised believeing
>when I couldn't think for
>myself. Now that I can,
>I beleive what I want,
>what I feel strongly about,
>what I want to pass
>down to my kids. I
>don't rely on a specific
>religion to tell me how
>I should live my life.
>LDS, Judaism, Catholicism are guidelines
>on how you should structure
>your beliefs, IMO. I don't
>care what anybody says, there
>are very few that follow
>a religions "plan" to a
>T. Ask any Catholic priest,
>or LDS or Presbeterian......religions simply
>give us an outline of
>what that religion would like
>us to believe. It's up
>to us to filter out
>the BS and create our
>own belief system. Islamalacam, my

if you don't stand for something you'll fall for anything....
You'll only "fall for it" if you're an ignorant person. And if you're an ignorant person, you won't know that you fell for anything anyway.

I've got no problem with religion, just thought I'ld lighten up the tone of this pissing match, those are some SALTY pillars there old rook!! Of the people I know who are VERY religious they are, some of the very smartest I've ever known. The flip side is some of the dumbest I've ever met also follow the straight and narrow to a "T". Just one of life's ponderings while watching the sunrise in the mountains where if you don't see the hand of God you and I are wired different... In my mind God and religion are on parallel but different paths.
.........And the most useless thread while having the greatest longevity for 2009 award goes to....Anyone miss Oral...(applause now)
Oh come on 1911, you can't be serious. With all the stinky-did-this and stinky-did-that threads, most started by stinky, you can't possibly be serious! At least I read all the posts on this one.
Feleno you really should go on the road dude.Maybe with Foxworthy or that "T-Bone" dude Waddell hunts with. Just sayin'...
"No, its the reception hall at the local Super 8 Motel."

Feleno, that's pretty hard to swallow.


Know guns, know peace, know safety. No guns, no peace, no safety.
You guys think your all a real laugh...but when it comes to the day you die, you won't be laughing when your standing before our almighty God and he will be asking you..."WHY"? Satan will be the only one laughing now!

I will be continuing to pray also for changed hearts on here!

LAST EDITED ON Dec-28-09 AT 10:25PM (MST)[p]Now that's funny right there! Of course we won't be laughing, we'll be dead, duh!
I think the folks who miss Oral the most are members of G.L.A.D. and Perez Hilton!

Ultra liberal, wolf loving, illiterate, gay, hippie midgets on crack piss me off!!!!

God made us all individuals. That's why each and every one of us are a unique creation MADE by God. God gave me the ability to express myself how I want about what I want. He gave us personalities that differ with others so this world has diversity. Because we joke about the death of a guy who "spoke the word of God", in your opinion, we may go to hell? Is that what you are saying muleyman? If you really mean that...and I mean truly mean that....then we believe in a different God all together. Your God controls your mind where mine allows me to be creative and accept others for who they are and what they believe.

>God made us all individuals. That's
>why each and every one
>of us are a unique
>creation MADE by God. God
>gave me the ability to
>express myself how I want
>about what I want. He
>gave us personalities that differ
>with others so this world
>has diversity. Because we joke
>about the death of a
>guy who "spoke the word
>of God", in your opinion,
>we may go to hell?
>Is that what you are
>saying muleyman? If you really
>mean that...and I mean truly
>mean that....then we believe in
>a different God all together.
>Your God controls your mind
>where mine allows me to
>be creative and accept others
>for who they are and
>what they believe.

now thats a crock ah, well at least you used a capital G......
Manny- The way you think reminds me of the Spongebob movie when Plankton tried to control everyone by using remote controlled chumbucket hats! I hope that one day, you make it to Shell City and you find the Kings crown and can finally be free!!

All these posts and nobody has proclaimed that Oral will be back by Easter.....I seriously doubt that he was "all that and a beer".

I guess I was always going to be a heathen. It's John Wayne and Charlie Daniels for me.

If John Wayne can't get back.....ol' Oral ain't got a chance.

As far as Manny goes, I am impressed that he has the conviction to put up with all you non-believers.

....I also cannot believe the longevity of this thread.


It's your purgative, but that was the gospel according to Oprah... how bout we just draw straws? or roll the dice?.

Matthew 7:13 Go in through the narrow gate. The gate to destruction is wide, and the road that leads there is easy to follow. A lot of people will go through the wide gate.

John 14:6 Jesus said, "I am the way, and the truth, and the life. The only way to my Father is through me.?

John 10: 1 Jesus said, "I tell you the truth, the person who does not enter the sheepfold by the door, but climbs in some other way, is a thief and a robber.
I agree Deuce. It got the life sucked out of it.


Know guns, know peace, know safety. No guns, no peace, no safety.
LAST EDITED ON Dec-30-09 AT 00:21AM (MST)[p]I heard that in the end Oral had aids

who helped him get around and do stuff at the end of his life. Sucks to be him, eh?


Ultra liberal, wolf loving, illiterate, gay, hippie midgets on crack piss me off!!!!

I normally don't get in to the religion arguements with the thin skins,
but yes,I kinda miss oral,

You've done it now.....if Manny sees this, expect another 100 posts!! I think you're gonna be removed from his 5!!


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